

英文 中文
Sammy. 萨姆
Take your brother outside as fast as you can. 赶快带你弟弟离开屋子
Now, Dean. Go! 快 迪恩 快跑
Dad's on a hunting trip. 爸爸已经踏上了捕猎之旅
He hasn't been home in a few days. 他好几天没回家了
l swore I was done hunting. 我发过誓再也不猎魔了
l can't do this alone. 我一个人没法完成
No! Jess! 不 杰西
I think Dad wants us to pick up where he left off. 我想他想让我们继续他的工作
You know, saving people, hunting things. 就是 救助他人 猎杀恶魔
No. I gotta find Jessica's killer. 不 我得找出杀杰西卡的凶手
Roger that. 收到
Be advised, we found the victim. 大家注意 我们找到受害人了
She's alive. 她还活着
It's okay. It's okay. 没事了 没事了
In there.In there. 在里面 在里面
Choke Team let's go. 进去看看
Freeze! Don't move!Drop the knife. 站住 别动 扔了那把刀
Keep your hands where I see them! 把头抬起来


Drop it. 扔了它
-Hold it right there! - Come on, come on! - 转过来 - 快 快
Now. 就现在
Nice and easy. 慢慢的
Do it. 按我说的做
All right. l figure we hit Tucumcari by lunch, then head south... 好吧 我想我们能在午饭前到达图凯瑞然后向南开
bisbee...then Bisbee by midnight. 顺利的话半夜就能到达
Sam wears women's underwear. 什么时候变得跟个女人一样了
-l've been listening, l'm just busy. - Busy doing what? - 我在听 我只是很忙 - 忙着做什么
Reading e-mails. 读我的邮件
-E-mails from who? - From my friends at Stanford. - 谁发给你的邮件 - 我斯坦福的朋友
You're kidding. You still keep in touch with your college buddies? 你在说笑吧 你还在和你的大学同学联系吗
-Why not? - Well... - 为什么不 - 那么
what exactly do you tell them? 你和他们说过你吗
You know? About where you've been, what you've been doing. 关于你要去那里 你在做过什么
I tell them l'm on a road trip with my big brother. 我告诉他们我正和我哥一起汽车旅行
I tell them l needed some time off after Jess. 我只是告诉他们我需要时间安抚自己
Oh, so you lie to them. 那么你对他们撒谎了
No. I just don't tell them everything. 不 我只是没告诉他们全部
Yeah, that's called lying. 但那就叫撒谎
I get it. Telling them the truth is far worse. 兄弟 这我能理解 告诉他们真相是不太好
So, what am l supposed to do? Just cut everybody out of my life? 那我该做什么 把我的朋友都吓跑吗
-You're serious? - Look, it sucks, but... - 你认真的吗 - 听着 这的确很糟糕
a job like this, you can't get close to people. 但做这样的工作 你不可能和普通人很亲近
You're kind of antisocial, you know that? 是你自己不擅社交 你知道吗
Yeah, whatever. 好吧 随你怎么说
-God. - What? - 天啊 - 怎么了
This e-mail from this girl Rebecca Warren, one of those friends of mine. 这是我朋友瑞贝卡·沃伦发来的邮件
She hot? 她漂亮吗
I went to school with her and her brother Zach. 我和她还有她哥扎克是同学
She says Zach's been charged with murder. 她说扎克因为谋杀罪正被控告
Arrested for killing his girlfriend. 因为杀害他女朋友而被捕
Rebecca says he didn't do it... 瑞贝卡说她哥哥没做过 但是
but it sounds like the cops have a pretty good case. 但看来警察有着比较充足的证据
Dude, what kind of people you hanging out with? 兄弟 你到底和什么样的家伙混在一起
No, I know Zach. He's no killer. 不 我了解扎克 他绝不会杀人
Yeah, well, maybe you know Zach as well as he knows you. 也许你像他一样 都有所隐瞒
They're in St.Louis. We're going. 他们在圣路易市 我们走
Look, sorry about your buddy, okay? 我为你的朋友感到难过
