

背景:在Charter School 做小学科学老师五年,面试另一所公立学校,拿到offer。以下是面试的问题(凭记忆)。(有些问题不适用于想申请公立学校新老师,希望能起到一些借鉴作用。^-^)

1. How does your education prepare you for this position? 你的教育背景如何能预备你胜任这个职位?

2. What responsibilities do you have in your last position? 你上个职位的职责是什么?

3.  Describe the most successful and unsuccessful lesson you had before. Why? 请表述一下你上过的最成功的一节课和最不成功的一节课?为什么?

4. Describe your thought on classroom management. 请讲述你对课堂管理的看法。

5. What would you do If you have an enraged parent that has a question on the grade? 如果有一个生气的家长因为成绩问题找你,你应该怎么应对?

6. What do you think are the three most important abilities a student should have in order to be successful in studying science? 你认为学生学好科学最重要的三种能力是什么?(这个问题也适用科目,比如中文)

7. What are the strength and weakness that your last employer? 你上一任雇主对你评价(列举你的一个强项和一个弱项)

8. What is your reason for leaving the last job? 你(想)离开上一份工作的原因。

9. How does introducing electronics into the classroom affect students' learning? 你如何看待课堂教学中引入教育类的电子产品?

10. What do you think a professional teacher should be like? 你认为一个专业的老师应该是什么样子?
