

问题求解策略 (General Problem Solving Techniques)

例题 (Examples)


例题 1 UVa11292 The Dragon of Loowater 排序后用贪心法
例题 2 UVa11729 Commando War 用贪心法求最优排列;用“相邻交换法”证明正确性
例题 3 UVa11300 Spreading The Wealth 用代数法进行数学推导;中位数
例题 4 LA3708 Graveyard 推理;参考系
例题 5 UVa10881 Piotr's Ants 等效变换;排序
例题 6 LA2995 Image is Everything 三维坐标系;迭代更新
例题 7 UVa11464 Even Party 部分枚举;递推
例题 8 LA3401 Colored Cubes 部分枚举;贪心
例题 9 UVa11210 Chinese Mahjong 回溯法;以中国麻将为背景
例题 10 UVa11384 Help is needed for Dexter 问题转化;递归
例题 11 UVa10795 A Different Task 汉诺塔问题;递归
例题 12 LA3971 Assemble 二分法;贪心
例题 13 LA3635 Pie 二分法
例题 14 UVa11520 Fill the Square 求字典序最小的解;贪心
例题 15 LA3902 Network 树上的最优化问题;贪心
例题 16 LA3177 Beijing Guards 二分法;贪心


入门习题 (Exercises:Beginner)


UVa11636 Hello World!
UVa11039 Building Designing
LA3213 Ancient Cipher
LA3602 DNA Consensus String
UVa10970 Big Chocolate 不需要动态规划
UVa10340 All in All
UVa10382 Watering Grass 经典模型;贪心
LA3303 Songs 相邻交换法
LA5842 Equipment 需认真分析题目
LA5844 Leet 以“火星文”为背景的题目
(extra)UVa10012 How Big Is It? 用最小的矩形包住n<=8个圆。回溯法
(extra)UVa10020 Minimal coverage 数轴上有一些线段,选一些总长度尽量少的线段,覆盖区间[0,M]
(extra)UVa10026 Shoemaker's Problem 经典问题。贪心法
(extra)UVa10317 Equating Equations  
(extra)UVa10318 Security Panel  
(extra)UVa10670 Work Reduction  
**(extra)LA2032 Helicopter
**(extra)LA2222 Garland
**(extra)LA2093 Moving Pegs


中级习题 (Exercises:Intermediate)


UVa10905 Children's Game 贪心。容易想错!建议编程并提交 题解1
LA4254 Processor 二分法
UVa11627 Slalom 二分法
UVa11134 Fabled Rooks 经典问题的变形
UVa11100 The Trip, 2007(排序,构造)
LA3266 Tian Ji - The Horse Racing 贪心
UVa11389 The Bus Driver Problem 贪心,排序
LA4094 Wonder Team
LA3507 Keep the Customer Satisfied 经典问题的变形
LA4324 Ugly Windows 注意细节
LA4328 Priest John's Busiest Day 认真分析题目
LA4636 Cubist Artwork 有趣的题目;逻辑推理
LA4253 Archery 枚举。注意特殊情况和精度
LA3667 Ruler 搜索
LA3403 Mobile Computing 枚举二叉树
LA3621 Power Calculation 经典的搜索题目;注意优化
(extra)UVa10037 Bridge 有趣的过河问题。分情况讨论;贪心法
(extra)UVa10602 Editor Nottoobad  
(extra)UVa10716 Evil Straw Warts Live  
(extra)UVa11127 Triple-Free Binary Strings  
*(extra)UVa10120 Gift?! 推荐
*(extra)UVa10123 No Tipping
*(extra)UVa10366 Faucet Flow 推荐
*(extra)UVa10396 Vampire Numbers
*(extra)UVa10479 The Hendrie Sequence 推荐
*(extra)UVa10483 The Sum Equals the Product
*(extra)UVa10570 Meeting with Aliens
*(extra)UVa10609 Fractal
*(extra)UVa10624 Super Number
*(extra)UVa10729 Treequivalence 推荐
*(extra)UVa10747 Maximum Subsequence
*(extra)UVa10771 Barbarian tribes
*(extra)UVa11012 Cosmic Cabbages 推荐
*(extra)UVa11106 Rectilinear Polygon 推荐
*(extra)UVa11269 Setting Problems
*(extra)UVa11387 The 3-Regular Graph
*(extra)UVa11714 Blind Sorting
*(extra)UVa11776 Oh Your Royal Greediness! 经典问题
*(extra)UVa11920 0s, 1s and ? Marks 推荐
*(extra)UVa11986 Save from Radiation. 推荐
**(extra)LA2220 Binary Search
**(extra)LA2084 Problem Bee


提高习题 (Exercises:Advanced)