This does not sound like our kind of problem. 但这不是我们该解决的问题


It is. They're my friends. 这是我们的问题 他们是我的朋友
St.Louis is 400 miles behind us, Sam. 圣路易市在我们身后400公里 Sam
-Oh, my God. Sam. - Well, if it isn't little Becky. - 我的天啊 萨姆 - 这不是小贝基
And you know what you can do with that "little Becky" crap. 好吧 你喜欢叫什么就叫什么
-l got your e-mail. - l didn't think that you would come. - 我收到你的邮件了 - 我没想到你会来这里
Dean. Older brother. 我是迪恩 他哥哥
-Hi. - Hi. - 你好 - 你好
We're here to help.Whatever we can do. 我们是来帮忙的 看看我们能做什么
Come in. 进来
Nice place. 房间很漂亮
It's my parents'. 这是我父母的
I was crashing here for the long weekend when everything happened. 过去我只是周末才来这里渡假的 但当这事情发生后
I decided to take the semester off. I'm gonna stay until Zach's free. 我决定这学期休学 等扎克没事之后我看离开
-Where are your folks? - They live in Paris for half the year... - 那你的亲人呢 - 他们在巴黎住了半年
so they're on their way home now for the trial. 现在他们为了审讯正赶来这里
You guys want a beer? 你们要点啤酒或其它什么
-Hey. - No thanks. - 谢了 - 不用了
So tell us what happened. 告诉我们到底发生了什么事
Well... Zach, he came home, and he found Emily tied to a chair. 好吧 扎克回到家 他发现艾米丽被绑在椅子上
And she was beaten up and bloody, and she wasn't breathing, and so he 她被人殴打过 鲜血淋淋 已经没有呼吸 所以他…
He called 911 and the police, they showed up and- 他打911 警察赶来了 可是
And they arrested him. 他们逮捕了他
But the thing is, the only way that Zach could have killed Emily... 但实际是 如果是扎克杀害了艾米丽
is if he was in two places at the same time. 那么只能说明他能够同时身处两地
The police, they have a video. 警察有一盘录象带
lt's from the security tape from across the street. 是从十字路口录象里头剪辑下来的
And it shows Zach coming home at 10:30. 上面记录显示扎克十点半回了家
Now, Emily was killed just after that. 艾米丽就在那后被杀
But l swear, he was here with me having a few beers until at least after midnight. 但我可以发誓他那时正和我一起 喝啤酒直到半夜
You know, maybe we could see the crime scene. 我们可以去看看扎克家的犯罪现场吗
-Zach's house. - We could. - 扎克的家 - 可以吗
I mean, why?I mean, what could you do? 这样你们能做些什么呢
Well, me, not much. But Dean's a cop. 我不行 但迪恩是警察
-A detective, actually. - Really? Where? - 实际上我是侦探 - 真的吗 哪里的
Bisbee, Arizona. 亚利桑那州 比斯比
But l'm off duty now. 但我现在在休假
You guys, it's so nice to offer, but I just-l don't know. 我不明白为什么你们对我那么好 我真的不明白
Beck, look, l know Zach didn't do this. 贝克 听着 我知道扎克没杀人
Now, we have to find a way to prove that he's innocent. 现在我们得证明他无罪
Okay. 那好吧
I'm gonna go get the keys. 我去拿钥匙
You're a real straight shooter with your friends. 兄弟 看来你对你的朋友很坦白
-Look, Zach and Becky need our help. 听着 扎克和贝基 需要我们的帮助
l don't think this is our kind of problem. 可我认为这不是我们该处理的问题
Two places at once?We've looked into less. 你是说一个人同时出现在两地吗 那我们就查到底
You're sure this is okay? 你们觉得这么做合适吗
Yeah. l am an officer of the law. 没问题 我是执法者
Beck, you wanna wait outside? 贝基 你想呆在外面吗
