How schools can nurture every student's genius
Trish Millines Dziko • TEDxSeattle
Forget home economics and standardized tests, education visionary Trish Millines Dziko has a much more engaging and fulfilling way for students to develop real-world skills. Get schooled by Dziko as she shares how project-based learning can transform public education and unlock genius for the next generation of critical thinkers, problem solvers, ideators and leaders.忘记家政学和标准化考试吧,教育远见者 Trish Millines Dziko 为学生提供了一种更具吸引力和成就感的方式来培养现实世界的技能。接受 Dziko 的教育,她分享了基于项目的学习如何改变公共教育并为下一代批判性思考者、问题解决者、思想家和领导者解锁天赋。
1、Let me tell you about the fifth-grade students at Boze Elementary School in Tacoma. They spend the entire school year planning to colonize the planet Alpha Centauri to preserve future generations. They will get there on a multigenerational spacecraft so that the grandkids of the people on the ship will arrive at Alpha Centauri, ready to start a new civilization.让我告诉你塔科马博泽小学五年级的学生。他们整个学年都在计划殖民半人马座阿尔法星,以保存后代。他们将乘坐多世代飞船到达那里,以便船上人们的孙子孙女到达半人马座阿尔法星,准备开始一个新的文明。
2、Now projects like these usually start with a guiding question, and theirs is "How do you sustain life for a generation on a spacecraft?" These 10-year-olds get into initial conversations about governance on the spacecraft, the necessities to have on board. Is it even ethical to have a generation live and die on a spacecraft? And what roles are needed to create a functioning community? There are some whispers and some head nods as the teacher explains to them that this quarter, they're expected to deliver a persuasive essay, a 30-second elevator speech, a model of a section of the spacecraft in diorama form, a system of government with laws and a constitution, and a research display demonstrating their knowledge of planets. That's a lot.现在,像这样的项目通常从一个指导性问题开始,他们的问题是“你如何在宇宙飞船上维持一代人的生命?” 这些 10 岁的孩子开始就航天器的治理以及船上的必需品进行初步对话。让一代人在宇宙飞船上生死存亡是合乎道德的吗?创建一个正常运作的社区需要哪些角色?老师向他们解释说,本季度,他们将发表一篇有说服力的文章,一段 30 秒的电梯演讲,一个立体模型形式的航天器部分模型,一个拥有法律和宪法的政府系统,以及他们对行星知识的研究展示。这些有好多。
4、But these students aren't fazed, they'd been here before. What they're interested in is what group they'll be in and what roles they will play.但这些学生并不担心,他们对这些并不陌生。他们感兴趣的是他们将在哪个小组中以及他们将扮演什么角色。
5、Now I don't know about you, but when I was in fifth grade, I wasn't doing that.现在我不了解你,但是当我五年级的时候,我没有那样做。
7、But for many of these students, they have been learning like this since kindergarten. You heard that right, kindergarten. Shoot, when I was in fifth grade ... we sat in cemetery rows in academically segregated classrooms, and sadly, things have not changed. In most schools, students are sitting, listening to the teacher, and many of them scared to death they'll get called on to answer a question. And too often, students are totally deflated, because the teacher is spending more time on classroom management than engaging them. So these students and the generations behind them ... they are our talent pool for everything from community organizing to running business, to running government, and everything in between. And as it stands, our public education system is not cultivating future leaders. And in particular, students of color are constantly devalued and marginalized.但是对于这些学生中的许多人来说,他们从幼儿园开始就一直是这样学习的。你没听错,幼儿园。噢,当我上五年级的时候……我们一排排坐在学术隔离的教室里,可悲的是,事情并没有改变。在大多数学校,学生们坐着听老师讲课,他们中的许多人被吓得要命,他们会被要求回答问题。很多时候,学生完全泄气,因为老师花在课堂管理上的时间比让他们参与的时间更多。所以这些学生和他们身后的几代人......他们是我们的人才库,从社区组织到经营企业,再到管理政府,以及介于两者之间的一切。特别是,就目前而言,我们的公共教育系统并没有培养未来的领导者。