LA4725 Airport(二分
LA4850 Installations
LA2757 Supermarket 经典问题
LA5693 Compress the String 搜索。需要优化
LA5704 Yummy Triangular Pizza 回溯法。https://oeis.org/A006534
UVa10825 Anagram and Multiplication 枚举(需要猜想)
UVa10639 Square Puzzle 回溯法。注意细节
LA3406 Bingo 注意枚举方式
LA2108 Houses Divided 搜索;需要优化
LA4644 Hobby on Rails 比较繁琐的搜索题目
(extra)UVa10383 Queen vs Rook  
(extra)UVa10411 Another Game of Tetris  
(extra)UVa10414 Denki Blocks  
(extra)UVa10492 Optimal Mastermind Strategy  
(extra)UVa10571 Products  
(extra)UVa10605 Mines For Diamonds  
(extra)UVa10628 Quadrills  
(extra)UVa10632 Pyramid  
(extra)UVa10833 Lunar Forest  
(extra)UVa11694 Gokigen Naname  
(extra)UVa11794 Dazzling Puzzle  
(extra)UVa11846 Finding Seats Again  
*(extra)UVa10272 DDR King 推荐
*(extra)UVa10471 Can't be too GREEDY
*(extra)UVa10640 Planes around the World 推荐
*(extra)UVa10658 ReArrange
*(extra)UVa10675 Revenge of Faucet Flow 推荐
*(extra)UVa10786 Qualifying for the Champions League
*(extra)UVa10904 Structural Equivalence 推荐
*(extra)UVa11006 Wheel Good 推荐
*(extra)UVa11041 Quarter-Finals with Brazil!? No!!!
*(extra)UVa11129 An antiarithmetic permutation
*(extra)UVa11142 MineSweeper II 推荐
*(extra)UVa11184 Joyful Ride
*(extra)UVa11251 Fractions
*(extra)UVa11268 Reliable Network
*(extra)UVa11318 Marble Game 推荐
*(extra)UVa11445 Water Tanks EXTREME 推荐
*(extra)UVa11522 Pyramid Number
*(extra)UVa11527 Morning Walk
*(extra)UVa11570 Sudoku without numbers?
*(extra)UVa11630 Cyclic antimonotonic permutations
*(extra)UVa11814 Stack Machine 推荐
*(extra)UVa11925 Generating Permutations 推荐
*(extra)UVa12011 Complete the Set
**(extra)LA2097 Lost Lists
**(extra)LA2098 Coins


高效算法设计 (Designing Efficient Algorithms)

例题 (Examples)


例题 17 UVa11462 Age Sort 排序后用贪心法
例题 18 UVa11078 Open Credit System 扫描、维护最大值
例题 19 UVa11549 Calculator Conundrum Floyd判圈算法
例题 20 LA3905 Meteor 线性扫描;事件点处理
例题 21 LA2678 Subsequence 线性扫描;前缀和;单调性
例题 22 LA3029 City Game 递推;扫描法
例题 23 LA3695 Distant Galaxy 枚举;线性扫描
例题 24 UVa10755 Garbage heap 前缀和、降维、递推
例题 25 LA2965 Jurassic Remains 中途相遇法


入门习题 (Exercises: Beginner)


UVa10125 Sumsets 中途相遇法
UVa10763 Foreign Exchange 快速检索
UVa10391 Compound Words 字符串检索;哈希表
UVa11054 Wine trading in Gergovia 扫描法
(extra)UVa10324 Zeroes and Ones  
*(extra)UVa10535 Shooter
*(extra)UVa10730 Antiarithmetic? 推荐
*(extra)UVa10810 Ultra-QuickSort


中级习题 (Exercises:Intermediate)


LA2963 Hypertransmission 扫描;维护信息
UVa10827 Maximum sum on a torus 前缀和;降维
LA4726 Average 数形结合或者单调队列
LA4950 Selling Land
LA4356 Fire-Control System 扫描法
LA2689 Cricket Field 在W*H网格里找一个最大空正方形
LA5052 Genome Evolution
LA3716 DNA Regions 利用数学变形或者数形结合
LA4621 Cav
LA3693 Balancing the Scale 用空间换时间 题解1
LA4294 Shuffle 有多种方法
LA5848 Soju
LA4062 You are around me ...
(extra)UVa10132 File Fragmentation  
(extra)UVa10691 Subway  
(extra)UVa11589 Save the President  
*(extra)UVa11536 Smallest Sub-Array
*(extra)UVa11572 Unique Snowflakes
**(extra)LA2159 The Game of Master-Mind
**(extra)LA2065 Edge Detection


提高习题 (Exercises: Advanced)


LA4851 Restaurant
LA4629 Knowledge for the masses


动态规划 (Dynamic Programming)

例题 (Examples)


例题 26 LA3882 And Then There Was One 递归、问题转化
例题 27 UVa10635 Prince and Princess LCS;可转化为LIS
例题 28 UVa10891 Sum 避免重复计算
例题 29 UVa11825 Hacker's Crackdown 集合动态规划;子集枚举
例题 30 UVa10859 Placing Lampposts 树上的动态规划
例题 31 LA3983 Robotruck 动态规划;滑动窗口优化;单调队列
例题 32 LA4794 Sharing Chocolate 集合动态规划、状态精简


