

英文 中文
Thank you. 谢谢
We owe a great debt of gratitude to one man in particular. 我们要特别感谢一个人
He championed us, supported us, 他支持我们拥护我们
and happily, along the way, befriended us. 并且一直友好地帮助我们
Without his help, 没有他的帮助
this incredible new emergency department 这个不可思议的新急诊室
would never have become a reality. 肯定是不可能建成的
Our Mayor, Rahm Emanuel. 他就是我们的市长拉姆·伊曼纽尔
Thank you. 谢谢
On behalf of all the people of the City of Chicago, 我谨代表芝加哥所有民众
all the families, all the parents 所有家庭以及所有父母
who will be bringing their kids and their family members here 他们在急需治疗的时候会将他们的孩子
in dire need of care, 以及家人送到这里来
I want to thank you ahead of schedule 我要先谢谢你们
for what you do every day 每天都努力工作
to making sure that everybody counts 来保护芝加哥每个人的
in the City of Chicago. 身体健康
Thank you. 谢谢你们
Sir, you okay? 先生你还好吗

You all right? Everybody okay? 你没事吧大家都还好吗
Sir, can I see that for a second? 先生我来帮你看看
Can I see that for a second? 让我看看
All right, it doesn't look too bad. 好看上去还不是太糟
You're gonna be all right. 你会没事的
Call out if you need some help! 需要帮助就大声喊我
- Miss, are you calling 911? - Yeah. -女士你在报警吗-对
It's all gonna be all right. 会没事的
Take a look at that for a second? 让我看看
All right, you're okay. Miss, is he doing all right? 好你没事女士他还好吗
Mr. Mayor, this way. 市长先生这边走
CFD Plan 2, mass cas. 芝加哥消防局第二套方案大规模伤亡
Multiple trauma patients minutes away. 多发性创伤患者很快就到了
Let's go! 快动起来
What do we have? 什么情况
45-year-old male, left leg amputation. 45岁男性左腿截肢
Treatment two! 二号治疗室
Train motorman. GCS 3. BP of 90 by palp. 火车司机三度昏迷血压90
Maggie, where we going? 麦基去哪边
Go to trauma 4. 创伤科四号
- Maggie, I need the x-ray here. - I got you. -麦基这里要做X光检查-就来
- Crossing. - Whoa, whoa, hold it, hold it. -借过-等等等等
Watch out! 小心
Katrina, how are all these walk-ins making it through? 卡特里娜怎么无关的人在到处乱走
Let's set a perimeter. 拉条警戒线
Let's get her into treatment 2. 把她送到2号治疗室去
He keeps biting down. I can't get the blade in. 他牙一直咬着我没法放进去
Look, you bag him. I'll do CPR. 你给氧我来做心肺复苏
Come on. We're almost there. 撑住我们就快到了
It's not time yet. 还不能放弃
Trigger all-hazard disaster plan. 启动全方位危险应急计划
- Yes, ma'am. - Page to PhoneTree. -明白-翻到电话表
Right away. 马上
28-year-old male, crush injuries, 28岁男性挤压伤
severed artery, massive blood loss. 动脉断裂大量失血
Trauma three just opened. 创伤科3号刚开了
Got a tourniquet on his right leg. 右腿有止血带
Tried to intubate but couldn't get his jaw open. 试过气管插管但他牙关紧咬
He lost his pulse on the ride. 路上已经测不到脉搏了
Put him on our monitor and rapid transfuser. 给他上监护器快点输血

