Leetcode 3008. Find Beautiful Indices in the Given Array II

  • Leetcode 3008. Find Beautiful Indices in the Given Array II
    • 1. 解题思路
    • 2. 代码实现
  • 题目链接:3008. Find Beautiful Indices in the Given Array II

1. 解题思路



首先我们考察第二部分的问题,这个的话我们对于两个有序数组,使用滑动窗口就能在 O ( N ) O(N) O(N)的时间复杂度内处理了,并不复杂,注意一下滑动窗口的移动条件就行了,这里就不过多展开了。


这个问题其实蛮难的,自己想的话估计能想死人,不过现在已经是个套路题了,用z算法就能够直接搞定了,我之前也写过一个博客(经典算法:Z算法(z algorithm))介绍过这个算法,里面有个例子一模一样,直接复制里面的代码来用就行了。如果觉得我写的不好的话也可以自己去wiki或者知乎搜搜,挺多的……

2. 代码实现


def z_algorithm(s):
    n = len(s)
    z = [0 for _ in range(n)]
    l, r = -1, -1
    for i in range(1, n):
        if i > r:
            l, r = i, i
            while r < n and s[r-l] == s[r]:
                r += 1
            z[i] = r-l
            r -= 1
            k = i - l
            if z[k] < r - i + 1:
                z[i] = z[k]
                l = i
                while r < n and s[r-l] == s[r]:
                    r += 1
                z[i] = r-l
                r -= 1
    z[0] = n
    return z

class Solution:
    def beautifulIndices(self, s: str, a: str, b: str, k: int) -> List[int]:
        def find_all(s, sub):
            z = z_algorithm(sub+s)
            n, m = len(s), len(sub)
            z = z[m:]
            return [idx for idx, l in enumerate(z) if l >= m]
        alist = find_all(s, a)
        blist = find_all(s, b)

        ans = []
        i, j, n = 0, 0, len(blist)
        for idx in alist:
            while i < n and blist[i] < idx-k:
                i += 1
            while j < n and blist[j] <= idx+k:
                j += 1
            if j-i>0:
        return ans