入门习题 (Exercises: Beginner)


UVa11584 Partitioning by Palindromes 入门题目
LA4256 Salesman 入门题目
UVa10534 Wavio Sequence 可以转化为经典问题,时间O(nlogn)
UVa11552 Fewest Flops 序列划分模型;状态设计
UVa11404 Palindromic Subsequence 可以转化为LCS
LA4731 Cellular Network 需要一点概率知识和推理
UVa11795 Mega Man's Missions 基础的集合动态规划
LA4727 Jump Joseph问题的变形
LA3530 Martian Mining 模型简单,但需要减少重复计算
UVa10564 Paths through the Hourglass 类似01 背包问题
UVa10817 Headmaster's Headache 集合动态规划
LA2038 Strategic Game 树上动态规划(基础题)
LA3363 String Compression 字符串动态规划
LA2031 Dance Dance Revolution 以跳舞机为背景的题目
LA4643 Twenty Questions 有趣的问题;比较基础的动态规划
(extra)UVa10163 Storage Keepers  
(extra)UVa10453 Make Palindrome  
*(extra)UVa10254 The Priest Mathematician


中级习题 (Exercises:Intermediate)


LA4945 Free Goodies 也可以贪心,时间效率更高
LA4327 Parade 模型不难想,但需要优化
LA4015 Cave 树的动态规划
LA4490 Help Bubu
UVa11600 Masud Rana 注意状态表示
LA4987 Evacuation Plan
LA4613 Mountain Road
LA4614 Moving to Nuremberg
LA4050 Hanoi Towers
LA3305 Tour 经典问题
LA3412 Pesky Heroes 树的动态规划(题目不太好理解)
LA3679 Pitcher Rotation 需要一点优化(精简状态)
LA3605 Roommate
LA3608 Period
LA3610 Log Jumping 可以转化为经典问题
LA2221 Frontier 涉及到几何(见第四章)的动态规划
LA3132 Minimax Triangulation
LA3710 Interconnect 注意状态表示
LA5088 Alice and Bob's Trip 树上的动态规划
LA3782 Bigger is Better 有多种方法。可以不用高精度
(extra)UVa10003 Cutting Sticks 经典的动态规划题目。可以用四边形不等式优化
(extra)UVa10239 The Book-shelver's Problem  
(extra)UVa10271 Chopsticks  
(extra)UVa10304 Optimal Binary Search Tree  
(extra)UVa10599 Robots(II)  
(extra)UVa10604 Chemical Reaction  
(extra)UVa10618 Tango Tango Insurrection  
(extra)UVa10641 Barisal Stadium  
(extra)UVa10671 Grid Speed  
(extra)UVa10688 The Poor Giant  
(extra)UVa11263 Nested Rectangles  
(extra)UVa11400 Lighting System Design  
(extra)UVa11578 Situp Benches  
(extra)UVa11691 Allergy Test  
(extra)UVa11766 Racing Car Computer  
(extra)UVa12002 Happy Birthday  
*(extra)UVa10723 Cyborg Genes 推荐
*(extra)UVa10934 Dropping water 推荐
*(extra)UVa10981 String Morphing 推荐
*(extra)UVa11307 Alternative Arborescene 推荐
*(extra)UVa11456 Trainsorting
*(extra)UVa11782 Optimal Cut
**(extra)LA2096 Taekwondo
**(extra)LA2151 Telescope
**(extra)LA2221 Frontier


提高习题(Exercises: Advanced)


LA4394 String Painter 序列的动态规划,有一定难度
LA4593 Exclusive Access 2
LA4048 Fund Management 注意状态表示
LA4625 Garlands
LA3683 A Scheduling Problem 树的动态规划
LA3637 The Bookcase 不太容易想到,且需要优化
LA5717 Peach Blossom Spring 一类经典题目(最早出现在NWERC2006,但本题数据更强)
LA3623 The Best Name for Your Baby 有难度的动态规划;注意计算顺序
LA4002 The Ultimate Password 有难度的动态规划;注意计算顺序
LA2178 The Minimum Number of Rooks 有难度的动态规划
LA2923 Bundling
LA2930 Minimizing Maximizer 01 原则;数据结构优化动态规划
LA3181 Fixing the Great Wall
LA4290 Easy Climb 需要优化
UVa10559 Blocks 重点是设计状态及其转移
LA4031 Integer Transmission 需要认真思考。可以做到O(n^2)时间。
UVa11521 Compressor 需要认真思考。很容易写错。
(extra)UVa10949 Kids in a Grid  
(extra)UVa11193 Infinix  
(extra)UVa11194 Stone Grid  
(extra)UVa11810 Gentle ping, to the old King  
*(extra)UVa11171 SMS
*(extra)UVa11435 Network EXTREME!!! 推荐
*(extra)UVa11502 Rocket Stages
*(extra)UVa11750 Red-Blue Tree 推荐
*(extra)UVa11803 The Great Merge
