R笔记 ST4061 12/02/2022


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# ST4061 / ST6041

# 2021-2022

# Eric Wolsztynski

#### Exercises Section 1: Date pre-processing####

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#### Exercise 1: effect of scaling ####





dat = iris[1:100,]


dat$Species = droplevels(dat$Species) 

##由于只取前100行数据作为训练样本,virginica 这个species没用到,所以用droplevels把它去掉


#分别取自变量x 因变量y(species)

x = dat[,1:4]

y = dat$Species

# 对数据做scale 标准化

## method 1 先scale 再自变量因变量分离

dats = dat

dats[,1:4] = apply(dats[,1:4],2,scale)

##method 2 先自变量因变量分离,再对自变量做标准化

## we can apply scaling to the x data directly:

xs = apply(x,2,scale)

# (1)


##iris数据中有四个成分Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width;方差最大的为PCA中的第一主成分


## 用prcomp()做PCA,summary得到的第一行,是对应主成分的标准差;第二行是Var(PCi)/sum(Var(PCi)); 第三行是第二行的累计和

pca.unscaled = prcomp(x)

pca.scaled = prcomp(x,scale=TRUE)

pca.scaled.2 = prcomp(xs) # should be the same as pca.scaled



## Proportion of Variance越大,说明该成分包含的信息越多,如果该成分信息变化,那么总体受影响更大

## summary(pca.unscaled)里,Cumulative Proportion means:

## if you take the first component(PC1), you will capture the 91%, which means it contains the most information

## if you take the first two components, you will capture the 98%, the other two dimensions in the data sets are probably redundant.

## 如果你有前两个成分的数据,那你就抓住了98%的信息, 那么剩下两个成分就是多余的,不重要的

# plot the data on its first 2 dimensions in each space:






plot(x[,1:2], pch=20, col=y, main="Data in original space")

biplot(pca.unscaled, main="Data in PCA space")

abline(v=0, col='orange')

# see the binary separation in orange along PC1?

# re-use this into biplot in original space:

pca.cols = c("blue","orange")[1+as.numeric(pca.unscaled$x[,1]>0)]

plot(x[,1:2], pch=20, col=pca.cols,

main="Data in original space\n colour-coded using PC1-split")


plot(pca.unscaled) # scree plot

biplot(pca.unscaled) # biplot

plot(pca.scaled) # scree plot

biplot(pca.scaled) # biplot

# now analyse this plot :)

# 从图中可以看出两点:



# Petal.Length和Petal.Width capture the same kind of direction of information, Sepal.Length and Sepal.Width have smaller contribution than those two.

# (2)logistic regression


logreg.unscaled = glm(Species~., data=dat) # make this work

#family='binomial' means do logistic regression

logreg.unscaled = glm(Species~., data=dat, family='binomial')

logreg.scaled = glm(Species~., data=dats, family='binomial')

#family='binomial' means do logistic regression

# discuss...

# (...unscaled and scaled 's coefficients are the fits different?)

cbind(coef(logreg.unscaled), coef(logreg.scaled))

#the signs are the same(两个数据的正负符号是一致的)

#but the contributions of each of the variables has changed, sometimes relate to each other(但是系数和影响变化了,但是有时是有联系的)

#have a swap between SP and SL, probably because there is a lot of redundancy between them.(SP和SL的大小交换了,可能因为有太多冗杂的东西在里面)


#0.9793217 means a high correlation them, 相关性很强,SP和SL可以混同(confused),他们可以相互交换(interchangeable)

# (... does this align 一致 with the PCA analysis?)

# (yes, we see a change in the role of each variable in the information space,但是PCA里PL和PW是主成分PC1 PC2,他们在逻辑回归里的系数也是很大的两个

# (... and why this align 一致 with the PCA analysis?为什么PCA和逻辑回归会一致)

# (They are both linear techniques)

# (3)


x.m = model.matrix(Species~.+0, data=dat)#unscaled

lasso.cv = cv.glmnet(x.m, y, family="binomial")#用cv.glmnet去找到后面lasso要用的lambda

lasso.unscaled = glmnet(x.m, y, family="binomial", lambda=lasso.cv$lambda.min)

lasso.pred = predict(lasso.unscaled, newx=x.m, type="class")


xs.m = model.matrix(Species~.+0, data=dats)#scaled

lasso.cv = cv.glmnet(xs.m, y, family="binomial")

lasso.scaled = glmnet(xs.m, y, family="binomial", lambda=lasso.cv$lambda.min)

lasso.s.pred = predict(lasso.scaled, newx=xs.m, type="class")


cbind(coef(lasso.unscaled), coef(lasso.scaled))

#由此可见,scaled和unscaled的intercept很不一样,这是因为我们在scaled里centred all the covariance,which means the data in scaled are all central zero,所以there is very little need for an intercept parameter

table(lasso.pred, lasso.s.pred)


#### Exercise 2: data imputation ####




boxplot(lung$meal.cal~lung$sex, col=c("cyan","pink"))

# can you think of other ways of analyzing this?

# (1) lung cancer data: compare meal.cal values between male and female cohorts,

# and discuss w.r.t. gender-specific data imputation

# NB: "missing at random" vs "missing not at random"??





#数据中有NA,处理missing value

#167/228= 0.7324561,有73%的数据,剩下的是不全(丢失)的数据

#data imputation:fill out the missing value补全丢失数据

#replacing the missing values with the mean or media of the variable for the data set.

nas = is.na(lung$meal.cal) # track missing values 看看哪些值是NA

table(nas, lung$sex) #统计男女中各自NA的个数

imales = which(lung$sex==1)#将data set男性的数据位置找出来

m.all = mean(lung$meal.cal, na.rm=TRUE)#男女总体的mean

m.males = mean(lung$meal.cal[imales], na.rm=TRUE)#男性的mean

m.females = mean(lung$meal.cal[-imales], na.rm=TRUE)#女性的mean

t.test(lung$meal.cal[imales], lung$meal.cal[-imales])#预测男女包含missing value的mean是否相等

# p= 0.01989<0.05, 意味着alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0, 男女包含missing value的mean是不相等的,所以要用不同的imputation值去填补他们

