
英文 中文
For over a century, I have lived in secret 一个世纪以来我一直秘密地活着
until now. 直到现在
I know the risk. But I have to know her. 我知道很冒险可我必须认识她
Elena-- she's a dead ringer for Katherine. 埃琳娜和凯瑟琳长得一模一样
That necklace contains herb called vervain. 那个项链里面有马鞭草
It protects you from being compelled. 可以保护你免受意识强迫
Our love with Katherine wasn't real, Damon. 我们和凯瑟琳的爱情并不真实达蒙
I'm gonna bring her back. 我要让她重返人世
There was a tomb underneath the church. 教堂下面有一个坟墓
The spell sealed Katherine in that tomb, protecting her. 咒语把凯瑟琳封在墓里也保护着她
- Hello, Jenna. - Logan. -你好珍娜-罗根
- Who are you? - A friend of Jenna's. -你是谁-珍娜的朋友
Alaric Saltzman. 阿拉里克·萨尔茨曼
I'm your new history teacher. 我是你们的新历史老师
Grams just showed me this.--I'm a witch. 外婆刚教会了我新魔法我是个女巫
- His face was like...- Are you ok? -他的脸好像是-你还好吗
What's going on Elena? 埃琳娜怎么回事
I'm going to tell her the truth. 我要把真相告诉她
I know that you think 我知道你认为是你
that you brought all of this bad stuff into my life, 让我的生活变得很糟糕
but my life already had it. 但是我的生活以前就很糟糕了
This is different. 那不一样
I know what I want. 我知道我想要什么
I've never been in your room before. 我从没来过你的房间
This room holds every memory that I ever thought 它装着我所有的回忆
was important enough to hold on to. 所有最珍贵的回忆
Elena? 埃琳娜
Elena, it's Stefan. 埃琳娜我是斯特凡
I know that picture must confuse you, 我知道那张照片一定让你感到困惑
but I can explain. 但是我可以解释
I need to explain. So please, when you get this, 我需要解释拜托听到留言
call me. 回电话给我
How ya doing in there? 你怎么样
Damon? 达蒙
You look stuck. 你好像卡住了
It's my seatbelt. 是我的安全带
Let me get you out of here. 我来把你弄出来
I want you to put your hands on the roof. 我需要你把手放在车顶板上
Just like that. 就像那样
You ready? 准备好了吗
I got you. 抱住你了
Are you ok? 你还好吗
Can you stand? 能不能站起来
Anything broken? 伤到哪儿没
You're fading fast, Elena. 你很虚弱埃琳娜
Elena. 埃琳娜
Look at me. 看着我
Focus. 集中注意力
Look at me. 看着我
I look like her. 我长得像她
What? 什么
Upsy-daisy. 起来没事啦
I found one. 我找到了一个
After years of reseah and study, 在多年的调查研究之后
there it was right in front of me. 终于见到一个真正的吸血鬼
I was terrified. 我很害怕
As I stared it in the eyes, 我盯着它的眼睛
I drove a stake through its heart. 把木棍插进了它的心脏
I was right about Mystic Falls. 我对神秘瀑布镇的猜测是正确的
There is evil here. 此处有邪恶的东西存在
I can sense it. Feel it. 我可以感知到感觉到
It's everywhere. 邪气四溢
It's not even 7:00 yet. 还没到7点呢
Which means you shouldn't be awake for at least 6 hours. 意味着你得再多睡6小时才行
I hate morning people. 我讨厌早起的人
I'm gonna be home late. 我今晚会晚点回来
I love you. 我爱你
And I love you, too. 我也爱你
Morning. 早上好
Where are we? 我们在哪
Georgia. 乔治亚州
Georgia? 乔治亚州
No, no. No, we're not. 不...不会的
Seriously, Damon. Where are we? 达蒙说实话我们在哪
Seriously, we're-- we're in Georgia. 说实话我们在乔治亚州
How ya feeling? 你感觉怎样
I--I-- 我我
There's no broken bones. I checked. 你没有骨折我检查过了
My car. There was a man. 我的车当时有个人
I hit a man. 我撞到了一个人
But then he got up and-- who was that? 但是之后他站了起来他是什么东西
That's what I would like to know. 我也想知道
Where is my phone? 我的手机哪去了
Ok. We really need to go back. Nobody knows where I am. 我们必须回去没人知道我去哪了
Pull over. 靠边停车
