platform cannot apply stanford theme

Here are the steps to enable a custom theme using the manual method described here:

First create the base VM:

mkdir fullstack

cd fullstack

curl -L > Vagrantfile

vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostsupdater

export OPENEDX_RELEASE="named-release/birch"

vagrant up

This might take awhile as the virtual box is downloaded. The key is exporting the OPENEDX_RELEASE environment variable. This specifically is installing the Birch named release. Over time, this will change. See more on named releases here:

Now, SSH into the VM and become the edxapp user:

vagrant ssh

sudo su edxapp

cd ~

source edxapp_env

Pull down the theme from github:

mkdir themes

cd themes

git clone default

Configure edX to use the new theme:

cd /edx/app/edxapp

vi lms.env.json

change "USE_CUSTOM_THEME": false to "USE_CUSTOM_THEME": true

change "THEME_NAME": "", to "THEME_NAME": "default",

exit and save vi

Recompile the assets:

cd /edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform

paver update_assets lms --settings=aws
