哈利波特魔法石 chapter 1


1 英文总结

The Dursleys has everything they wanted, but they had a secret and feared someone might find the secret one day. Actually, Mrs Dursley had a sister called  Mrs Potter and pretended she didn’t have the sister, because her sister and her good-for -nothing husband don’t have Dursleyish.

So many things he found were so peculiar. Firstly, Mr Dursley prepared to go to the company to work, however, he found there was a cat reading a map. When he returned to see the cat, he did not find anything but just a cat. In addition, there were so many people wearing cloak in different colors in the street. He thought maybe these people just wore for silly stunt. Thirdly, he walked the streets and became so nervous when someone mentioned Potter; he wanted to tell the wife but he is afraid that his wife would be have a tantrum.After that he watched TV reported there were so manny owls behaving very differently.

Finally, two professors talked with each other and they thought it was a good idea to ask Hagrid to put the little baby, Harry Potter, to the Dursleys with a letter.


读完第一章后 没有很深的感悟 熟悉各位人物的名字 不过从第一章可以看出教授们以及Hagrid对Harry Potter的喜爱 当Hagrid把小Harry送到Dursley 夫妇门口时的不舍~

3 英文表达积累 ‍♀️

1) wearing an emerald-green cloak(鲜绿色)——wearing a violet cloak(紫罗兰)——wear long robe ———people in cloak

2)have a tantrum = throw a tantrum = lose their temper in a childish way

原文:Durley was now having a tantrum and throwing his cereal at the walls.

造句: Some children may have a tantrum to their parents if their parents ask them to do more homework

3) put....out of his mind

原文: Mr. Dursley give home self a little shake and put the cat out of his mind.

造句: I dont have a soft spot for writing assignment in term one, so sometimes I put assignment out of my mind and do other things I am interested

4) getup 服饰

原文:Mr.Dursley couldn’t bear people who dressed in funny clothes—the getups you saw on young people.

造句:I dont like his getup, which was not exceedingly gorgeous.

5) good for nothing 毫无价值的

原文:her sister and her good for nothing husband were as unDursleyish as it was possible to be.

造句: people, especially young people,  who love set goals without sticking to them are proactive good for nothing.

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