I mean it, Damon. Pull over! 我说真的达蒙靠边停
Stop the car! 停车
Oh. You were so much more fun when you were asleep. 你睡着的时候可有趣多了
I'm fine. 我没事
We have to go back. 我们必须回去
Oh come on. Look. We've already come this far. 别呀我们都已经走这么远了
Why are you doing this? 你为什么要这么做呢
I can't be in Georgia. I wrecked my car. 我不能来乔治亚州我的车撞坏了
I have to go home. 我得回家
This is kidnapping. 你这是绑架
That's a little melodramatic, don'you think? 说绑架可有点戏剧化了你不觉得吗
You're not funny. 一点都不好笑
You can't do this. I'm not going to Georgia. 你不能这么做我不去乔治亚州
You're in Georgia. 你已经在乔治亚州了
Without your magical necklace I might add. 我该提醒你你没戴那条魔法项链
I can very easily make you 我可以很容易就让你
...agreeable. 乖乖听话
What are you trying to prove? 你到底想证明什么
That's my phone. 是我的手机在响
It's your boyfriend. 是你男朋友
I'll take it. 我来接
Elena's phone. 埃琳娜的手机
Where is she? 她在哪
Why do you have her phone? Is she ok? 你怎么会有她的手机她没事吧
Elena? She's right here. 埃琳娜她和我在一起
And, yes, she's fine. 没错她很好
Where are you? Let me speak to her. 你们在哪里让她接电话
He wants to talk to you. 他想和你说话
Yeah. I don't think she wants to talk to you right now. 似乎现在她不太想和你讲话
Damon, I swear to god, if you touch her... 我发誓达蒙如果你敢动她一根寒毛
You have a good day. 祝你今天愉快
Bye-now. 再见啦
Look. No one knows where I am. 听我说大家会以为我失踪了
Can we please just go back? 拜托了我们回去吧
We're almost there. 我们马上就要到了
Where is there? 到哪去啊
A little place right outside of Atlanta. 亚特兰大城外的一个小地方
Oh, come on, Eena. 别这样埃琳娜
You don't wanna go back right now. Do you? 你现在其实也不想回去对吧
What's the rush? 着什么急呢
Time-out. 休息一下吧
Trust me. 相信我
Your problems are still going to be there when you get home. 你现在赶回去依然得面对那些问题
Step away from your life for 5 minutes. 就暂时抛开你的烦恼
5 minutes. 就一小会儿
- Am I going to be safe with you? - Yes. -你能保证不伤害我吗-当然
Will you promise not to do that mind control thing with me? 你能保证不操纵我的大脑吗
Yes. 我保证
Can I trust you? 我能信任你吗
Get in the car. Come on. 上车吧快点
Hey, Mr. Saltzman. 你好萨尔茨曼老师
Hey, Jeremy. I, uh--can't find my ring. 你好杰里米我找不到我的戒指了
I took it off for the gym. 我健身的时候摘下来了
And thought I put it... 我记得我放在
there it is. 找到了
Losing family heirlooms... bad. 把传家宝丢了不吉利啊
How's your extra credit coming? 你的额外学分做得怎么样了
You pick a topic yet? 选好主题了吗
Mystic falls, the Civil War Era. 南北战争时期的神秘瀑布镇
- What's the angle? - My family. -从什么角度切入-我的家族
I found a journal of an ancestor who lived in the 1800s. 我找到本日志是一位19世纪时的祖先写的
And the Gilberts 吉尔伯特家族
were one of the original founding families of Mystic Falls. 是神秘瀑布镇创始家族之一
So... 所以
That sounds good. 听起来不错
- Bonnie. - Stefan. -邦妮-斯特凡
I haven't seen you lately. 有一段时间没见你了
How are you doing with everything? 你最近怎么样
- I'm fine. It's all fine. - Good. -挺好都挺好的-那就好
Are you back in school? 你又回来上学了吗
No. Actually I came here to find you. 没有我其实是来找你的
I was hoping you could help me with something. 我希望你能帮帮我
A spell. 帮我施法
Stefan. 斯特凡
I know Elena's ok with all of this, 我知道埃琳娜能接受这些事
and I appreciate what you did to help me. 我也很感激你曾经救过我
But I'm not really ready to dive into it with you just yet. 但我现在还不想被卷入你们的世界
