
1. 什么是Zookeeper

ZooKeeper is a high-performance coordination service for distributed applications. It exposes common services - such as naming, configuration management, synchronization, and group services - in a simple interface so you don’t have to write them from scratch. You can use it off-the-shelf to implement consensus, group management, leader election, and presence protocols. And you can build on it for your own, specific needs.


2. Zookeeper的设计目标

2.1 复制的


2.2 事务有序的


2.3 高效的


3. Zookeeper的数据模型和分层命名空间

3.1 数据模型

Unlike standard file systems, each node in a ZooKeeper namespace can have data associated with it as well as children. It is like having a file-system that allows a file to also be a directory. (ZooKeeper was designed to store coordination data: status information, configuration, location information, etc., so the data stored at each node is usually small, in the byte to kilobyte range.) We use the term znode to make it clear that we are talking about ZooKeeper data nodes.


3.2 分层命名空间


2.1 服务发现

2.2 分布式配置

  • 配置文件的更新,借助zookeeper的znode变化,更新指定的配置文件或配置项。
  • 分布式环境中,同时更新所有集群机器上的配置文件。 参考 [[Zookeeper 官方示例2-SyncPrimitive 代码解读]] 第1章节内容。

2.3 Master的选举

2.4 消息队列(JMX)

参考[[Zookeeper 官方示例2-SyncPrimitive 代码解读]] 第2章节内容。
