





Drizzling, drizzling, drizzling, outside the window it is raining. The fine rain squeezed into room through the half-opened window, smelling the surface of table as if it is tracing the scent of books on the corner. Rain, the rain is falling quietly, falling into the vast darkness of night, the boring body of winter, the inner world of my heart.


It turns to be a long period of time since the last appreciation of the rain. And also I don’t enjoy the concert conducted by the rain for a long time.




When I was young, I listened to the rain on the singing floor,

Cloaked in the bed curtain, the red candles looked poor.

When I reached the middle age, I listened to the rain in the boat,

Facing the vast water and the low-hanging clouds;

For the west wind, the swan in alone well used its throat.

And now, I listened to the rain under the temple of monks,

My hair was nearly grey for the passage of some critical moments.

So ruthless were the separations and reunions, the joys and sorrows, 

So long was the raining, drizzling from the very start to the end of night. The words wrote for the rain by Jiang Jie of Song dynasty, turning to be the true feelings of his heart. Listening to the rain, we listen to our mind, our mood, together with the should and would of the passing time.


Then, something was being put into my mind. It was about the rows of thatched roofs, the falling of those merry rains.


I always bear in my mind, never failed, the side door facing that small country road since I was empowered to remember something. Usually, once I heard the drizzling sound of the rain on the roof, I will opened that side door and just stood there to wait the arrival of rain. I was waiting, regardless how long it may be, for the coming of the wonderful sound of rain. Then, it was often in the hot summer day, and what just faced the side door was invariously the household room covered with the black tilts and extending rows after rows.


Something rustling was heard. Some unexplainable smell teased my nose. This smell was so strange, featuring somewhat the scent giving out as the rain drops sponged the dry cracked ground. Not stopping with the smell, I can also hear in an uncertain way the patter of the rains. So loud is the pattering sound, extremely resembling the tiny mouth of babies dabbling the water in a hurry way, but still scholar-like. The rain was on the way. It was the pompous, fast rain in the hot summer. At that side of tilted roofs, the crashing noise was heard, seeming numberless fingers played with bottles and jars. Soon after that, the rain was falling down, forming the water curtain, just like arising a wide piece of white cloth. It fell vertically to the surface of ground, presenting me one after another the mini cascade. For a long time, I was almost carried away, losing myself for a long long time just as I was appreciating the historical opera.


“Mind you that stopped standing for a long time in the middle of the gateway; or this would make you be welcomed by no people.” Behind me, my mother said with the mix of care and worry. I dumped and turned back my head, almost without the concept of the passing time. Looking again, I found out that the rain curtain was much narrowed, and the falling sun again appeared in the west side of sky.


How simple and pure my early childhood was! A rain and the sound of raining could help me beguile a rather long period of time. At that time, listening to the rain, in my mind, was actually a pure sightseeing. I just had a look at the fair figure, listened to the rustling of the rain, only to smell the perfume gave out by everything drenched by the rain.


More than a half of score was past due to the fast pace of time. Several days ago, the We Chat was crammed with colorful photos of the looks of their 18 years old. Some said that it was the annual meeting held by ones who were going to say goodbye to their youth moments. However, in my perspective, it was our nostalgia in the heart playing its part. Yeah, ten years is the span that can discriminate between generation and generation. But that period of ten years was just like the distant mountains falling behind in the rain, wet and misted.


It has been raining long outside the window, drizzling till now. This is a rain that falls from the very early twilight to the late midnight. I might as well open the window, letting the slight cold soaked by the night rain blow in my face. I felt a bit stone-cold, however, just right for me.


What were you saying? My dear rain. You were on and off for a long period of time, just like the nagging of a “faultfinder”. I was still sitting beside the window, typing the lovely Chinese characters one after another. The vastness and thickness of the night, covering almost everything special and strange in the daytime. What can be used to hint us the alive all-embracing was you----the lovey-dovey rain. Surely, I would be your loyal listener, listen carefully to your rhythm together with the inner one of myself.


The good mood, exactly even the carefree and peaceful mind, is needed in the processs of listening to the raining sound. For the most part of the second half of the year 2017, to a large extent the increasing fast pace of the passing several years after I had grown up, it was more often the situation of raining, however so pity the less and less times of such kind of free mindset. 


I often say to myself: please lead a fire-like life in this present one, making it vigorous and vivid. Perhaps, the whole life which may only enjoy several precious decades, seeming in the suitable length, allows not all of us to be slaggish and waste it. Thus, just learn to the rain sound outside the window. Listen, the feet of the rain rustled in a hurry and happy way; it sounded like the trumpet playing loud; its vigor expressed so strongly, letting the atmosphere become more sweeping and susceeding.


“When I reached the middle age, I listened to the rain in the boat,

Facing the vast water and the low-hanging clouds;

For the west wind, the swan in alone well used its throat.”

The great writer of Ci(Ci is a poetic form, a type of lyric poetry, done in the tradition of Classical Chinese poetry, also known as Changduanju or “lines of irregular lengths”), Jiang Jie, put shame to the writers of Ci in Song Dynasty; however, fell from grace when facing the pattering rain in the middle of river.You were just hard to blame the rain for its magic power and the moving energy. As for me, unlike the great writer of Ci, there is still a long long way for me to go through before I collapse into the somewhat horrible middle age. So my feelings towards the middle age was just like what I had looked at a harbor ahead, colaked by the thin mist and looked blurred with the little sketch appeared but the essence hard to be perceived. After all, a long period of time, more than the length of one generation, is the span that can’t not be ignored. But, be fully aware, the pace of time would turn faster and faster. So, it is well versed in chasing tightly and accordingly it waits no man.


Maybe behind all of us, day and night, there was still the footsteps following tighter and tigher. It resembles so much the performance of the rain----- it was firstly drizzling, then pattering and last turning to the loud sound. Oh, could you say that it was not being the symbol of the time zone in our whole life?Or, even nor the description of the weight and worth of our life by using the decibel of the resounding sound?


The midnight rain outside the rain subdued. Its voice sounded rough and then turned to silent after the loud shout for one night long. I turned off the computer and stood up. However, I still lost myself in the thought and experience towards you----my dear rain, towards the songs of special charms played by you, the midnight rain. I truly found the crazy feelings that exclusivly belonged to my childhood, but what I can’t retrieve is the simple-minded happy and the whole-hearted merry.


I walked onto the road paved by the time. The lingering rhythm of the rain again wafted towards my ears----drizling and drizling, pattering and pattering.




