
quarterly 季刊
goof off phr.工作吊儿郎当,游手好闲,消磨时间,开小差,混日子,闲荡
It should be against the law to do something 做某事真是没天理
use one's noodle 动动脑子
mollusk n. 软体动物
crambule n.碎屑,面包屑;已崩溃的东西;瓦砾堆
put bread on the table 赚钱养家,养家糊口
【例句:I don't like my job but it puts bread on the table.
field trip (学生)实地考察旅行
cashew n.腰果(产于美洲热带,用于烹饪,常盐渍后佐酒)
genies n.(阿拉伯故事中,尤指瓶子或灯里的)灯神;精灵
let up on 较宽容地对待
【例句:Patrick, could you let up on the insults just a little bit?
humor v.迎合; 迁就; 使满足; 用巧办法处理
【例句:Do you think I'd say something like that just to humor you?
put one's finger on sth 准确指出,明确
【例句:There's something odd about him, but I can't quite put my finger on it.
falcon n.猎鹰; 隼
equanimity n.平静; (尤指处于困境时的)镇静,沉着,冷静
unassailable 不容置疑的;无懈可击的
speak out of turn 多嘴,说不合时宜的话( to say something unwise or imprudent; to say something at the wrong time.)
flourish n.(为引起注意的)夸张动作; 给人深刻印象的行动
ruffian n.暴徒; 恶棍
under-butler n. 管家的助手;二管家
at one stroke 一举; 一下子
gall vt.使烦恼,使愤怒(尤指因不公平引起)
take the wind out of someone's sails 使某人气馁或泄气 to make someone feel less confident or less determined to do something, usually by saying or doing something that they are not expecting
set foot in 进入,踏进
【例句:I told him never to set foot in my house again. 我告诉他再也别踏进我家的门。
dustpan n.簸箕
be nothing short of 简直就是,丝毫不比…逊色;完全是,全然是
【例句:The way his hands tremble as he carries them into dinner is nothing short of alarming.
ploy n.计谋; 策略; 手法; 花招
flagstone n.石板(方形,用于铺地面、小径等)
to the effect that 大意是,以便
【例句: He left a note to the effect that he would not be coming back. 他留下一张字条,大意是他不回来了。
crawl 缓慢的速度
【例句:For much of the time it took me through farmland, amidst the pleasant aroma of meadows, and often I found myself slowing the Ford to a crawl to better appreciate a stream or a valley I was passing.
fowl n.家禽; 鸟
running board na.〈美〉(汽车两旁的)踏(脚)板