8、Regardless of background, students need to envision themselves as successful in life. And how teachers deliver the lessons plays a big role in that. The most common way to teach is through a textbook or a series of textbooks and a scripted curriculum. And then, let the test decide if the students learned anything. And while you get coverage, it leaves little room for student voice, exploration, intellectual rigor and academic risk-taking. This is schooling, not educating. And the long-term impact is that students likely won't have that autonomous spirit they need in the work environment. This is not what most teachers signed up for. It's not. I don't think there's a single teacher candidate that said, "I want to be a teacher so I can help kids pass standardized tests."无论背景如何,学生都需要设想自己在生活中是成功的。教师如何教授课程在其中起着重要作用。最常见的教学方式是通过一本教科书或一系列教科书和照本宣科的课程。然后,让考试决定学生是否学到了什么。当你获得课本内容时,它给学生的声音、探索、学术严谨和学术冒险留下了很小的空间。这是上学,不是教育。长期影响是,学生可能不会在工作环境中拥有他们需要的自主精神。这不是大多数注册老师所要的。它不是。我认为没有一个教师候选人会说,“我想成为一名教师,这样我就可以帮助孩子们通过标准化考试。”
11、Twenty-five years ago, I left my 17-year tech career and cofounded a nonprofit that prepared students of color for jobs in the tech industry. And over time, we learned about our students' experiences in the public education system, and we began to wonder what would happen if we rebuilt public schools to develop the genius in every student and give them the tools to be critical thinkers, problem solvers, ideators and leaders. So we got a bunch of educators to help us answer that question. Today, my job is to set the vision and strategy for how we partner with public schools to create collaborative, anti-racist learning environments grounded in equity, where students can actively participate in their own education, instead of memorizing for tests, where the curriculum is delivered in a way that supports the needs of our students. Where professionals in the community are invited to participate in teaching and learning.25 年前,我离开了 17 年的科技职业生涯,与他人共同创立了一家非营利组织,为有色人种学生在科技行业的工作做好准备。随着时间的推移,我们了解了学生在公立教育系统中的经历,我们开始想知道如果我们重建公立学校以培养每个学生的天赋,并为他们提供成为批判性思考者、问题解决者的工具,会发生什么?思想家和领袖。所以我们有一群教育工作者来帮助我们回答这个问题。今天,我的工作是制定愿景和战略,让我们与公立学校合作,创造以公平为基础的协作、反种族主义的学习环境,让学生可以积极参与自己的教育,而不是为了考试而死记硬背。以支持我们学生需求的方式提供。
12、The teaching and learning is built on interdisciplinary project-based learning. One of the most equitable ways to teach. This approach enables teachers to understand how each student learns, use multiple ways to assess their knowledge and then make instructional adjustments based on the results. You know, students, they get a chance to set their own goals. They have time to discuss the work. They take academic risks. And along the way, they get to discover who they are as learners.教学和学习建立在跨学科项目式学习的基础上。(这是)最公平的教学方式之一。这种方法使教师能够了解每个学生的学习方式,使用多种方式评估他们的知识,然后根据结果进行教学调整。你知道,学生们,他们有机会设定自己的目标。他们有时间讨论工作。他们承担学术风险。在此过程中,他们会发现自己作为学习者的身份。
