









Life, death and afterlife are questions for which many sedate answers have been offered. Sadhguru tells us what truly happens after one dies.


Questioner: What happens after death? Is there re-birth? If so, what carries a person from one birth to another?


Sadhguru: In Yoga, we see the body as five dimensions or five sheaths. The physical body is known as Annamaya Kosha. Anna means the food, so this is the food body. The next one is called Manomaya Kosha or the mental body. The third one is called Pranamaya Kosha which means the energy body. The physical, mental and energy body are all physical dimensions of life. For example, you can clearly see that the light bulb is physical. The electricity, the electrons that flow through the wire, are also physical. So is the light that emanates from the bulb. All three are physical. Similarly, the physical body is gross, the mental body subtler, and the pranic body even more subtle, but all are physical in existence. One’s karma is imprinted on the body, on the mind, and on the energy. The karmic imprint or karmic structure is the cement which holds you to the physical body. Although karma is a bondage, at the same time it is only because of karmic substance that you can hold on to the body and be here.

Sadhguru(萨古鲁):在瑜伽中,我们把身体看作五个维度或五个鞘。物质身被称为Annamaya Kosha。Anna的意思是食物,所以这是食物身。下一个叫做Manomaya Kosha或者精神身。第三个叫做Pranamaya Kosha,意思是能量身。物质身(或肉身)、精神身和能量身都是生命的物质维度。举个列子,你可以清楚地看到灯泡是物质的。电流,也就是流过导线的电子,也是物质的。灯泡发出的光也是物质的。这三者都是物质性的。肉身是粗糙的,精神身是精微的,能量身甚至更精微,但所有这些都是物质性的。一个人的业力被印刻在身体、精神和能量上。业力印记或业力结构是将你们维系在物质身上的粘合剂。虽然业力是一种束缚,但与此同时,只因为业力物质,你才能附着在身体上并存在于此。

The next two dimensions are called Vignanamaya Kosha and Anandamaya Kosha. Vignanamaya Kosha is non-physical but related to the physical. Vishesh Gnana or vignana means extraordinary knowledge or knowledge of that which is beyond the sense perceptions. This is the etheric body. It is a transitory body - a transition from the physical to the non-physical. It is neither physical nor non-physical. It is like a link between the two. Anandamaya Kosha is the bliss body and is completely non-physical. It has no form of its own. Only if the energy, mental, and physical body are in shape can it hold the bliss body. If these things are taken away, the bliss body will just become a part of the cosmos. 

接下来的两个维度被称为Vignanamaya Kosha和Anandamaya Kosha。Vignanamaya Kosha是非物质的,但又与物质有关。Vishesh Gnana或者vignana意味着超越的知识或着超越感官知觉的知识。这是以太体。它是过渡性质的ーー从物质到非物质的过渡。它既不是物质的也不是非物质的。它就像是两者之间的纽带。Anandamaya Kosha是极乐体,是完全非物质的。它没有自己的形态。只有能量、精神和身体都处于良好的状态,它才能保有极乐体。如果这些东西被拿走,极乐体将成为宇宙的一部分。

What Is Death?


When someone dies, we say, “This person is no more.” That is not true. The person is no more the way you know them, but they still very much exist. The physical body will fall apart, but the mental and pranic body go on, depending upon the strength of the karma. To find another womb, the intensity of this karmic structure should come down, it should become passive. If the karmic structure has become weak because it has run its course, then it finds another body very easily. When one completes his allotted karma for this life, he will die just like that - without disease, accident or injury. That person may find another body within hours.


If you dismantle the karmic structure one hundred percent, you merge with the existence.


If one completes his life and dies peacefully, he need not hang around, it goes on immediately. However, if the karmic structure is very intense, unfinished, then it has to finish it. Now he needs much more time to find another body. This is what you are referring to as ghosts. They are more available to your experience because they have more intense karmic structures. There are innumerable such beings all around you, whether you know it or not, but you will not feel most of them because their karma is dissipated. They are just waiting for more dissipation before they find another body.


Mahasamadhi – The Final Freedom 


When you walk the spiritual path, the ultimate goal for every spiritual seeker is to break this whole process. It is like a bubble. The outer periphery of the bubble is your karmic structure, inside there is air. Suppose you burst the bubble; where is your air? There is no such thing as your air; it has become part of everything. Right now, this unbounded-ness is contained in the limited karmic structure, so it makes you believe as if you are a separate entity. If you dismantle the karmic structure one hundred percent, you merge with the existence.


Liberation means becoming free from the basic structures of body and mind, becoming free from the very process of life and birth and death.


This is what is referred to as Mahasamadhi. You slowly understand where the keys are and dismantle the karmic structure completely so that you truly become no more. In the Hindu tradition, this is referred to as Mukti. In Yogic tradition, it is referred to as Mahasamadhi. In the Buddhist way it is called as Mahaparinirvana. Generally in English, we say Liberation. Liberation means becoming free from the basic structures of body and mind, becoming free from the very process of life and birth and death.




美2 :





因为看不到,所以也不知道都做了哪些工作。大概就是先清洁,然后防护周边,然后一根一根的种。因为我比较敏感,老是流眼泪,妹妹就得不停 的擦。光清洁都发现还有黑黑的没有卸干净的部分。然后开始一点点弄。

虽然我是躺着,可也睡不着。觉得躺着应该挺舒服的,但其实并不是。闭着眼,躺了估计 1个小时的时候就躺不住了。动来动去的,哪哪都觉得不舒服。真的难以想象生病躺床上是多么的不自然和难受。终于在2个小时时,弄好了一个眼睛。可以睁开休息休息。太不容易了,本想着2h应该都可以搞定了,但只弄了一个眼睛。看上去是好看很多,眼睛有跟着变大了,就是过程很煎熬。吃过饭,又开始右眼。也是2个多小时弄好了右眼。









