我喜欢疯狂动物城 我喜欢里面的兔子 我喜欢里面的狐狸 我喜欢里面的个人成长 我喜欢里面的对偏见的写实描绘
它虚构却处处真实 真实世界里的残忍和温暖 真实世界里的偏见与
我先来谈谈 我喜欢的兔子
我喜欢她不愿退后的勇气 绝不会输的信心 强大柔软的内心 心怀正义和光明 坚定不移的韧性 她很小的时候就看到了自己所憧憬和向往的地方 哪怕那个地方从来没有一只兔子抵达过 哪怕周围所有人都在嘲笑和否定 即使是自己的父母也不认同自己的梦想 她也没有动摇和放弃 即使害怕也去面对 即使很难也去争取 这大约就是勇气 面对生活所有的偏见和恶意 面对生活所有的困难和残酷 却依然信心满满、勇气满满地去面对、去挣扎。
狐狸幽默风趣、能言善辩,善于揣摩人心,可他也有很脆弱的一面,只是隐藏了起来,相比起兔子,他显得没那么果敢,可多了一分保守,多了一分细致。所以当兔子直接往前冲的时候,是他保存了证据。当兔子受伤了的时候,是他想到了迂回的办法。他用表面的嬉笑怒骂隐藏起了内心被偏见所伤的痛楚却无法磨灭内心的正义和柔软 在兔子努力破案的时候虽然表面漫不经心 却一直配合着她 在兔子也被不公的偏见所压制的时候 也毫不犹豫地向前维护兔子
即使只有最后的6小时 也要去破案
I think growth is a process in which you gradually realize that real life always has two sides . It is not as simple as the innocent fantasy you had ever dreamt about the world when you were a child . And the true is that it is the complexity of hunman nature that determines the two sides of life .
And I think growth is also some kind of breakthrough ,such as get rid of the gloom of old wounds .For some guys ,growth is to loosen your defenses against others and to be truthful if you had been uesd to Camouflaging yourself with jokes. For other guys,growth is to realize you have been keeping prejudices for many things for a long time and it’s time to changes your old thoughts .
At last, I want to share what is the real heroism with you .There is only one true heroism in the world, that is, to recognize the truth of life and still love it.
从过去的伤痛里走出来 尽情拥抱阳光 学会信任和敞开心扉
使命感 Sense of mission
Maybe sense of mission approximately means I just don’t know when to quit . Sometimes we will always find an interesting phenomenon that those with a strong sense of mission will never drop back even if facing fears ,pressures and jeers .
The sense of mission do not
depend on our talents but our choices . The difference between those with a goal and these with a sense of mission is whether to keep on pursuing . If one day you have prepared to throw away all the fears of failures ,you will begin the fantastic trip of being your own super hero .
使命感大概就是 我就是永远都不知道放弃
哪怕受过伤 哪怕沮丧过 我都不想放弃
I think growth is a process in which you gradually realize that real life always has two sides . It is not as simple as the innocent fantasy you had ever dreamt about the world when you were a child . And the true is that it is the complexity of hunman nature that determines the two sides of life .
And I think growth is also some kind of breakthrough ,such as get rid of the gloom of old wounds .For some guys ,growth is to loosen your defenses against others and to be truthful if you had been uesd to Camouflaging yourself with jokes. For other guys,growth is to realize you have been keeping prejudices for many things for a long time and it’s time to changes your old thoughts .
At last, I want to share what is the real heroism with you .Romain Rolain said,There is only one true heroism in the world, that is, to recognize the truth of life and still love it.
Sense of mission
Maybe sense of mission approximately means I just don’t know when to quit . Sometimes we will always find an interesting phenomenon that those with a strong sense of mission will never drop back even if facing fears ,pressures and jeers .
The sense of mission do not
depend on our talents but our choices . The difference between those with a goal and these with a sense of mission is whether to keep on pursuing . If one day you have prepared to throw away all the fears of failures ,you will begin the fantastic trip of being your own super hero .