13、And speaking of learners, let's take a visit to our fifth-grade Alpha Centaurians, and listen in as their teacher facilitates a discussion about how Native Americans live. They talk about the logistics and the preparation behind the colonizers' move out West, and how colonizers always had conflicts with Native Americans. And the students vow that they will do better on Alpha Centauri. They will ensure that everyone has equal rights and lives well. And you better believe it will be part of their constitution. And if you poke your head in the classroom next door, which is rather loud, you will see the kids are in their small groups, using their math skills to calculate the human capacity for their spacecraft. And another set of students will be working on their planet research. When we visit, a week or so later, there might be a visiting engineer talking to the students about design specifications. Or the classroom could be empty because the students are at the Museum of Flight, sitting in real spacecraft and learning how they work. Bringing that authentic context to learning helps students retain knowledge and generate new ideas.说到学习者,让我们去拜访我们五年级的 Alpha Centaurians,听听他们在老师的辅助下讨论美洲原住民的生活方式。他们谈论了殖民者迁出西部的后勤和准备工作,以及殖民者如何总是与美洲原住民发生冲突。学生们发誓他们会在 Alpha Centauri 上做得更好。他们将确保每个人都享有平等的权利并过上美好的生活。你最好相信这将成为他们章程的一部分。如果你向隔壁声音很大的教室伸头进去,你会看到孩子们在他们的小组中,用他们的数学技能来计算他们的航天器的人类容量。另一组学生将致力于他们的行星研究。当我们访问时,大约一周后,可能会有一位访问工程师与学生讨论设计规范。或者教室可能是空的,因为学生们在飞行博物馆,坐在真正的宇宙飞船上学习他们是如何工作的。将真实的环境带入学习有助于学生记住知识并产生新想法。
14、After weeks and weeks of working on their projects and giving each other authentic, supportive feedback, and doing that fine-tuning, the students are ready for the big day -- the exhibition of learning. This is where hundreds of people from the community, the most important members being their parents and families, come to see the students present their work. The students are all dressed up. They're a little nervous, they're excited at the same time -- kind of like me right now.经过数周和数周的项目工作,相互提供真实、支持性的反馈,并进行微调,学生们已经准备好迎接重要的一天——学习的展览。这是来自社区的数百人,最重要的成员是他们的父母和家人,来观看学生展示他们的作品。学生们都打扮得漂漂亮亮。他们有点紧张,同时也很兴奋——有点像现在的我。
16、And the teachers are beaming with pride as they recognize how far each student has come in their learning journey. OK, and the parents? The parents are high-fiving, and "You get it, girl!" And "That's my baby," and "You go, boy." And there's just so much praise. And the students feel accomplished and more confident.当老师们认识到每个学生在他们的学习之旅中走了多远时,他们都洋溢着自豪的笑容。好的,父母呢?父母击掌,“你明白了,女孩!” 还有“那是我的宝贝”和“你走吧,男孩。” 有这么多的赞美。学生们感到有成就感和更加自信。
17、This is project-based learning in action. These students are developing the advanced critical thinking skills they will use throughout their lives. They are learning through exploration. There is confirmation their unique voice matters. These students have the freedom to create a world, with their ten-year-old imaginations, that's actually grounded in academic rigor. This is educating ... versus schooling. Yeah?这是项目式学习在起作用。这些学生正在发展他们将在一生中使用的高级批判性思维技能。他们在探索中学习。确认他们独特的声音很重要。这些学生可以自由地用他们十年前的想象力创造一个世界,这个世界实际上是建立在学术严谨的基础上的。这是教育……而不是上学。对吗?