Grab 4 units of O-neg, and start with a round of epi. 拿4单位O型血打一次肾上腺素
Already hit him with the epi times two. 已经注射过两次了
Still no pulse. He's in fib. 还是没脉搏他休克了
Let's get him in the bay. I got it from here, man. 推进医务室里去我来接手吧
Nope, he's mine. 不他是我的病人
Okay, who the hell is this guy? 好吧这家伙是谁啊
Says he's a doc. 他说他是个医生
Get off the gurney, Doc. I'm senior resident in this ER. 从轮床上下来医生我是急诊室的住院医师
Yeah? Well, I'm your new trauma fellow. 是吗我是你的创伤科新同事
Dr. Halstead! 霍尔斯特的医生
Female, early 20s, head trauma. 女性二十岁出头头部创伤
GCS 3, unresponsive in the field. 三度昏迷现场时已无反应
Trauma 2 just opened. 创伤科2号刚开了
Still GCS 3. 还是三度昏迷
We got to change that king airway to a formal ET tube. 要做气管内管插管
I'll get a line in the groin. 我去做腹股沟插管
Where's your line? 你们什么情况
Left AC, obvious femur fracture. 左肩锁关节受伤股骨骨折
- Good distal pulse. - It's blown. -末梢循环良好-是粉碎性骨折
Sweetheart, we're going to take good care of you. 宝贝我们会好好照顾你的
You have to go back for my daddy! 你们快去救我爸爸
I love my daddy! 我爱我爸爸
You know anything about that? 你知道是怎么回事吗
Pretty sure her father was loaded. 她父亲应该被带走了
Must've been sent to Sinai or County. 送到西奈或县里去了
Okay, sweetie, look, you see this lady right here? 好了宝贝看到这位女士了吗
Her name is Maggie. 她叫麦基
She can find anybody, anywhere, okay? 她能找到所有人知道吗
I promise she'll find your daddy for you. 她肯定能帮你找到爸爸
Better believe I will, hon. 要相信我哟
Hold compressions. 暂停按压
You are? 你是谁
Sarah Reese, fourth year med student. 萨拉·里斯四年级医学生
Can you do a cordis in the groin? 能在腹股沟做一个插管吗
- Mm-hmm. - Get a left femoral in there. -行-找左股骨
Yes, sir. 好的
There, you're sterilized. Now stick it. 就那里消好毒了可以扎针了
OK. 好的
He's a patient, not a pin cushion. 他是个病人不是针插
I can't find a vein. 我找不到血管
All right. Shock to 120. 好了准备电击120
Clear. 离手
No pulse. 没有脉搏
Again. 200. 再来一次加到200
Clear. 离手
I have a pulse. Sinus tach at 112. 有脉搏了窦性心动过速心率112
And...he's back. 救回来了
Get a BP and keep giving him blood. 检测一下血压给他输血
Send a rainbow of tubes and a type and cross. 全套插管血液交叉配型
Get his blood gas and get him to the OR. 做一下他的血气分析然后送他到手术室去
Did you find my dad yet? 你们找到我爸爸了吗
We will, sweetheart. Don't you worry. 会找到的亲爱的别担心
All right, now we're gonna put something in your arm 好现在我们要往你的胳膊里
to give you medicine. It's just gonna be 打一些药水你只会感觉到
- be a little pinch, okay? - No, no, no! -有一点点疼好吗-不要不要
- Make a fist for me, honey. - Squeeze my hand. -把拳头攥起来亲爱的-握紧我的手
Look at me. Squeeze my hand. 看着我握紧我的手
We're gonna count to three. Look at me. 我们数到三看着我
One, two, three. 一二三
All done. Good job! Excellent. 好啦非常好你做得很棒
- There you go. - Excellent. -都好了-很好
- Let's get x-ray in here. - Yeah. -在这拍个X光片吧-好的
No gag reflex. Didn't even need sedation. 没有呕吐反应连镇静剂都不用打
Not good. 这可不妙
We got another problem. 有更大的麻烦了
This woman's pregnant. 这女的怀孕了
Dr. Rhodes, welcome. Oh, are you all right? 罗德斯医生欢迎你还好吗
- Yeah, I'm fine. - Sharon Goodwin. -我很好-我是莎伦·古德温
Pleasure to meet you. Is every day like this? 幸会这里每天都是如此吗
Some days we're busy. 有时候会比较忙
20-year-old male, cystic fibrosis. 20岁左右男性囊胞性纤维化
Complaining of chills, labored breathing. 浑身发冷呼吸困难
Temp's 98. 体温37度
Jamie, is that you? 杰米是你吗
Hi, Maggie. 你好啊麦基
Back so soon? 这么快就回来了
I missed you guys. 我想你们了呗
Respiratory rate is 26. 呼吸频率26
Let's take him to treatment 6. 把他推到6号治疗室去
All our ER docs are busy. 我们急诊室的医生都忙不过来了
Can you take care of our friend? 你能看一下这位朋友吗
No problem. 没问题
- Maggie? - Yes. -麦基-什么
Let Dr. Charles know that Jamie's down here. 告诉查尔斯医生杰米来了
Sure thing. 好的
Deep breath. 深呼吸
Hey, Jamie. 你好啊杰米
Maybe today...wasn't such... a good day to drop in. 看来...今天不是个...串门的好时候
Oh, we always got time for you. 我们接待你的时间总是有的
Let's get a CBC, a CMP, Coags, 给他测一下血常规血液生化血凝率
a chest x-ray, and an ABG. 做下胸透和动脉血气检查
Yes, doctor. 好的医生
Now, Mr. Dilson, I see that you're using inhaled antibiotics, 迪尔森先生你在使用吸入式抗生素
tobramycin, albuterol. 托普霉素舒喘宁
You wear a vibration jacket at night and use a humidifier. 晚上要穿震动外套使用加湿器
- Yeah. - That's all good. -是的-那就好
- I caught...a cold. - A whopper. -我得了...感冒-重感冒吗
Well, we got to make sure 那我们得确保
that it doesn't turn into pneumonia. 你别恶化成了急性肺炎
You've had a few episodes. 你已经折腾过几回了
A few means...three. 几回是指...三回

