

pdf2swf -s - Set a SWF encoder specific parameter

Usage: ./pdf2swf -s [option][=value] input.pdf -o output.swf
PDF device global parameters:

fontdir=     a directory with additional fonts
font=   an additional font filename
pages=     the range of pages to convert (example: pages=1-100,210-)
zoom=        the resultion (default: 72)
languagedir= Add an xpdf language directory
multiply=  Render everything at  the resolution
poly2bitmap       Convert graphics to bitmaps
bitmap            Convert everything to bitmaps

SWF Parameters:

SWF layer options:
jpegsubpixels=      resolution adjustment for jpeg images (same as jpegdpi, but in pixels)
ppmsubpixels=          shortcut for setting both jpegsubpixels and ppmsubpixels
drawonlyshapes              convert everything to shapes (currently broken)
ignoredraworder             allow to perform a few optimizations for creating smaller SWFs
linksopennewwindow          make links open a new browser window
linktarget                  target window name of new links
bboxvars                    store the bounding box of the SWF file in actionscript variables
dots                        Take care to handle dots correctly
reordertags=0/1             (default: 1) perform some tag optimizations
internallinkfunction= when the user clicks a internal link (to a different page) in the converted file, this actionscript function is called
externallinkfunction= when the user clicks an external link (e.g. http://www.foo.bar/) on the converted file, this actionscript function is called
disable_polygon_conversion  never convert strokes to polygons (will remove capstyles and joint styles)
caplinewidth=        the minimum thichness a line needs to have so that capstyles become visible (and are converted)

insertstop                  put an ActionScript "STOP" tag in every frame
protect                     add a "protect" tag to the file, to prevent loading in the Flash editor
flashversion=      the SWF fileversion (6)
framerate=		    SWF framerate
minlinewidth=        convert horizontal/vertical boxes smaller than this width to lines (0.05) 
simpleviewer                Add next/previous buttons to the SWF
animate                     insert a showframe tag after each placeobject (animate draw order of PDF files)
jpegquality=       set compression quality of jpeg images
splinequality=       Set the quality of spline convertion to value (0-100, default: 100).
disablelinks                Disable links.

