1. 学生、课程、学生与课程之间的多对多联系,三个模式如下:
- 学生(学号,姓名,性别,专业号)
- 课程(课程号,课程名,学分)
- 选修(学号,课程号,成绩)
# 外键和另一张表的主键关联,不能创建对应表中不存在的外键
2. select语句完整语法如下:
- select 目标表的列名或列表达式序列
- from 基本表名和(或)视图序列
- [where 行条件表达式]
- [group by 列名序列 [having 组条件表达式]]
- [order by 列名 [asc | desc]]
# 写法顺序:select--from--where--group by--having--order by
# 执行顺序:from--where--group by--having--select--order by
# select要放后面,如果有order by,则order by放最后,因为order by 是对结果进行排序
3. Mysql中表student_table(id,name,birth,sex),插入如下记录:
- ('1001' , '' , '2000-01-01' , '男');
- ('1002' , null , '2000-12-21' , '男');
- ('1003' , NULL , '2000-05-20' , '男');
- ('1004' , '张三' , '2000-08-06' , '男');
- ('1005' , '李四' , '2001-12-01' , '女');
执行 select * from student_table where length(name) >= 0 的结果行数是(3)
# 空字符串结果为0,空值NUll不显示
4. 写一段SQL,已知衬衫表SHIRTABLE,请你实现通过窗口函数实现,根据不同的衬衫种类shirt_type,按照销售单价shirt_price从低到高的顺序创建排序表(A)
A. SELECT shirt_name, shirt_type, shirt_price,
RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY shirt _type ORDER BY shirt_price) AS ranking
B. SELECT shirt _name, shirt_type, shirt _price,
PARTITION BY shirt _type ORDER BY shirt _price AS ranking
C. SELECT shirt _name, shirt_type, shirt _price,
RANK (PARTITION BY shirt _type ORDER BY shirt _price) AS ranking
D. SELECT shirt _name, shirt_type, shirt _price,
RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY shirt_type) AS ranking
# 窗口函数
over()窗口函数的语法结构 及常与over()一起使用的分析函数
over()函数中包括三个函数:分区partition by 列名、排序order by 列名、指定窗口范围rows between 开始位置 and 结束位置(可用\可以不用)
# partition by
partition by可理解为group by 分组。over(partition by 列名)搭配分析函数时,分析函数按照每一组每一组的数据进行计算的。
B rows between 开始位置 and 结束位置
是指定窗口范围,比如第一行到当前行。而这个范围是随着数据变化的。over(rows between 开始位置 and 结束位置)搭配分析函数时,分析函数按照这个范围进行计算的。
2.1 聚合类
2.2 排名类
rank() 按照值排序时产生一个自增编号,值相等时会重复,会产生空位(如:1、3、3、6、9)
dense_rank() 按照值排序时产生一个自增编号,值相等时会重复,不会产生空位(如:1、2、2、3、3、4)
row_number() 按照值排序时产生一个自增编号,不会重复(如:1、2、3、4、5、6)
5. Mysql中表student_table(id,name,birth,sex),查询男生、女生人数分别最多的3个姓氏及人数,正确的SQL是(C)
A SELECT sex ,substr(name,1,1) as first_name ,count(*) as c1 from student_table where length(name) >=1 group by first_name , sex order by sex ,c1 desc limit 3 ;B SELECT sex ,substr(name,1,1) as first_name ,count(*) as c1 from student_table where length(name) >=1 and sex = '男' group by first_name order by sex ,c1 desc limit 3 union all SELECT sex ,substr(name,1,1) as first_name ,count(*) as c1 from student_table where length(name) >=1 and sex = '女' group by first_name order by sex ,c1 desc limit 3 ;C select * from ( SELECT sex ,substr(name,1,1) as first_name ,count(*) as c1 from student_table where length(name) >=1 and sex = '男' group by first_name order by sex ,c1 desc limit 3 ) t1 UNION all select * from ( SELECT sex ,substr(name,1,1) as first_name ,count(*) as c1 from student_table where length(name) >=1 and sex = '女' group by first_name order by sex ,c1 desc limit 3 ) t2 ;D select * from ( SELECT sex ,substr(name,1,1) as first_name ,count(*) as c1 from student_table where length(name) >=1 and sex = '男' group by first_name having c1 >=3 order by sex ,c1 desc ) t1 UNION all select * from ( SELECT sex ,substr(name,1,1) as first_name ,count(*) as c1 from student_table where length(name) >=1 and sex = '女' group by first_name having c1 >=3 order by sex ,c1 desc limit 3 ) t2 ;