Never in recent memory has global growth been so clouded by uncertainty. Covid-19’s full impact has been obscured by massive emergency government intervention to bail out companies and support workers. Only when that support is withdrawn will the veil be lifted. In America watch permanent joblessness, rather than the plummeting headline unemployment rate, to see whether the jobs market has truly turned a corner. Don’t watch inflation data, which at present are distorted by temporary changes in the economy, nor bond yields, which are pegged down by central banks, but inflation expectations. Monetary policy is predictable: rich-world interest rates will not rise soon. Rather, more economies will experiment with rates negative. Governments must judge whether the economic recovery needs more help—watching finance ministries will be more important than studying central banks. Finally, consider the issue that defined the outlook for 2020 before the pandemic: the Sino-American trade war. Watch out for China’s trade surplus.
在人们近年的记忆里,全球经济增长从未像今年这样如此不确定(clouded by uncertainty)。由于政府大规模实施紧急干预措施援助(bail out)企业、救济(support)员工,人们并不能看清(obscured by)疫情带来的全部影响。只有当政府停止援助(support is withdrawn),真相才会浮出水面。
相比起各报纸版面头条新闻中骤降的失业率,在美国,要想判断就业市场是否真的暂时转危为安(turned a corner),要看永久性失业情况。不要关注(watch)目前被短期的经济变化所扭曲的通货膨胀数据,也不要去关注被中央银行限定在低位的(pegged down)债券收益率,而是要关注通胀预期。
/ 中译英
-In 2020 clouded by the COVID-19 pandemic, the central banks all over the world are boosting their economic recovery by lowering interest rates and easing quantitative, which may lead to inflation.
fiscal policy 财政政策(调整税收、公共开支) ➡️ finance ministry 财政部
monetary policy 货币政策(调整利率、货币发行量) ➡️ central bank 中央银行
quantitative easing/QE 量化宽松
cyclical unemployment 周期性失业 (经济衰退导致 经济政策措施对象)
intervention 干预措施
援助 bail out
转危为安 turn a corner
peg 限定
-Its currency is pegged to the dollar.
cloud 使…难以理解;模糊不清
-My judgement had been clouded by my anger.
bond yields 债券收益率
watch out for 小心 密切关注