可以参考以下代码段 procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin // 使用TIniFile类的Create成员函数建立TIniFile对 //象,该对象用来读写当前目录中的sample.ini文件, IniFile := TIniFile.Create('..\sample.ini'); //读取节点 cobSection.Clear; IniFile.ReadSections(cobSection.Items); cobSection.ItemIndex := 0; cobSectionChange(sender); btnSave.Enabled := false; end; procedure TForm1.cobSectionChange(Sender: TObject); begin cobIni.Clear; // 将cobSection中所选择节中对应的各个 //变量及对应的值送入cobIni IniFile.ReadSection(cobSection.Text, cobIni.Items); cobIni.ItemIndex := 0; cobIniChange(Sender); end; procedure TForm1.cobIniChange(Sender: TObject); begin btnSave.Enabled := false; //将选择的关键字值读入 Edit1.Text := IniFile.ReadString(cobSection.Text, cobIni.Text, ''); end;
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2011-8-2 14:45 HJ_3000 | 五级
Unit Unit1; Interface Uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, IniFiles, StdCtrls, Buttons; Type TForm1 = Class(TForm) Edit1: TEdit; Edit2: TEdit; BitBtn1: TBitBtn; Procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); Procedure BitBtn1Click(Sender: TObject); Private { Private declarations } Public { Public declarations } End; Var Form1: TForm1; Implementation {$R *.dfm} //INI配置文件操作: uses IniFiles Function INI_New(Var aFile: String): Boolean; Var atext: TextFile; Begin aFile := Format('%sconfig.ini', [ExtractFilePath(Paramstr(0))]); If Not FileExists(aFile) Then Begin AssignFile(atext, aFile); Rewrite(atext); CloseFile(atext); End; Result := FileExists(aFile); End; Function INI_Put_Str(aItem, aKey, aStr: String): Boolean; // 写INI-文本 Var aFile: String; Begin Result := False; If (Length(aItem) = 0) Or (Length(aKey) = 0) Then Begin Exit; End; If INI_New(aFile) Then Begin With TIniFile.Create(aFile) Do Begin Try WriteString(aItem, aKey, aStr); Result := True; Finally Free; End; End; End; End; Function INI_Get_Str(aItem, aKey: String): String; // 读INI-文本 Var aFile: String; Begin Result := ''; If (Length(aItem) = 0) Or (Length(aKey) = 0) Then Begin Exit; End; If INI_New(aFile) Then Begin With TIniFile.Create(aFile) Do Begin Try Result := ReadString(aItem, aKey, ''); Finally Free; End; End; End; End; //可扩展下,如:INI_Get_Int INI_Get_Bool ... Procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); Begin Edit1.Text := INI_Get_Str('Set', 'Work11'); Edit2.Text := INI_Get_Str('Set', 'Work12'); End; Procedure TForm1.BitBtn1Click(Sender: TObject); //保存 Begin INI_Put_Str('Set', 'Work11', Edit1.Text); INI_Put_Str('Set', 'Work12', Edit2.Text); End; End.
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2011-8-4 10:42 天朝理想 | 二级
var myinifile:Tinifile; begin myinifile:=TInifile.Create(ExtractFilePath(paramstr(0))+'setup.ini'); Edit1.text:=myinifile.ReadString('配置设置','Work11',''); Edit2.text:=myinifile.ReadString('配置设置','Work12','');