# significant difference, hence must use different imputation

# values for each gender

# (2) Run Cox PHMs on original, overall imputed and gender-specific imputed

# datsets, using the cohort sample mean for data imputation. Compare and discuss

#用不同的数据去填充missing value,比较他们用COX模型拟合的差别

# model fitting output.

dat1 = dat2 = lung

# impute overall mean in dat1:

dat1$meal.cal[nas] = m.all #假如都用整体的mean来填充

# impute gender=sepcific mean in dat2:

dat2$meal.cal[(is.na(lung$meal.cal) & (lung$sex==1))] = m.males#用女的均值填充女

dat2$meal.cal[(is.na(lung$meal.cal) & (lung$sex==2))] = m.females#用男的均值填充男

#Fit Cox proportional hazard models: Cox比例风险回归模型


cox0 = coxph(Surv(time,status)~.,data=lung) #没有填充missing value

cox1 = coxph(Surv(time,status)~.,data=dat1) #直接填充不分男女

cox2 = coxph(Surv(time,status)~.,data=dat2) #分男女填充








#由比较可见,没有填充和两种填充方法三者meal.cal coefficient的结果差不多

# - dat1 and dat2 yield increased sample size (from 167 to 209, both imputed

# datasets having 209 observations) dat1和dat2产生了增加的样本大小(从167到209,都有209个观测数据集)

# - overall coefficient effects comparable between the 2 sets

# - marginal differences in covariate effect and significance between lung and {dat1;dat2}

# - no substantial difference between dat1 and dat2 outputs


#### Exercise 3: data imputation ####



dat = Hitters


# (1) (Deletion)


sdat = na.omit(dat)#返回删除NA后的数据

sx = model.matrix(Salary~.+0,data=sdat)

sy = sdat$Salary

cv.l = cv.glmnet(sx,sy)

slo = glmnet(sx,sy,lambda=cv.l$lambda.min)

# (2) Simple imputation (of Y) using overall mean

ina = which(is.na(dat$Salary))#把NA的位置找出来

dat$Salary[ina] = mean(dat$Salary[-ina])

x = model.matrix(Salary~.+0,data=dat)

y = dat$Salary

cv.l = cv.glmnet(x,y)

lo = glmnet(x,y,lambda=cv.l$lambda.min)

# (3)

#删除 OR 补充缺失值;fit lasso模型;再用拟合好的lasso模型做出估计的y^;比较真实值与用lasso模型估计出来的估计值的标准差

slop = predict(slo,newx=sx)#用fit好的lasso模型

lop = predict(lo,newx=x)



#画图比较用delete和Simple imputation两种方法拟合的模型做出来的每一个y^的差距,如果是45度直线,说明两种方法预测的y^是差不多的



abline(lm(lop[-ina]~slop), col='navy')

# What could we do instead of imputing the Y?


#### Exercise 4: resampling ####



#### Exercise 5: resampling (CV vs bootstrapping)####


# Implement this simple analysis and discuss - think about

# (sub)sample sizes!

# 跳过shuff过程

#n = nrow(trees)#都要先洗牌,重新随机排列一下原数据

#trees = trees[sample(1:n, n), ]

x = trees$Girth  # sorted in increasing order...

y = trees$Height

plot(x, y, pch=20)


N = nrow(trees)

# (1) 10-fold CV on original dataset


K = 10

slp <- numeric(K)

itc <- numeric(K)

cc <- numeric(K)

folds = cut(1:N, K, labels=FALSE)

for(k in 1:K){

i = which(folds==k)

# train:

lmo = lm(y[-i]~x[-i])

slp[k] <- lmo$coefficient[2]

itc[k] <- lmo$coefficient[1]

cc[k] = summary(lmo)$coef[2,2]

# (NB: no testing here, so not the conventional use of CV)




# (2) 10-fold CV on randomized dataset

# shuffle it


mix = sample(1:nrow(trees), replace=FALSE)

xr = trees$Girth[mix]

yr = trees$Height[mix]


K = 10

ccr = numeric(K)

folds = cut(1:N, K, labels=FALSE)

for(k in 1:K){

i = which(folds==k)

lmo = lm(yr[-i]~xr[-i])

ccr[k] = summary(lmo)$coef[2,2]








t.test(cc,ccr)#p>0.05,拒绝备择假设alternative hypothesis,true difference in means is equal to 0

var.test(cc,ccr)#F-test (var.test()) p<0.05,接受备择假设alternative hypothesis,true ratio of variances is not equal to 1


#p>0.05,accept H0, rejept H1(alternative hypothesis)

# (4) Bootstrapping (additional note)用BT来做,跟CV比较


K = 100

cb = numeric(K)

for(i in 1:K){

# bootstrapping

ib = sample(1:N,N,replace=TRUE)

lmb = lm(y[ib]~x[ib])

cb[i] = summary(lmb)$coef[2,2]





par(font=2, font.axis=2, font.lab=2)

boxplot(cbind(cc,ccr,cb), names=c("CV","CVr","Bootstrap"))



####Explain why these are different?如何评价####

round(cc, 3)


#we have 36.8% points out-of-BT, so using 368 points as test set, 632 points as train set


N = 1000

x = runif(N, 2, 20)

y = 2 + 5*x + rnorm(N)





for(j in 1:R){

  mix=sample(1:N,replace = F)



  folds=cut(1:N,K1,labels = F)


  mse = pred.err = numeric(K1)

  for(k in 1:K1){

    i.train = which(folds!=k)

    o = lm(yr~xr, data=data53, subset=i.train)

    i.test = which(folds==k)

    yp = predict(o, newdata=data53[i.test,])

    pred.err[k] = mean((yp-yr[i.test])^2)





