2019-07-24 每日10分钟商务英语口语--学习记录(预订航班和酒店)

I"d like to make a reservation to Paris on March 3rd.我要预订3月3号到巴黎的机票。


1. economy class经济舱

2. window seat 靠窗座位

3. Red-eye flight 夜间航行

4. make a reservation预订

5. one-way ticket单程票

6. take off 起飞

7. first class 头等舱

8. early flight早班机

9. change flight更改航班

10. round-trip ticket往返票


1. I'd like to book a ticket, please.我要预定机票。

2. May I reconfirm my flight? 我可以重新确认一下我的航班吗?

3. I'd like to change my reservation. 我想变更一下我的预定。

4. I'd like two seats on today's north-west flight 746 to Boston,please.我想订两张今晚西北航空746航班到波士顿的机票。

5. Could you change my flight date from Londow to Tokyo? 请你更改一下从伦敦到东京的航班日期好吗?

6. I prefer the direct flight. Are there any seats available? 我比较喜欢直飞的航班,请问还有机位吗?

7. Is it a direct flight? 是直飞的航班吗?

8. I'd like to change my flight due to some personal reasons. 个人原因,我想改搭别的航班。


1. I'd like to book a double room. 我想订一个双人房间。

2. What is the rate, please? 请问房费多少?

3. Do you require a deposit? 需要付押金吗?

deposit/dɪ'pɑzɪt/ n. 存款;押金;订金;保证金;沉淀物 vt. 使沉积;存放

4. I'd like a room away from the street. 我想要一个不临街的房间。

5. I'll be leaving Sunday morning. 我将在星期天上午离开。

6. What services come with that?这个价格包含哪些服务项目呢?

7. Do you have any discount if we stay longer? 如果住久一点,会有折扣吗?


1. flight attendant 乘务员 attendant /ə'tɛndənt/ adj. 伴随的;陪伴的 n. 服务员,侍者;随员,陪从;参与者

2. passenger safety 乘客安全

3. pre-flight safety demonstration 安全示范 /,dɛmən'streʃən/ n. 示范;证明;示威游行

4. emergency exits 紧急出口

5. seat belt 安全带


1. I'd like two seats for today's Air China Flight C10008 to Japan, please.我买两张今天的中国国航到日本的C10008班次机票。

2. I'd like to reconfirm my flight from Beijing to Chicago. 我想再确认一下我从北京到芝加哥的航班。

= May I reconfirm my flight from Beijing to Chicago?

3. Could you please check the flight number nearest to 21st September? 帮我查一下距离9月21日最近的航班,好吗?

4. Could I have a smoking room, please? 我能要一个可吸烟的房间吗?

=I'd like a smoking room.

=Can I get a room where I can smoke.

=Do you have smoking room?

5. What's the price difference? 价格有什么不同?

     A double room with a front view is 140 dollars per night, one with a rear view is 115 dollars per night. 阳面一间双人房每晚140美元,阴面的每晚115美元。

6. I need a room with a double bed. 我要一间有双人床的客房。

     OK, let me check if we have one available. 好的,我看看我们是否还有。

7. We do have a suit available for those days. 我们有那几天的一间套房可供您预订。

8. Three hundred and twenty yuan a day, service fee included.320元1天,包含服务费。

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