论文网址:[2307.10181] Community-Aware Transformer for Autism Prediction in fMRI Connectome (arxiv.org)
论文代码:GitHub - ubc-tea/Com-BrainTF: The official Pytorch implementation of paper "Community-Aware Transformer for Autism Prediction in fMRI Connectome" accepted by MICCAI 2023
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1.2. 论文总结图
①Treating each ROI equally will overlook the social relationships between them. Thus, the authors put forward Com-BrainTF model to learn local and global presentations
②They share the parameters between different communities but provide specific token for each community
①ASD patients perform abnormal in default mode network (DMN) and are influenced by the significant change of dorsal attention network (DAN) and DMN
②Com-BrainTF contains a hierarchical transformer to learn community embedding and a local transformer to aggregate the whole information of brain
③Sharing the local transformer parameters can avoid over-parameterization
(1)Problem Definition
①They adopt Pearson correlation coefficients methods to obrain functional connectivity matrices
②Then divide ROIs to
③The learned embedding
④Next, the following pooling layer and MPLs predict the labels
(2)Overview of our Pipeline
①They provide a local transformer, a global transformer and a pooling layer in their local-global transformer architecture
②The overall framework
①With the input FC, the learned node feature matrix can be calculated by
②In transformer encoder module,
where ,
is the number of heads
(1)Local Transformer
①They apply same local transformer for all the input, but use unique learnable tokens :
(2)Global Transformer
①The global operation is:
①They aggregate node embedding by OCRead.
②The graph level embedding is calculated by
, where
is a learnable assignment matrix computed by OCRead layer
③Afterwards, flattening and put it in MLP for final prediction
④Loss: CrossEntropy (CE) loss
2.4. Experiments
2.4.1. Datasets and Experimental Settings
(2)Experimental Settings
2.4.2. Quantitative and Qualitative Results
2.4.3. Ablation studies
(1)Input: node features vs. class tokens of local transformers
(2)Output: Cross Entropy loss on the learned node features vs. prompt token
2.5. Conclusion
2.6. Supplementary Materials
2.6.1. Variations on the Number of Prompts
2.6.2. Attention Scores of ASD vs. HC in Comparison between Com-BrainTF (ours) and BNT (baseline)
2.6.3. Decoded Functional Group Differences of ASD vs. HC
3. 知识补充
Bannadabhavi A. et al. (2023) 'Community-Aware Transformer for Autism Prediction in fMRI Connectome', 26th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2023), doi: https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2307.10181