###Bootstrapping command+shift+c 全选加注释

# K2 = R*K1

# pred.err.BT = numeric(K2)

# for(j in 1:K2){

#  mix=sample(1:N,replace = T)

#  xr=x[mix]

#  yr=y[mix]

#  data53=as.data.frame(cbind(xr,yr))

#  o = lm(yr~xr, data=data53)

#  yh = o$fitted.values

#  pred.err.BT[j] = mean((yh-yr)^2)

# }

# mean(pred.err.BT)

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# ST4061 / ST6041

# 2021-2022

# Eric Wolsztynski

# ...

#### Exercises Section 2: Regularization ####

# --------------------------------------------------------


#### Exercise 1: tuning LASSO ####


# Have a go at this exercise yourself...

# you can refer to ST4060 material:)



Hitters = na.omit(Hitters)

x = model.matrix(Salary~., Hitters)[,-1]

y = Hitters$Salary

cv.rd <- cv.glmnet(x,y)

ridge_mod = glmnet(x, y, alpha = 0, lambda = cv.rd$lambda.min)

pred.rd <- predict(ridge_mod, newx=x)



sqrt(mean((pred.rd - y)^2))




the_grid = 10^seq(10, -2, length = 100)

n <- length(the_grid)

criterion = numeric(length(the_grid))

for(i in 1:n){

  fit = glmnet(x, y, alpha = 0, lambda = the_grid[i])

  pred.fit <- predict(fit, newx=x)

  criterion[i] = sqrt(mean((pred.fit - y)^2))





#### Exercise 2: tuning LASSO + validation split ####


# Have a go at this exercise yourself too...

# you can refer to ST4060 material:)

# --------------------------------------------------------

# ST4061 / ST6041

# 2021-2022

# Eric Wolsztynski

# ...

#### Exercises Section 3: Classification Exercises ####

# --------------------------------------------------------

# install.packages("class")

# install.packages("MASS")

# install.packages("car")

# install.packages("ISLR")

# install.packages("pROC")

# install.packages("carData")

library(class) # contains knn()

library(MASS)  # to have lda()



library(ISLR) # contains the datasets



#### Exercise 1: kNN on iris data ####



# shuffle dataset first:

z = iris[sample(1:nrow(iris)),]

# Here we focus on sepal information only

plot(z[,1:2], col=c(1,2,4)[z[,5]],

    pch=20, cex=2)

x = z[,1:2] # sepal variables only

y = z$Species

# Here's how to use the knn() classifier:

K = 1

n = nrow(x)

# split the data into train+test:

i.train = sample(1:n, 100)

x.train = x[i.train,]

x.test = x[-i.train,]

y.train = y[i.train]

y.test = y[-i.train]

ko = knn(x.train, x.test, y.train, K)

tb = table(ko, y.test)

1 - sum(diag(tb)) / sum(tb) # overall classification error rate, error rate越小越好


confusionMatrix(data=ko, reference=y.test)#显示the error matrix

#Here, Accuracy : 0.7 which is sum(diag(tb)) / sum(tb); 95%Confidence interval around its accuracy matrix;还能比较3种class的Sensitivity 和 Specificity


# Build a loop around that to find best k:

# (NB: assess effect of various k-values

# on the same data-split)

Kmax = 30

acc = numeric(Kmax)#acc越大越好

for(k in 1:Kmax){

  ko = knn(x.train, x.test, y.train, k)

  tb = table(ko, y.test)

  acc[k] = sum(diag(tb)) / sum(tb)


plot(1-acc, pch=20, t='b', xlab='k')#从图中找到最低点,就是最好的k

#评价:if k is too small(overfitting), decision boundry is overly flexible, low bias+large variance

#      if k is too large(underfitting), decision boundry is not flexible enough, high bias+small variance


#### Exercise 2: GLM(logistic regression) on 2-class iris data ####


n = nrow(iris)

is = sample(1:n, size=n, replace=FALSE)

dat = iris[is,-c(3,4)] # shuffled version of the original set, and hold sepal variables only

# record into 2-class problem:转化成2-class problem “是virginica”=1 OR “不是virginica ”=0

dat$is.virginica = as.numeric(dat$Species=="virginica")

dat$Species = NULL # "remove" this component


is = 1:100 # training set

fit = glm(is.virginica~., data=dat, subset=is, family=binomial(logit))

pred = predict(fit, newdata=dat[-is,], type="response")#返回值是estimated probabilities



y.test = dat$is.virginica[-is] # true test set classes

boxplot(pred~y.test, names=c("other","virginica"))#通过箱线图可以看出“virginica”和“not virginica”通过glm分开的比较彻底

abline(h=0.5, col=3)

#roughly 70% of data would be classified correctly.

# for varying cut-off (ie threshold) values, compute corresponding

# predicted labels, and corresponding confusion matrix:

#find the best cutoff

err = NULL

for(cut.off in seq(.1, .9, by=.1)){

  pred.y = as.numeric(pred>cut.off)

  tb = table(pred.y, y.test)

  err = c(err, (1-sum(diag(tb))/sum(tb)))


plot(seq(.1, .9, by=.1), err, t='b')

#choose the best cutoff to classification.


pred.y = as.numeric(pred>cut.off)

tb = table(pred.y, y.test)

err = (1-sum(diag(tb))/sum(tb))


#### Exercise 3: LDA assumptions ####


## (1) 2-class classification problem


#(1)转换成0 1

dat = iris

dat$Species = as.factor(ifelse(iris$Species=="virginica",1,0))


#用0 1 区分是virginica还是非virginica并不直观,不如用virginica or other 来区分,如下:

# to recode cleanly, you could use for instance:

dat$Species = car::recode(dat$Species, "0='other'; 1='virginica'")

#(3)先转化成0 1,再命名

# or:直接让levels变成virginica or other

#dat$Species = as.factor(ifelse(iris$Species=="virginica",1,0))#先变成0 1

#levels(dat$Species) = c("other","virginica")#再对0 1 命名



plot(iris[,1:2], pch=20, col=c(1,2,4)[iris$Species], cex=2)



      pch=20, bty='n')#3-class

plot(dat[,1:2], pch=20, col=c(1,4)[dat$Species], cex=2)



      pch=20, bty='n')#2-class:virginica or not virginica

#由于LDA需要满足两个assumption:normal-distribution;equal variance,否则将不能用LDA方法分类

#First assumption: all histograms are looking like normal distribution

#Second assumption: 每个predictor的方差相同

##First,we need to explore distribution of each predictors(每一列指标):(看是否满足正态分布)


#here, the first four columns are the predictors(or features/attributes/covariates/variables), the last column is class

