

Symbol 开发步骤:
1. 下载Symbol 的 Developer Guide 手冊來精讀,地址需要 CSDN帳號)。附件1摘要主要内容如下(vs2005 c#部分)
2. Visual Studio 2005 軟件安裝
3. Symbol 開發包 Smdk1.07版。地址:
4. Microsoft ActiveSync 4.5 中文版安裝,來源自己上網搜尋
5. Windows Mobile 5.0 SDK for PocketPC安裝,地址如附件2
6. 參照 Developer Guide 手冊第59頁案例在 VS2005 C#中編寫 “HelloScan”,VS2005 C#編程中注意如下事項:
a) 我是用VS2005自帶的虛擬器 Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC Emulator來做測試器的
b) “引用”是要添加 symbol 及 symbol.barcode 兩個 DLL,只要安裝好Symbol 開發包 Smdk,就有該DLL。缺省位置:C:\Program Files\Symbol Mobility Developer Kit for .NET\v1.7\SDK\Smart Devices
c) 因爲在虛擬器中,所以沒有掃描設備,故涉及到MyReader要註釋掉(如:MyReader = new Symbol.Barcode.Reader();),否則會提示“NullReferenceException 试图在代码中引用不存在的对象时”
d) 畢竟是第一個程序,只要有個messagebox就可以了。後續再慢慢深入
e) 部署到虛擬器Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC Emulator來運行后,虛擬器可以不必關閉,以便加快下一次調用虛擬器的速度

Developer Guide for Symbol Devices
Usage Requirements
Microsoft Visual Studio.NET 2003 or Visual Studio 2005 must be installed on the development PC before installing SMDK for .NET. If
either version of Visual Studio is not found, an error is displayed and the installation is aborted.
Install Requirements for Visual Studio.NET 2003:
• Microsoft® Windows 2000 or Microsoft® Windows XP
• Microsoft® Visual Studio.NET 2003
• Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET 2003 Add-on Pack
• Microsoft ActiveSync 3.7
Install Requirements for Visual Studio 2005:
• Microsoft® Windows 2000 or Microsoft® Windows XP
• Microsoft® Visual Studio 2005
• Microsoft® Windows Mobile 5.0 SDK for PocketPC
• Microsoft ActiveSync 4.0
The installed version of Visual Studio 2003/2005 must support Mobile device development. Express versions
of Visual Studio do not support Mobile device development.

How to Use SMDK for .NET
Once SMDK for .NET is installed, creating .NET Compact Framework applications is fairly simple. Follow the steps below to create a
new Symbol enabled .NET application.
1. Create a new "Smart Device Application" project that uses either the Microsoft Visual Basic.NET or Microsoft Visual C#
2. From the Project pull-down menu select Add Reference... .
3. From the list of .NET assemblies, select the "Symbol" assembly as well as the particular SMDK assembly that matches the
functionality of the application being developed. For example, for bar code scanning applications select Symbol and
4. Begin programming the application. Refer to the SMDK API documentation for information on the methods and properties
of each class.

Adding the BarCodeReader Design Time Control to the Toolbox
Design Time Controls, feature of the SMDK for .NET, can be dragged onto a form.
When installed for use with Visual Studio 2005, SMDK v1.3 for .NET automatically installs three design time controls (Barcode,
MagStripe and Imaging) to the Toolbox. There is no manual step required.
Only the BarcodeReader design time control is available for use with Visual Studio .NET 2003. Before the BarcodeReader Design
Time Control can be used, it must be added to the Visual Studio. NET 2003 toolbox.
To add BarcodeReader Design Time Control to the toolbox:
1. Activate the Toolbox window (View - Toolbox) from Visual Studio .NET.
2. Within the Toolbox, right click the tab in which to put the BarcodeReader control and select Add/Remove Items... from the
pop-up menu.
3. In the Customize Toolbox dialog, select the .NET Framework Components tab.
4. Click Browse to locate the Symbol.Barcode.Design.dll. This DLL can be found at the following location:
\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio.NET 2003\CompactFrameworkSDK\v1.0.5000\Windows CE\Designer\.
5. Open Symbol.BarcodeDesign.dll. The BarcodeReader control appears in the Customize Toolbox dialog.
6. Click OK to close the dialog.

Windows Mobile 5.0 开发包:
(包括工具和学习资源): Developer Resource Kit.msi

SDK for Pocket PC:  (174M) Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK.msi

SDK for Smartphone:  (77.3M) Mobile 5.0 Smartphone SDK.msi

Pocket PC简体中文仿真:  (99.5M) Mobile 5.0 Emulator Images for Pocket PC - CHS.msi

Smartphone简体中文仿真:  (37.0M) Mobile 5.0 Emulator Images for Smartphone - CHS.msi

Microsoft® Windows® CE 5.0 Device Emulator:  (3.59M)

ActiveSync 4.1:

附件3:Symbol 设备的操作系统

This software has been approved for use with the following devices:

MK2000 CE 4.2
MK1100 CE 4.2
MC3000 CE 4.2
MC9000 CE 4.2
MC9000 CE 4.2 RFID
MC1000 CE 4.2
MC3000 CE 5.0
PPT8800 CE 4.2
MC9000 CE 5.0
MC9090 CE 5.0
MC70 WM 5.0
MC50 WM 2003
MC9000 WM 2003
MC9000 WM 2003 RFID
MC9000 WM 5.0
PPT8800 WM 2003
PDT8100x WM 2003
PPT2800 WM 2003
PDT8000 WM 2003
VC5090 CE 5.0
WT40X0 CE 5.0
