Mr. L 的ScalersTalk第四轮《新概念》朗读持续力训练 Day79 - 20181225

2018-12-25, starting at 2018-10-08, 新概念英语第二册 Lesson 79 By air


Q: why did the plane turn back?

    I used to travel by air a great deal when I was a boy. My parents, used to live in South America and I used to fly there from Europe in the holidays. A flight attendant would take charge of me and I never had an unpleasant experience. I am used to traveling by air and only on one occasion have I ever felt frightened. After taking off, we were flying low over the city and slowly gaining height, when the plane suddenly turned round and flew back to the airport. While we were waiting to land, a flight attendant told us to keep calm and to get off the plane quietly as soon as it had touched down. Everybody on board was worried and we were curious to find out what had happened. Later we learnt that there was a very important person on board. The police had been told that a bomb had been planted on plane. After we had landed, the plane was searched thoroughly. Fortunately, nothing was found and five hours later we were able to take off again.     

    [aɪ] [juzd] [tə] [ˈtrævəl] [baɪ] [ɛr] [ə] [greɪt] [dil] [wɛn] [aɪ] [wəz] [ə] [bɔɪ]. [maɪ] [ˈpɛrənts], [juzd] [tə] [lɪv] [ɪn] [saʊθ] [əˈmɛrəkə] [ənd] [aɪ] [juzd] [tə] [flaɪ] [ðɛr] [frəm] [ˈjʊrəp] [ɪn] [ðə] [ˈhɑləˌdeɪz]. [ə] [flaɪt] [əˈtɛndənt] [wəd] [teɪk] [ʧɑrʤ] [əv] [mi] [ənd] [aɪ] [ˈnɛvər] [həd] [ən] [ənˈplɛzənt] [ɪkˈspɪriəns]. [aɪ] [əm] [juzd] [tə] [ˈtrævəlɪŋ] [baɪ] [ɛr] [ənd] [ˈoʊnli] [ɑn] [wʌn] [əˈkeɪʒən] [həv] [aɪ] [ˈɛvər] [fɛlt] [ˈfraɪtənd]. [ˈæftər] [ˈteɪkɪŋ] [ɔf], [wi] [wər] [ˈflaɪɪŋ] [loʊ] [ˈoʊvər] [ðə] [ˈsɪti] [ənd] [ˈsloʊli] [ˈgeɪnɪŋ] [haɪt], [wɛn] [ðə] [pleɪn] [ˈsʌdənli] [tɜrnd] [raʊnd] [ənd] [flu] [bæk] [tə] [ði] [ˈɛrˌpɔrt]. [waɪl] [wi] [wər] [ˈweɪtɪŋ] [tə] [lænd], [ə] [flaɪt] [əˈtɛndənt] [toʊld] [əs] [tə] [kip] [kɑm] [ənd] [tə] [gɛt] [ɔf] [ðə] [pleɪn] [ˈkwaɪətli] [əz] [sun] [əz] [ɪt] [həd] [tʌʧt] [daʊn]. [ˈɛvriˌbɑdi] [ɑn] [bɔrd] [wəz] [ˈwɜrid] [ənd] [wi] [wər] [ˈkjʊriəs] [tə] [faɪnd] [aʊt] [wʌt] [həd] [ˈhæpənd]. [ˈleɪtər] [wi] [lɜrnt] [ðət] [ðər] [wəz] [ə] [ˈvɛri] [ɪmˈpɔrtənt] [ˈpɜrsən] [ɑn] [bɔrd]. [ðə] [pəˈlis] [həd] [bɪn] [toʊld] [ðət] [ə] [bɑm] [həd] [bɪn] [ˈplæntəd] [ɑn] [pleɪn]. [ˈæftər] [wi] [həd] [ˈlændəd], [ðə] [pleɪn] [wəz] [sɜrʧt] [ˈθɜroʊli]. [ˈfɔrʧənətli], [ˈnʌθɪŋ] [wəz] [faʊnd] [ənd] [faɪv] [ˈaʊərz] [ˈleɪtər] [wi] [wər] [ˈeɪbəl] [tə] [teɪk] [ɔf] [əˈgɛn].  