# 1.boxplots seem relatively symmetric画箱线图看他是否对称:

#look at each column of the dataset:


for(j in 1:4){






#here you can see there is a clear separation between the two classes, except the sepal.width

#so we decide to use the three other predictors to make a classification




#here we can see there is 96%(超过90%就可以这么说) correlation between Petal.Width and Petal.Length, which means these two predictors can tell us the same information

#2.只看箱线图是不够的,还要看是否是histogram正态分布 but we'd rather check for Normality more specifically:

par(mfrow=c(2,4), font.lab=2, cex=1.2)

for(j in 1:4){

  hist(dat[which(dat$Species=='other'),j], col='cyan',

      xlab='predictor for class other',


  hist(dat[which(dat$Species!='other'),j], col='pink',

      xlab='predictor for class virginica',



#PL and PW for the other class are definitely not normal,其他的图都是approximately normal

#It means there may be a limitation of our analysis if we decide to use LDA here.


#3.除了用柱状图判断是否normal,也可以用QQ图 could also use QQ-plots:

par(mfrow=c(2,4), cex=1.2)

for(j in 1:4){

  x.other = dat[which(dat$Species=='other'),j]

  qqnorm(x.other, pch=20, col='cyan',


  abline(a=mean(x.other), b=sd(x.other))

  x.virginica = dat[which(dat$Species!='other'),j]

  qqnorm(x.virginica, pch=20, col='pink',


  abline(a=mean(x.virginica), b=sd(x.virginica))


# So what do you think?

#在45度线上的是normal distribution,很明显PL和PW在other上不是

## Check initial assumption of equality of variances:all predictors have same variance for each class

# Bartlett's test with H0: all variances are equal, p>0.05 接受H0,有相同的variance

for(j in 1:4){

  print( bartlett.test(dat[,j]~dat$Species)$p.value )



# Shapiro's test with H0: the distribution is Normal

for(j in 1:4){

  print( shapiro.test(dat[which(dat$Species=='virginica'),j])$p.value )


for(j in 1:4){

  print( shapiro.test(dat[which(dat$Species=='other'),j])$p.value )

}#PL和PW的p value 很小,不normal

## Fit LDA model to this dataset and check accuracy:

lda.o = lda(Species~., data=dat)


# can we track some of the values in that summary?


#Here tells us there are one third data belongs to virginica, and two thirds belongs to other class.

#It means we don't have balance in how each class represented in the data set.


  apply(dat[which(dat$Species=='other'),1:4], 2, mean),

  apply(dat[which(dat$Species=='virginica'),1:4], 2, mean)


# what about the coefficients of linear discriminates?那么线性微分的系数呢?

x = as.matrix(dat[,1:4])

proj = x %*% lda.o$scaling #取每一列的数据,乘lda.o$scaling

plot(proj, pch=20, col=dat$Species, cex=2)

#we can see, the projections increase as we move from one class to another

# little hack to recover the fitted values quickly

predo = predict(lda.o, newdata=dat)



predo$posterior#有0.9990663400的概率第一个测试样本属于other class,有0.0009336600的概率它属于virginica

y = predo$x


plot(proj, y)#由此我们能看出,the scores used by LDA in order to generate the predictions and probabilities are the result of proj by using lda.o$scaling directly.(y=proj)

plot(y, predo$posterior[,2])

boxplot(y ~ (predo$posterior[,2]>.5))#第二列probabilities > 0.5 是virginica(TRUE)

boxplot(proj ~ (predo$posterior[,2]>.5))#两种画出来的图是一样的,因为y和proj相等

# NB: The way these coefs is calculated follows the MANOVA approach

# popular hack to recover the fitted values:

fitted.values = predict(lda.o, newdata=dat)$class 



(tb.2 = table(fitted.values, dat$Species))

sum(diag(tb.2)) / sum(tb.2)#accuracy

#LDA will be more efficient than LR when class are well separated.

## (2) 3-class classification problem

dat = iris

## Explore distribution of predictors:

# boxplots seem relatively symmetric:


# here's just a loop to save having to write 4 boxplot

# instructions with names by hand (being lazy often

# makes for nicer code):

for(j in 1:4){


          xlab = 'Species',

          ylab = 'predictor',




# but we'd rather check for Normality more specifically:

Ls = levels(dat$Species)


for(j in 1:4){

  hist(dat[which(dat$Species==Ls[1]),j], col='cyan',


  hist(dat[which(dat$Species==Ls[2]),j], col='pink',


  hist(dat[which(dat$Species==Ls[3]),j], col='green',



# could also use QQ-plots:


for(j in 1:4){

  x1 = dat[which(dat$Species==Ls[1]),j]

  qqnorm(x1, pch=20, col='cyan', main=names(dat)[j])

  abline(a=mean(x1), b=sd(x1))

  x2 = dat[which(dat$Species==Ls[2]),j]

  qqnorm(x2, pch=20, col='pink', main=names(dat)[j])

  abline(a=mean(x2), b=sd(x2))

  x3 = dat[which(dat$Species==Ls[3]),j]

  qqnorm(x3, pch=20, col='green', main=names(dat)[j])

  abline(a=mean(x3), b=sd(x3))


# So what do you think now?

## Check initial assumption of equality of variances:

# Bartlett's test with H0: all variances are equal

print( bartlett.test(dat[,1]~dat$Species)$p.value )

print( bartlett.test(dat[,2]~dat$Species)$p.value )

print( bartlett.test(dat[,3]~dat$Species)$p.value )

print( bartlett.test(dat[,4]~dat$Species)$p.value )

## or if in lazy mode:

for(j in 1:4){

  print( bartlett.test(dat[,j]~dat$Species)$p.value )


## Fit LDA model to this dataset and check accuracy:

lda.o = lda(Species~., data=dat)


ftted.values = predict(lda.o, newdata=dat)$class

(tb.3 = table(ftted.values, dat$Species))

sum(diag(tb.3)) / sum(tb.3)


