The Spiritual Battle with Weight Loss 与减肥的属灵斗争

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The Spiritual Battle with Weight Loss 


We are back with guest Paul David Tripp, the author of the book,Awe: Why It Matters for Everything We Think, Say, and Do— which easily made my top 10 list for best books of 2015.

This week we are talking about awe, and how it really does relate to everything in life, specifically to our spiritual growth, our Bible intake, our ministry aims, and even our news consumption, our anxieties, our weight loss attempts, our parenting methods, and our expectations of marriage and romantic love.


Today we talk about weight loss. Paul, the physical side of weight loss will happen in a lot of different ways for various people. But there’s a spiritual dimension to weight loss that we all need to be aware of. You mention your own weight loss journey briefly in the book. Share with us what you learned.


One of the things that I encountered in my own walk with God is how there are always areas of inconsistency that need to be addressed. And one of those for me was my relationship to food. I love how much of the glory of God in creation is edible. It is a sweet thing that God created a pleasurable world of food — but that pleasure of food is meant to be a finger that points me to God. It is not meant to be the thing that satisfies my heart.

我在与上帝同行时遇到的一件事是,总是存在需要解决的不一致区域。其中一个对我来说就是我与食物的关系。我喜欢创造中上帝的荣耀有多少可食用。上帝创造了一个令人愉快的食物世界是一件甜蜜的事 - 但食物的快乐应该是将我指向上帝的,它并不意味着一味满足我的心。

“Food is meant to be a finger that points me to God, not the thing that satisfies my heart.” Tweet Share on Facebook


And so what was happening to me is, if you gain a half a pound a month you don’t notice it, but that is six pounds a year and in five years you could put on 30 pounds. And that is all the result of the pleasure of food having too much control over the way you think about a good evening or a good day or a good week. And so I have had to confess that — confess patterns of gluttony — and completely change my relationship to food in order to eat what I should eat for the maintenance of my physical body. The result of that is a loss of about 40 pounds. For me it was not about weight — though that was an issue — as much as living in a more appropriate way.

所以发生在我身上的是,如果你一个月体重增加半磅,你就不会注意到它,但一年只有6磅,而五年内你可以减掉30磅体重。这就是食物的愉悦感的全部结果,因为食物对你想象一个美好的夜晚,美好的一天或好的一周的方式有太多的控制权。所以我不得不承认 - 承认贪吃的模式 - 并完全改变我与食物的关系,以便吃我应该吃的东西来维持我的身体。结果是减下了大约40磅。对我而言,这不是关于体重 - 尽管这是一个问题 - 更是关于生活在一个更合适的方式。

So for a Christian who has tried diet fads, where do they start with the spiritual questions?


Well, we all need to face when it comes to weight and diet that diets don’t work. One of the things that just makes me angry — I hope it is righteous anger — is this industry, this billion dollar industry, that is making promises to people that are not true. Fad diets never address the true cause of weight gain.

嗯,我们都需要面对饮食对体重常常不起作用这个事实。令我愤怒的事情之一 - 我希望这是一种正义的愤怒 - 这个行业,这个十亿美元的行业,正在向人们做出不真实的承诺。时尚饮食从未解决体重增加的真正原因。

And because they don’t address the cause, they don’t actually work. I mean you can’t starve yourself forever. It is not healthy to eat packaged frankenfood forever. It is only when your heart is properly satisfied with God that you now have the power to say no to other things that would tempt you to go there for satisfaction.


Thus, we return to awe in God, which is what we talked about last time. So gluttony emerged for you. When did this root cause of weight gain confront you?


It was initiated by the wedding of my son. I thought, “I have gained a lot of weight.” And I began to think about that. And what really hit me was, as I began to eat in a different way, how hungry I felt, how sort of impoverished I felt. But I wasn’t really hungry. It was just that I was so used to loading my body with so many more calories than I actually needed. And it was going through that hunger that really alerted me to the fact that food had been too much present in my life. And I am not hungry anymore.


If you would watch me throughout a day, you would probably think, “This man eats like a bird.” But I eat what I need to eat and I have kept my weight off for four years. And there is just no going back, because it is not just that I eat different things, but the lifestyle of my heart towards food has changed.



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