EPLAN API 入门系列- 提高篇(How to get PartProperty via partNo)

 How to get PartProperty via partNo?

        public ArrayList BDGetProPartProperty(Project oProject, string PartNO)


            ArrayList arrList = new ArrayList();

            DMObjectsFinder oFinder = new DMObjectsFinder(oProject);

            FunctionsFilter oFunctionsFilter = new FunctionsFilter();

            oFunctionsFilter.ExactNameMatching = true;

            Function[] oFunctions = oFinder.GetFunctions(oFunctionsFilter);

            foreach (var oFunction in oFunctions)


                if (oFunction != null)


                    foreach (var part in oFunction.Articles)


                        if (part.Properties.ARTICLE_PARTNR == PartNO)


                            string sDescription1 = string.Empty;

                            if (!part.Properties.ARTICLE_DESCR1.IsEmpty)


                                sDescription1 = ((MultiLangString)part.Properties.ARTICLE_DESCR1).GetString(ISOCode.Language.L_zh_CN);


                            arrList.Add("名称1||" + sDescription1);





            return arrList;