### Exercise 4: LDA


## (1) 2-class classification problem

dat = iris

dat$Species = as.factor(ifelse(iris$Species=="virginica",1,0))

levels(dat$Species) = c("other","virginica")

n = nrow(dat)


dat = dat[sample(1:n),] # shuffle dataset

i.train = 1:100

dat.train = dat[i.train,]

dat.test = dat[-i.train,]

lda.o = lda(Species~., data=dat.train)

lda.p = predict(lda.o, newdata=dat.test)


(tb = table(lda.p$class, dat.test$Species))


# QDA:

qda.o = qda(Species~., data=dat.train)

qda.p = predict(qda.o, newdata=dat.test)

(tb = table(qda.p$class, dat.test$Species))


## (2) 3-class classification problem

dat = iris

n = nrow(dat)


dat = dat[sample(1:n),]

i.train = 1:100

dat.train = dat[i.train,]

dat.test = dat[-i.train,]

# LDA:

lda.o = lda(Species~., data=dat.train)

lda.p = predict(lda.o, newdata=dat.test)


(tb = table(lda.p$class, dat.test$Species))


# QDA:

qda.o = qda(Species~., data=dat.train)

qda.p = predict(qda.o, newdata=dat.test)

(tb = table(qda.p$class, dat.test$Species))



### Exercise 5: benchmarking


## (1) benchmarking on unscaled data

#ROC图像 横纵坐标都越接近1越好, AOC是线与横轴包围的面积,也是越大越好





n = nrow(Default)

dat = Default[sample(1:n, n, replace=FALSE), ]

# get a random training sample containing 70% of original sample:

i.cv = sample(1:n, round(.7*n), replace=FALSE)

dat.cv = dat[i.cv,] # use this for CV (train+test)

dat.valid = dat[-i.cv,] # save this for later (after CV) (HOLD-OUT)

# tuning of the classifiers:

K.knn = 3

# perform K-fold CV:

K = 10

N = length(i.cv)

folds = cut(1:N, K, labels=FALSE)

acc.knn = acc.glm = acc.lda = acc.qda = numeric(K)

auc.knn = auc.glm = auc.lda = auc.qda = numeric(K)


for(k in 1:K){ # 10-fold CV loop

  # split into train and test samples:

  i.train = which(folds!=k)

  dat.train = dat.cv[i.train, ]

  dat.test = dat.cv[-i.train, ]

  # adapt these sets for kNN:

  x.train = dat.train[,-1]

  y.train = dat.train[,1]

  x.test = dat.test[,-1]

  y.test = dat.test[,1]

  x.train[,1] = as.numeric(x.train[,1])

  x.test[,1] = as.numeric(x.test[,1])

  # train classifiers:

  knn.o = knn(x.train, x.test, y.train, K.knn)

  glm.o = glm(default~., data=dat.train, family=binomial(logit))

  lda.o = lda(default~., data=dat.train)

  qda.o = qda(default~., data=dat.train)

  # test classifiers:

  knn.p = knn.o

  glm.p = ( predict(glm.o, newdata=dat.test, type="response") > 0.5 )

  lda.p = predict(lda.o, newdata=dat.test)$class

  qda.p = predict(qda.o, newdata=dat.test)$class

  tb.knn = table(knn.p, y.test)

  tb.glm = table(glm.p, y.test)

  tb.lda = table(lda.p, y.test)

  tb.qda = table(qda.p, y.test)

  # store prediction accuracies:

  acc.knn[k] = sum(diag(tb.knn)) / sum(tb.knn)

  acc.glm[k] = sum(diag(tb.glm)) / sum(tb.glm)

  acc.lda[k] = sum(diag(tb.lda)) / sum(tb.lda)

  acc.qda[k] = sum(diag(tb.qda)) / sum(tb.qda)


  # ROC/AUC analysis:AUC值越大越好

  # WARNING: THIS IS NOT Pr(Y=1 | X), BUT Pr(Y = Y_hat | X):

  knn.p = attributes(knn(x.train, x.test, y.train, K.knn, prob=TRUE))$prob

  glm.p = predict(glm.o, newdata=dat.test, type="response")

  lda.p = predict(lda.o, newdata=dat.test)$posterior[,2]

  qda.p = predict(qda.o, newdata=dat.test)$posterior[,2]

  auc.knn[k] = roc(y.test, knn.p)$auc

  auc.glm[k] = roc(y.test, glm.p)$auc

  auc.lda[k] = roc(y.test, lda.p)$auc

  auc.qda[k] = roc(y.test, qda.p)$auc


boxplot(acc.knn, acc.glm, acc.lda, acc.qda,

        main="Overall CV prediction accuracy",


boxplot(auc.knn,auc.glm, auc.lda, auc.qda,

        main="Overall CV AUC",


##### Taking a closer look at performance

roc(y.test, glm.p)$auc#真实值 预测值

plot(roc(y.test, glm.p))



(tb = table(y.test, glm.p>.5))

pred = as.factor(glm.p>.5)

pred = car::recode(pred, "FALSE='No'; TRUE='Yes'")

caret::confusionMatrix(y.test, pred)






##### Further exercises for you to do:

## adapt code to evaluate sensitivity and specificity

## add validation analysis...

## repeat on scaled data... 会对KNN有影响


### Exercise 6: benchmarking, again


## (1) benchmarking on unscaled data


n = nrow(Default)

dat = Default[sample(1:n, n, replace=FALSE), ]

# get a random training sample containing 70% of original sample:

i.cv = sample(1:n, round(.7*n), replace=FALSE)

x = dat.cv = dat[i.cv,] # use this for CV (train+test)

dat.valid = dat[-i.cv,] # save this for later (after CV)

# Recover ROC curve manually from whole set:

n = nrow(x)

acc = numeric(length(thrs))

sens = spec = numeric(length(thrs))

thrs = seq(.05,.95,by=.05)

for(ithr in 1:length(thrs)){

  thr = thrs[ithr]

  glmo = glm(default~., data=x,


  tb = table(glmo$fitted.values>thr, x$default)

  acc[ithr] = sum(diag(tb))/sum(tb)


  # calculate sensitivity for a given threshold

  sens[ithr] = tb[2,2]/sum(tb[,2])

  # calculate specificity for a given threshold

  spec[ithr] = tb[1,1]/sum(tb[,1])