任务配置:L0 + L3 + L4  (L0 朗读;L1 音标朗读;L2 点评;L3 复述;L4 读后感)



        - a great deal

        - in the holidays,“在假期中"。on holiday “处于休假状态”, ex: I am on holiday. 

        - take charge of 

        - feel frightened,“吓坏了”

        - take off

        - touch down

        - plant

        - on board

        - A flight attendant would take charge of me. attendant, “服务员;护理员"

          would 用于表示过去经常性或习惯性的动作。译为“总会,总是”。 

          例如: Sometimes I would come home late.有时我总是迟回家。He would read in the sun, 他过去常在阳光下读书。

        - 倒装句:

  …only on one occasion have I ever felt frightened.……只是有一次把我吓坏了。

  这是一个倒装句。倒装句的结构为“副词+助动词(be, do, have, can, must等)+主语+句子的其余部分”。它通常用来加强语气,是典型的正式修辞和正式文体。用倒装句的情况包括:

  (1)句首为否定或近似否定的副词(never, rarely, little, on no occasion, hardly, no sooner…than等):

  Never has he got so many letters. 他从未收到过这么多信。

  Little does he realize how important this meeting is. 他对这个会议的重要性知之甚少。

  On no occasion must you accept any money if he offers it. 他如果给你钱,你可绝不能接受。

  Hardly had he begun his speech when he was interrupted. 他刚开始讲话就被人打断了。

  No sooner had he returned than he bought a house and went to live there. 他刚一回来便买下了一幢房子住了进去。

  (2)句首为only构成的词组(如 only after, only then等):

  Only then did I realize what a mistake I have made. 只是到了那时我才意识到我犯了个什么错误。

  Only after she had taken off her coat and hat could I recognize her.只有在她脱掉大衣和摘下帽子以后我才认出了她。

        - take的用法:



  (1)take off最常用的含义为“脱下(衣服、鞋子等)”:

  Why don't you take off your coat/hat/glasses? 你为什么不把你的大衣脱掉/帽子摘掉/眼镜摘下?


  After taking off, we first flew low over the city. 起飞之后,我们先在城市上空低低地飞行。

  The plane will take off in half an hour. 飞机将于半小时后起飞。

  在口语中,take off可以表示“(嘲弄地)模仿”:

  As a boy, Jim used to take off his elders. 吉姆小时候经常模仿长者。

  (2)take after表示“(长相、性格等)像(父母等)”:

  Jane isn't easy to get along with. She takes after her mother. 简不大容易相处。她像她母亲。

  (3)take up的含义之一为“占(时间、地方等)”:

  Your books have taken up too much space. 你的书占的地方太大了。

  This work won't take up too much of your time. 这项工作不会占你太多的时间。

  take up还可以表示“开始(从事、产生兴趣等)”:

  He took up tennis/painting two years ago. 两年前他开始打网球/学绘画。

  (4)take to的含义之一为“养成……的习惯”或“开始沉缅于”(后面跟名词/动名词):

  When did he take to drinking/smoking? 他什么时候养成酗酒/抽烟的习惯的?

  (5)take in的含义之一为“欺骗”(多用于口语中,常用被动语态):

  On one occasion I was taken in. 有一次我被骗了。

  (6)take down可以表示“写下”、“记下”:

  I forgot to take down his telephone number. 我忘了记下他的电话号码。

  At the police station, everything he said was taken down. 在警察局,他说的每句话都被记了下来。

  (7)take over的含义之一为“接收”、“接管”:

  We all hope that things will get better when the new manager takes over. 我们都希望新经理接管后情况会好转。




Answer: because the police was told there is a bomb planted on the plane and there is an important person on board, the police called the plane back and searched the plane thoroughly. 

Thoughts: 每日精进就是确认自己的朗读首先自己挑不出问题了(朗读5遍+ and 复述)。

你可能感兴趣的:(Mr. L 的ScalersTalk第四轮《新概念》朗读持续力训练 Day79 - 20181225)