No, I wanna help. 不 我想帮忙
Tell us what else the police said. 告诉我们警察还说了什么
Well, there's no sign of a break-in. 好吧 没有闯入的迹象
They say that Emily let her attacker in. 他们说是艾米丽让凶手进门的
The lawyers, they're already talking about plea-bargain. 律师们也都在考虑怎么样减少刑罚
Oh, God. 噢 天啊
Look, Beck, if Zach didn't do this, it means someone else did. 听着 贝基 如果扎克没那么做 那就是其他人干的…
Any idea who? 能想起是谁吗
There was something. About a week before, somebody broke in here. 对了 这有些事情 大概一星期前 有人破门而入
They stole some clothes. Zach's clothes. 偷了些扎克的衣服
The police, they don't think it's anything. 但是警察他们把这不当回事
I mean, we're not that far from downtown. 我的意思是我们离市中心没那么远
Sometimes people get robbed. 有时候会遭到抢劫
You know, that used to be the sweetest dog. 你知道吗 这狗以前很温顺
What happened? 怎么啦
He just changed. 它变了
Do you remember when he changed? 你还记得它什么时候开始变的呢
I guess around the time of the murder. 就在凶案发生那个时间
So the neighbor's dog went psycho... 扎克女朋友被杀时
right around the time Zach's girlfriend was killed. 邻居家的狗像疯了似地乱叫
Animals can sense the paranormal. 动物通常对超自然现象很敏感
Yeah, maybe Fido saw something. 也许它是看到了些什么
So you think maybe this is our kind of problem? 所以你现在觉得是我们的问题了吧
No, probably not. 这还不能确定
But we should look at the security tape just to make sure. 但我们得看看录象带确定一下
-Yeah. - Yeah. - 是的 - 恩
So the tape, the security footage? 那个录象呢
Think your lawyers could get it?I don't have that jurisdiction. 也许你的律师能弄到它 我没那权限
I've already got it. l didn't wanna say something in front of the cop. 我有带子 我不想在警察前说错什么
I stole it off the lawyer's desk.I just had to see it for myself. 我从律师的桌上偷到了 我只想自己看看
All right. 很好
I'm miss you. 我会想你的
-Why do they always have to send you? - Because I'm the best. - 他们为什么要送你去呢 - 因为我是最棒的啊
Well, l know. That's why I want you to stay home. 我知道 所以我想你留在家里
It's just Kansas City. 我只是去一趟堪萨斯城
Be home tomorrow night and make it up to you. 我明晚就回来 回来弥补你
You'd better. 最好是这样
Here he comes. 他出现了
22:04, that's just after 10. 22点04分 这刚过十点
You said time of death was about 10:30. 你说了死亡时间大概是在十点半
Our lawyers hired some kind of video expert. 我的律师找了几个视频专家
He says the tape's authentic. 他说录象带没问题
It wasn't tampered with. 没有做手脚
Beck, can we take those beers now? 贝克 我们能喝点啤酒吗
-Oh, sure. 喔 当然可以
Hey... Maybe some sandwiches too? 嘿 也拿点三明治 好吗
What do you think this is, Hooters? 你当这里是什么地方啊 餐厅吗
-l wish. What is it? - Check this out. - 你看到了什么吗 - 来看看这个
Maybe it's just a camera flare. 也许只是摄影机的反光
That's not like any flare l've ever seen. 可不象我看过的摄影机的反光
A lot of cultures believe a photo can catch a glimpse of the soul. 许多文明都认为照相能捕捉到灵魂
Remember that dog? Maybe he saw this. 还记得那条发狂的狗吗 也许它就是看到了这个
Maybe this is a dark double of Zach's, something that looks like him but isn't. 也许这是另外一个邪恶的扎克 只是外表和他一样而已