  # prediction






plot(spec, sens)#能看出来spec增加,sens会下降


# Evaluate a cross-validated ROC curve manually:

# 手工评估交叉验证的ROC曲线:

n = nrow(x)

K = 10

train.acc = test.acc = matrix(NA, nrow=K, ncol=length(thrs))

folds = cut(1:n, K, labels=FALSE)

k = 1

thrs = seq(.05,.95,by=.05)

for(ithr in 1:length(thrs)){

  thr = thrs[ithr]

  for(k in 1:K){

    itrain = which(folds!=k)

    glmo = glm(default~., data=x,



    tb = table(glmo$fitted.values>thr, x$default[itrain])

    train.acc[k, ithr] = sum(diag(tb))/sum(tb)


    # calculate sensitivity for a given threshold

    sens[ithr] = tb[2,2]/sum(tb[,2])

    # calculate specificity for a given threshold

    spec[ithr] = tb[1,1]/sum(tb[,1])

    # prediction

    p.test = predict(glmo, x[-itrain,], type='response')

    tb = table(p.test>thr, x$default[-itrain])

    test.acc[k,ithr] = sum(diag(tb))/sum(tb)






# --------------------------------------------------------

# ST4061 / ST6041

# 2021-2022

# Eric Wolsztynski

# ...

#### Exercises Section 4: Tree-based methods 用树来分类####

# --------------------------------------------------------


#### Exercise 1: growing and pruning a tree ####


#decision tree:从所有变量中挑出一个最重要的来作为根结点,后面的每一阶都是从所有变量里选最重要的一个作为下一个节点,这会使得有重复的变量被选中,画出的树特别大,造成overfitting

#因此,我们需要对做出的tree做删减pruning,目的是找到一个最理想的tree size分级大小,也就是方差dev最小的那个


library(ISLR) # contains the dataset

library(tree) # contains... tree-building methods

# Recode response variable so as to make it a classification problem

High = ifelse(Carseats$Sales<=8, "No", "Yes")

# Create a data frame that includes both the predictors and response

# (a data frame is like an Excel spreadsheet, if you like)

CS = data.frame(Carseats, High)

CS$Sales = NULL#把sale去掉

CS$High = as.factor(CS$High) # <-- this bit was missing 必须有 不然后面会warning

# Fit the tree using all predictors (except for variable Sales,

# which we have "recoded" into a cateorical response variable)

# to response variable High

tree.out = tree(High~., CS)


# plot the tree


text(tree.out, pretty=0)

#The tree is fully grown, there is lots of little branches, maybe have a very detailed breakdown, means there is an overfitting of the dataset

# pruning:修剪



cv.CS = cv.tree(tree.out, FUN=prune.misclass)#添加prune.misclass函数以找到合适的size


# - size:

# number of terminal nodes in each tree in the cost-complexity pruning sequence.

#two method to control the depth of the tree:

# (1)- deviance:

# total deviance of each tree in the cost-complexity pruning sequence.

# (2)- k:

# the value of the cost-complexity pruning parameter of each tree in the sequence.



plot(cv.CS$size,cv.CS$dev,t='b')#find which size  has the smallest deviation 93 (偏差:观测值-真实值)



abline(v=cv.CS$size[which.min(cv.CS$dev)])#marking the 最合适size的location


# use pruning:

# - use which.min(cv.CS$dev) to get the location of the optimum

# - retrieve the corresponding tree size

# - pass this information on to pruning function

opt.size = cv.CS$size[which.min(cv.CS$dev)] #Find the optimal size

# see:



ptree = prune.misclass(tree.out, best=opt.size) #using the optimal size to pruning the tree





text(tree.out, pretty=0)


text(ptree, pretty=0)

#Compare with the initial treem, there is fewer branches in prune tree.


#### Exercise 2: apply CV and ROC analysis ####


# Train/test:


n = nrow(CS)

itrain = sample(1:n, 200)#一共有400组数据,随机选取其中的200个作为训练向本

CS.test = CS[-itrain,]

High.test = High[-itrain]

# argument 'subset' makes it easy to handle training/test splits:

tree.out = tree(High~., CS, subset=itrain)#总体的树,没有修剪过



text(tree.out, pretty=0)

# prediction from full tree:

tree.pred = predict(tree.out, CS.test, type="class")#总体的树的预测值

(tb1 = table(tree.pred,High.test))#总体的树对High的混淆矩阵

# prediction from pruned tree:

ptree.pred = predict(ptree, CS.test, type="class")#修剪过的树的预测值

(tb2 = table(ptree.pred,High.test)) # 修剪过的树的confusion matrix

sum(diag(tb1))/sum(tb1)#总体的树的准确度#classification rate


#预测错的值老师叫做misclassified obsevations

#预测错的概率叫misclassification rate

#准确度高的老师叫做is better suited to predict unseen data

# perform ROC analysis


# here we specify 'type="vector"' to retrieve continuous scores

# as opposed to predicted labels, so that we can apply varying

# threshold values to these scores to build the ROC curve:


ptree.probs = predict(ptree, CS.test, type="vector")#在画ROC的时候,必须用type="vector"

roc.p = roc(response=(High.test), predictor=ptree.probs[,1])








#AUC < 0.5,比随机猜测还差




#### Exercise 3: find the tree ####



#由于decision tree有许多缺点,比如重复选择,太庞大,overfitting,用一个更为优化的分类方法叫做Bagging

#用Bootstrap,每次BT里选一个新的variable做节点往下分,high variance, low bias,用于分类和回归都可以


# ... can you find it?


#### Exercise 4: grow a random forest ####


#更好的一种方法,each learner:可以针对某一种特性来分类random subset is considering feature Q






# ?Carseats

High = as.factor(ifelse(Carseats$Sales <= 8, 'No', 'Yes'))

CS = data.frame(Carseats, High)

CS$Sales = NULL

P = ncol(CS)-1  # number of features(把High去掉)

# grow a single (unpruned) tree

tree.out = tree(High~., CS)

# fitted values for "training set"按照decision tree直接全部预测

tree.yhat = predict(tree.out, CS, type="class")

# grow a forest:建立一个森林

rf.out = randomForest(High~., CS)

