关于序列化--完整for beta1

In simple words serialization is a process of storing the object instance to a disk file. Serialization stores state of the object i.e. member variable values to disk. Deserialization is reverse of serialization i.e. it's a process of reading objects from a file where they have been stored. In this code sample we will see how to serialize and deserialize objects using C#.

Namespaces involved
Following namespaces are involved in serialization process :

Example 1
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;
public class SerialTest

    public void SerializeNow()
        ClassToSerialize c=new ClassToSerialize();
        File f=new File("temp.dat");
        Stream s=f.Open(FileMode.Create);
        BinaryFormatter b=new BinaryFormatter();

    public void DeSerializeNow()
        ClassToSerialize c=new ClassToSerialize();
        File f=new File("temp.dat");
        Stream s=f.Open(FileMode.Open);
        BinaryFormatter b=new BinaryFormatter();

    public static void Main(string[] s)

        SerialTest st=new SerialTest();


public class ClassToSerialize
    public int age=100;
    public string name="bipin";


Here we have our own class named ClassToSerialize. This class has two public valiables name and age with some default values. We will write this class to a disk file (temp.dat) using SerializeTest class.

SerializeTest class has two methods SerializeNow() and DeSerializeNow() which perform the task of serialization and deserialization respectively.

The general steps for serializing are :

Create an instance of File that will store serialized object
Create a stream from the file object
Create an instance of BinaryFormatter
Call serialize method of the instance passing it stream and object to serialize
The steps for de-serializing the object are similar. The only change is that you need to call deserialize method of BinaryFormatter object.

Now, let us see an example where we have used 'real' class with public and shared members and properties to encapsulate them. The class also uses another supporting class. This is just to make clear that if your class contains further classes, all the classes in the chain will be serialized.

Example 2
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;

public class SerialTest

    public void SerializeNow()
        ClassToSerialize c=new ClassToSerialize();
        File f=new File("temp.dat");
        Stream s=f.Open(FileMode.Create);
        BinaryFormatter b=new BinaryFormatter();

    public void DeSerializeNow()
        ClassToSerialize c=new ClassToSerialize();
        File f=new File("temp.dat");
        Stream s=f.Open(FileMode.Open);
        BinaryFormatter b=new BinaryFormatter();
        Console.WriteLine("Name :" + c.Name);
        Console.WriteLine("Age :" + c.Age);
        Console.WriteLine("Company Name :" + ClassToSerialize.CompanyName);
        Console.WriteLine("Company Name :" + c.GetSupportClassString());

    public static void Main(string[] s)

        SerialTest st=new SerialTest();



public class ClassToSerialize
    private int age;
    private string name;
    static string companyname;
    SupportClass supp=new SupportClass();

    public ClassToSerialize()
        supp.SupportClassString="In support class";


    public int Age
            return age;


    public string Name
            return name;


    public static string CompanyName
            return companyname;


    public string GetSupportClassString()
        return supp.SupportClassString;


public class SupportClass
    public string SupportClassString;


Example 3
The final example shows how to serialize array of objects.

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;
public class SerialTest

    public void SerializeNow()
        ClassToSerialize[] c=new ClassToSerialize[3];

        c[0]=new ClassToSerialize();

        c[1]=new ClassToSerialize();

        c[2]=new ClassToSerialize();

        File f=new File("temp.dat");
        Stream s=f.Open(FileMode.Create);
        BinaryFormatter b=new BinaryFormatter();

    public void DeSerializeNow()
        ClassToSerialize[] c;
        File f=new File("temp.dat");
        Stream s=f.Open(FileMode.Open);
        BinaryFormatter b=new BinaryFormatter();
        Console.WriteLine("Name :" + c[2].Name);
        Console.WriteLine("Age :" + c[2].Age);
        Console.WriteLine("Company Name :" + ClassToSerialize.CompanyName);

    public static void Main(string[] s)

        SerialTest st=new SerialTest();


public class ClassToSerialize
    private int age;
    private string name;
    static string companyname;

    public int Age
            return age;


    public string Name
            return name;


    public static string CompanyName
            return companyname;