18、(Cheers and applause)(欢呼和掌声)
19、There is teacher support, diverse interactions ... team-building and practical application of reading, writing, math and science. An environment where real learning is happening, and students are discovering their own genius. Plus, I have to say, it's just a lot of fun to learn this way.这里有老师的支持,多样的互动......团队建设和阅读、写作、数学和科学的实际应用。一个真正的学习正在发生的环境,学生们正在发现自己的天赋。另外,我不得不说,以这种方式学习非常有趣。
21、Students who attend our partner schools ... learn this way in every single stage of their academic career. Starting in kindergarten, students are encouraged to share their views, to ask questions and support each other. They are creating a community and an environment that is safe and their own. In middle school, the students are starting to become socially aware. They care about things like world hunger, immigration and homelessness.就读我们合作学校的学生……在他们学术生涯的每个阶段都以这种方式学习。从幼儿园开始,鼓励学生分享他们的观点,提出问题并相互支持。他们正在创建一个安全且属于他们自己的社区和环境。在中学,学生们开始变得有社会意识。他们关心世界饥饿、移民和无家可归等事情。
22、One year, the seventh-graders at TAF at Saghalie in Federal Way turned their classrooms into an immigration museum exploring the historic and contemporary issues of immigration. And the sixth-graders use food to learn about each other's cultures. They created cookbooks with recipes and stories from their countries of origin. And then on exhibition night, they cooked for everybody, and it was actually pretty good.有一年,位于 Federal Way 的 Saghalie 的 TAF 的七年级学生将他们的教室变成了一个移民博物馆,探索移民历史和当代移民问题。六年级学生用食物来了解彼此的文化。他们制作了包含来自原籍国的食谱和故事。然后在展览之夜,他们为每个人做饭,实际上还不错。
24、By the time students get to high school, they have enough experience that they can address a wide range of issues and opportunities. A group of 10th-graders created wearable technology that detected the flare-up signs in sickle-cell anemia. Experiencing gentrification in their own neighborhoods, 11th-graders created plans and models for equitable, financially sustainable urban neighborhoods. The list goes on and on. This ... This is how we develop the strong, the strong leaders and critical thinkers of tomorrow. Our students deserve to learn in an environment that includes and understands their unique voice, their individual genius. If we are going to rebuild public education, we have to be on a continuous cycle of recognizing, intentionally undoing, and, ultimately, replacing the institutional practices that undereducate and harm our children.当学生上高中时,他们已经有足够的经验来解决广泛的问题和机会。一组 10 年级学生创造了可穿戴技术,可以检测镰状细胞性贫血症的突然发作迹象。11 年级学生在自己的社区经历了中产阶级化,为公平、经济上可持续的城市社区制定了计划和模型。清单还在继续补充。这……这就是我们培养未来强大、强大的领导者和批判性思想家的方式。我们的学生应该在一个包容并理解他们独特的声音和个人天赋的环境中学习。如果我们要重建公共教育,我们必须不断地认知、有意取消并最终取代那些使教育不足和伤害我们孩子的制度实践。
25、And there are a couple of things that we can do right now. We could reallocate the tens of millions of dollars each state spends on standardized tests every year.我们现在可以做几件事。我们可以重新分配每个州每年花费在标准化考试上的数千万美元。
29、And we can invest the majority of that in teacher professional development so that our teachers can continually hone their instructional and assessment skills. And then, we could take the rest and invest it in a national effort to curate authentic assessment methods and projects from teachers all over the country. I believe that this will bring joy and respect back to teaching. We also need to embed racial equity in the DNA of how we operate schools.我们可以将大部分资金投资于教师专业发展,以便我们的教师能够不断磨练他们的教学和评估技能。然后,我们可以把剩下的钱投入到全国范围内,为全国各地的教师策划真实的评估方法和项目。我相信这会给教学带来快乐和尊重。我们还需要将种族平等融入学校运营方式的 DNA 中。
31、Achieving racial equity is a journey that requires dedication, consistency and accountability. It needs to be normalized as part of the daily practice of principals, administrators, teachers and staff.实现种族平等是一个需要奉献精神、一致性和责任感的旅程。它需要作为校长、行政人员、教师和工作人员日常实践的一部分进行规范化。
32、We can do this. We can. All it takes is political will. Education either functions as an instrument to bring about conformity or freedom. Let’s give our children freedom.我们做得到。我们可以。所需要的只是政治意愿。教育要么作为实现一致性或自由的工具。让我们的孩子自由。
33、Thank you.谢谢你。
34、(Cheers and applause)(欢呼和掌声)
35、NOTE 文后笔记 “We could reallocate the tens of millions of dollars each state spends on standardized tests every year.”“我们可以重新分配每个州每年花费在标准化考试上的数千万美元。”