# fitted values for "training set"按照randomForest直接全部预测

rf.yhat = predict(rf.out, CS, type="class")

#If you want to perform bagging instead of random forest

# compare to bagging: using all features,not include y 这种方法叫bagging(用了全部的variables);rf可以随便选用mtry,自定义用多少feature

bag.out = randomForest(High~., CS, mtry=P)#添加mtry= P = ncol(CS)-1  # number of features(把High去掉)

# fitted values for "training set"

bag.yhat = predict(bag.out, CS, type="class")#按照bag直接全部预测

# confusion matrix for tree:

(tb.tree = table(tree.yhat, High))#按照decision tree直接全部预测的混淆矩阵

# confusion matrix for RF

(tb.rf = table(rf.yhat, High))#按照randomForest直接全部预测的混淆矩阵,可以看出分类全部正确,perfect

# confusion matrix for bagging

(tb.bag = table(bag.yhat, High))#按照bag直接全部预测的混淆矩阵

# Note this is different to the confusion of RF

# matrix for the OOB observations:OOB对建树时未使用的数据(bootstrap没用到的数据)进行误差估计

(tb.rf2 = rf.out$confusion)#rf.out是真实的数据直接放到RF里,不做预测,说明真实情况下按照用RF方法应该有部分数据是错误分类的

sum(diag(tb.tree))/sum(tb.tree)#decision tree方法精确度91%




#原本bag做出来的精确度应该比rf低,但现在它比rf的精确度高了,1>0.8141762, 说明bag出现了over fit

# train-test split


N = nrow(CS)

itrain = sample(1:N, 200)

CS.train = CS[itrain,]

CS.test = CS[-itrain,]

tree.out = tree(High~., CS.train)

# fitted values for "train set"

tree.yhat = predict(tree.out, CS.train, type="class")

# fitted values for "test set"

tree.pred = predict(tree.out, CS.test, type="class")

rf.out = randomForest(High~., CS.train)

# fitted values for "training set"

rf.yhat = predict(rf.out, CS.train, type="class")

# fitted values for "test set"

rf.pred = predict(rf.out, CS.test, type="class")

bag.out = randomForest(High~., CS.train, mtry=(ncol(CS)-2))

# fitted values for "training set"

bag.yhat = predict(bag.out, CS.train, type="class")

# fitted values for "test set"

bag.pred = predict(bag.out, CS.test, type="class")

# confusion matrix for tree (test data):

(tb.tree = table(tree.pred, CS.test$High))

# confusion matrix for RF (test data):

(tb.rf = table(rf.pred, CS.test$High))#better performance of rf

# confusion matrix for Bagging (test data):

(tb.bag = table(bag.pred, CS.test$High))#bagging is not as good as rf





#### Exercise 5: benchmarking ####


###### Exercise 5: benchmarking (this exercise is left as homework)######

# bring in that code from Section 2 (below) and add to it:

library(class) # contains knn()

library(ISLR) # contains the datasets




#### (1) benchmarking on unscaled data对未缩放数据进行基准测试####



n = nrow(Default)

dat = Default[sample(1:n, n, replace=FALSE), ]

i.cv = sample(1:n, round(.7*n), replace=FALSE)

dat.cv = dat[i.cv,] # use this for CV (train+test)

dat.valid = dat[-i.cv,] # save this for later (after CV)

# tuning of the classifiers:

K.knn = 3

K = 10

N = length(i.cv)

folds = cut(1:N, K, labels=FALSE)

acc.knn = acc.glm = acc.lda = acc.qda = numeric(K)#prediction accuracies

auc.knn = auc.glm = auc.lda = auc.qda = numeric(K)#AUC

acc.rf = auc.rf = numeric(K)

for(k in 1:K){ # 10-fold CV loop

  # split into train and test samples:


  i.train = which(folds!=k)

  dat.train = dat.cv[i.train, ]

  dat.test = dat.cv[-i.train, ]


  # adapt these sets for kNN:

  x.train = dat.train[,-1]

  y.train = dat.train[,1]

  x.test = dat.test[,-1]

  y.test = dat.test[,1]

  x.train[,1] = as.numeric(x.train[,1])

  x.test[,1] = as.numeric(x.test[,1])

  # train classifiers:

  knn.o = knn(x.train, x.test, y.train, K.knn)


  glm.o = glm(default~., data=dat.train, family=binomial(logit))# 做logistic regression

  lda.o = lda(default~., data=dat.train)#做LDA

  qda.o = qda(default~., data=dat.train)#做QDA

  rf.o = randomForest(default~., data=dat.train)#做randomForest


  # test classifiers:

  # (notice that predict.glm() does not have a functionality to

  # return categorical values, so we copmute them based on the

  # scores by applying a threshold of 50%)

  # 测试分类器:

  # (注意 predict.glm() 没有功能

  # 返回分类值,因此我们根据

  # 通过应用 50% 的阈值得分)

  knn.p = knn.o

  glm.p = ( predict(glm.o, newdata=dat.test, type="response") > 0.5 )

  lda.p = predict(lda.o, newdata=dat.test)$class

  qda.p = predict(qda.o, newdata=dat.test)$class

  rf.p = predict(rf.o, newdata=dat.test)


  # corresponding confusion matrices:

  tb.knn = table(knn.p, y.test)

  tb.glm = table(glm.p, y.test)

  tb.lda = table(lda.p, y.test)

  tb.qda = table(qda.p, y.test)

  tb.rf = table(rf.p, y.test)


  # store prediction accuracies:

  acc.knn[k] = sum(diag(tb.knn)) / sum(tb.knn)

  acc.glm[k] = sum(diag(tb.glm)) / sum(tb.glm)

  acc.lda[k] = sum(diag(tb.lda)) / sum(tb.lda)

  acc.qda[k] = sum(diag(tb.qda)) / sum(tb.qda)

  acc.rf[k] = sum(diag(tb.rf)) / sum(tb.rf)


