Rx Operators

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Composition via Observable Operators

Observables and observers are only the start of ReactiveX. By themselves they’d be nothing more than a slight extension of the standard observer pattern, better suited to handling a sequence of events rather than a single callback.

The real power comes with the “reactive extensions” (hence “ReactiveX”) — operators that allow you to transform, combine, manipulate, and work with the sequences of items emitted by Observables.

These Rx operators allow you to compose asynchronous sequences together in a declarative manner with all the efficiency benefits of callbacks but without the drawbacks of nesting callback handlers that are typically associated with asynchronous systems.

This documentation groups information about the various operators and examples of their usage into the following pages:

Creating Observables

Create, Defer, Empty/Never/Throw, From, Interval, Just, Range, Repeat, Start, and Timer

Transforming Observable Items

Buffer, FlatMap, GroupBy, Map, Scan, and Window

Filtering Observables

Debounce, Distinct, ElementAt, Filter, First, IgnoreElements, Last, Sample, Skip, SkipLast, Take, and TakeLast

Combining Observables

And/Then/When, CombineLatest, Join, Merge, StartWith, Switch, and Zip

Error Handling Operators

Catch and Retry

Utility Operators

Delay, Do, Materialize/Dematerialize, ObserveOn, Serialize, Subscribe, SubscribeOn,TimeInterval, Timeout, Timestamp, and Using

Conditional and Boolean Operators

All, Amb, Contains, DefaultIfEmpty, SequenceEqual, SkipUntil, SkipWhile, TakeUntil, and TakeWhile

Mathematical and Aggregate Operators

Average, Concat, Count, Max, Min, Reduce, and Sum

Converting Observables


Connectable Observable Operators

Connect, Publish, RefCount, and Replay

Backpressure Operators

a variety of operators that enforce particular flow-control policies

These pages include information about some operators that are not part of the core of ReactiveX but are implemented in one or more of language-specific implementations and/or optional modules.

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