I understand. 我能理解
But I need your help. 但我需要你的帮助
It's Elena. 埃琳娜出事了
She's with Damon. 她和达蒙在一起
I have Elena's necklace. 埃琳娜的项链在我这儿
I was just hoping you could use this to make some sort of a connection. 我希望你能借此感应到她
I just need to know that she's ok. 我只想知道她是否安全
How do you know I can do this? 你怎么知道我有此能力
Because I've known a few witches over the years. 多年来我认识了一些女巫
I've seen what they can do. 见过她们的魔力
I'm still new at it. 我还是个新手
It's ok. 没关系
Give it a shot. 试一下
Ok. 好吧
All right. 好吧
There's nothing. 什么都感觉不到
Nothing's happening. 什么都没看到
Usually there's an image or... 通常我会看到影像或
Tell me if anyone's looking. 有人在看的话告诉我一声
What is it? 怎么了
Something's wrong. 不对劲啊
- With elena?- With me. -埃琳娜吗-是我
There's something wrong with me. 我感觉很不对劲
I have to go. 我得走了
I'm sorry, Stefan. I can't hp you. 抱歉斯特凡我帮不了你
So, where's my car? 我的车在哪儿
I pulled it off on the side of the road. 我把它丢在路边了
I don't think anyone will bother it. 没人会管的
What about that man in the road? 我撞到的那个人呢
Was he a...? 他是个...
From what I could tell. Yeah. 依我看来是的
You didn't know him? 你不认识他吗
If I've never met him, I wouldn't know him. 没见过怎么会认识
I mean, it's not like we all hang out together at the 又不是所有的吸血鬼都会聚在
vamp bar and grill. 吸血鬼酒吧或格尔餐厅
Where are we? 这是哪儿
You brought me to a bar? 你带我来酒吧
Damon, I'm not old enough. They're not going to let me in. 达蒙我未成年他们不会让我进去
Sure they will. 肯定会的
No. No, it can't be. 不不不可能吧
Damon. 达蒙
My honey pie. 我的甜心
Listen up everybody. 各位听好了
Here's to the man 在此敬这位
that broke my heart, crushed my soul, 让我伤心让我失魂
destroyed my life 毁我生活
and ruined any and all chances of happiness. 并毁我终身幸福的人
Drink up. 干杯
So...how'd he rope you in? 他是怎么把你骗到手的
I'm not roped in. Actually I'm dating his... 我没被他骗到手其实我在和他的...
Honey, if you are not roped, you're whipped. 宝贝不是被骗的话心甘情愿就更惨了
Either way, just enjoy the ride. 不管怎样享受当下吧
Ok. 好吧
So how did you two meet? 那你们两个是怎么认识的
College. 在大学里
You went to college? 你上过大学
I've been on a college campus, yes. 我上过大学当然
About twenty years ago, 大概20年前
when I was just a sweet, young freshman. 我还是个年轻可爱的新生
I met this beautiful man. 我遇到了这个帅哥
And I fell in love and then he told me about his little secret. 并爱上了他他告诉了我他的小秘密
Made me love him even more. 让我更加无法自拔
because you see I had a little secret of my own that 因为我也有个小秘密
I was dying to share with somebody. 极度想找个人分享
She is a witch. 她是个女巫
You changed my world, you know. 你改变了我的世界
I rocked your world. 我让你的世界丰富多彩
He's good in the sack, isnt' he? 他床上功夫很赞对吧
But mostly he's just 但大部分时候他就是个
a walkaway Joe 负心汉
So... 那么
what is it that you want? 你到底有何贵干
Oh my god. I am so sorry. 天呐实在是太抱歉了
There was this one book wedged between the other. 那本书被另外一本卡住了
And I pulled and then kaplunk, kaboom. 我一抽书就掉下来了
Are you ok? 你没事吧
Yeah, I'm fine. 没关系我没事
I'm Anna. 我叫安娜
I'm Jeremy. 我叫杰里米
Thank god you're back. 你总算回来了
And hello to you, too. 你也好啊
What's the matter? 出什么事了
My powers are gone, grams. 我的魔力没了外婆
I can't do anything, 我什么都做不了
Even when I concentrate. 即使集中精力也不行