  # ROC/AUC analysis:


  # WARNING: THIS IS NOT PR(Y=1 | X), BUT Pr(Y = Y_hat | X):

  knn.p = attributes(knn(x.train, x.test, y.train, K.knn, prob=TRUE))$prob

  glm.p = predict(glm.o, newdata=dat.test, type="response")

  lda.p = predict(lda.o, newdata=dat.test)$posterior[,2]

  qda.p = predict(qda.o, newdata=dat.test)$posterior[,2]

  #auc.knn[k] = roc(y.test, knn.p)$auc

  auc.glm[k] = roc(y.test, glm.p)$auc

  auc.lda[k] = roc(y.test, lda.p)$auc

  auc.qda[k] = roc(y.test, qda.p)$auc


boxplot(acc.knn, acc.glm, acc.lda, acc.qda,

        main="Overall CV prediction accuracy",



boxplot(auc.glm, auc.lda, auc.qda,

        main="Overall CV AUC",


boxplot(auc.knn, auc.glm, auc.lda, auc.qda,

        main="Overall CV AUC",



### Exercise 6: Variable importance from RF ####





# ?Carseats

High = as.factor(ifelse(Carseats$Sales <= 8, 'No', 'Yes'))

CS = data.frame(Carseats, High)

CS$Sales = NULL

# grow a forest:

rf.out = randomForest(High~., CS)

# compare to bagging:

bag.out = randomForest(High~., CS, mtry=(ncol(CS)-1))

cbind(rf.out$importance, bag.out$importance)

#bag会让原本重要的variable更重要,会让不重要的variable更不重要,because essentially those strong predictors have a better chance to get selected every time.



varImpPlot(rf.out, pch=15, main="Ensemble method 1")#Price最重要,urban最不重要

varImpPlot(bag.out, pch=15, main="Ensemble method 2")

#Mean decrease Gini, 纵坐标是减小的幅度,减小的幅度越大,也就是数值越大,variable越重要。



#### Exercise 7: gradient boosting ####


# gradient boosting model  梯度增强模型

# 之前的方法,下一阶与上一阶会有相关性,为了减小correlation

# 找到真实值与预测值的残差,下一阶基于上一阶的残差分析,每一阶都弥补了上一阶的残差,可以减小偏差

# 缺点:容易over fit,比较敏感

library(ISLR) # contains the dataset

library(tree) # contains... tree-building methods


library(gbm)  # contains the GB model implementation


# Recode response variable so as to make it a classification problem

High = as.factor(ifelse(Carseats$Sales<=8, "No", "Yes"))

CS = data.frame(Carseats, High)

# remove Sales from data frame, just to make formulas simpler!

CS$Sales = NULL 



itest = sample(1:nrow(CS), round(nrow(CS)/4))#题目里面要求选100个作为测试样本

CS.test = CS[itest,]#测试样本

CS = CS[-itest,]



# Note:

gbm(High~., data=CS, distribution="bernoulli")



# so we must recode the levels...

CS$High = (as.numeric(CS$High=="Yes")) # 前面HIGH是factor,这里又变会numeric(yes=1,no=0), this hack could be useful

gb.out = gbm(High~., data=CS,

            distribution="bernoulli", # use "gaussian" instead for regression

            n.trees=5000, # size of the ensemble

            interaction.depth=1) # depth of the trees, 1 = stumps 限制每棵树的深度




#n.trees:即number of iteration—迭代次数。迭代次数的选择与学习速率密切相关







# inspect output:


summary(gb.out, las=1)#summary函数返回自变量的相对重要性


plot(gb.out, i="Price")# i is the index of variable or which variable you want to pick


plot(gb.out, i="ShelveLoc")


gb.p = predict(gb.out, newdata=CS.test, n.trees=5000)


roc.gb = roc(response=CS.test$High, predictor=gb.p)



# compare AUC's with a Random Forest:


CS$High = as.factor(CS$High)

rf.out = randomForest(High~., CS, ntree=5000)

# fitted values for "training set"

rf.p = predict(rf.out, CS.test, type="prob")[,2]

roc.rf = roc(response=CS.test$High, predictor=rf.p)

plot(roc.rf, add=TRUE, col=2)



#AUC高的那个 great illustrate the model


#### Exercise 8: gradient boosting using caret...####


# Plug in the following snips of code within demo code

# Section4b_demo_using_caret.R:

############ (I) Classification example ############

### Gradient boosting (using caret) for classification

rm(list=ls()) # clear the environment

library(ISLR) # contains the data

library(caret) # contains everything else

set.seed(4061) # for reproducibility

# Set up the data (take a subset of the Hitters dataset)


Hitters = na.omit(Hitters)

dat = Hitters

n = nrow(dat)

NC = ncol(dat)

# Change the response variable to a factor to make this a

# classification problem:

dat$Salary = as.factor(ifelse(Hitters$Salary>median(Hitters$Salary),


# Data partition

itrain = sample(1:n, size=round(.7*n))

dat.train = dat[itrain,]

dat.validation = dat[-itrain,] # independent validation set for later

# x = select(dat.train,-"Salary") ### if using dplyr

# training set:

x = dat.train

x$Salary = NULL

y = as.factor(dat.train$Salary)

gb.out = train(Salary~., data=dat.train, method='gbm', distribution='bernoulli')

gb.fitted = predict(gb.out) # corresponding fitted values

gb.pred = predict(gb.out, dat.validation)

confusionMatrix(reference=dat.validation$Salary, data=gb.pred,


############ (II) Regression example ############

### Gradient boosting (using caret) for regression

rm(list=ls()) # clear the environment

# Set up the data (take a subset of the Hitters dataset)


Hitters = na.omit(Hitters)

dat = Hitters

# hist(dat$Salary)

dat$Salary = log(dat$Salary)

n = nrow(dat)

NC = ncol(dat)

# Data partition

itrain = sample(1:n, size=round(.7*n))

dat.train = dat[itrain,]

dat.validation = dat[-itrain,]

x = dat.train

x$Salary = NULL

y = dat.train$Salary

ytrue = dat.validation$Salary

gb.out = train(Salary~., data=dat.train, method='gbm', distribution='gaussian')

gb.fitted = predict(gb.out) # corresponding fitted values

gb.pred = predict(gb.out, dat.validation)


你可能感兴趣的:(R笔记 ST4061 12/02/2022)