Compute and storage clouds using wide area high performance networks

Compute and storage clouds using wide area high performance networks

Robert L. GrossmanCorresponding Author Contact Information, a, E-mail The Corresponding Author, Yunhong Gua, Michael Sabalaa and Wanzhi Zhanga

aNational Center for Data Mining, University of Illinois at Chicago, United States

Received 3 February 2008; 
revised 19 July 2008; 
accepted 22 July 2008. 
Available online 29 July 2008.


We describe a cloud-based infrastructure that we have developed that is optimized for wide area, high performance networks and designed to support data mining applications. The infrastructure consists of a storage cloud called Sector and a compute cloud called Sphere. We describe two applications that we have built using the cloud and some experimental studies.


Keywords: Cloud computing; High performance computing; High performance networking; Distributed computing; Data mining

Article Outline

1. Introduction 介绍
2. Related work 相关工作
3. Sector storage cloud Sector存储云
4. Sphere Sphere
5. Sector/Sphere applications Secotr/Sphere 应用
5.1. Experimental setup
5.2. Distributing the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) 对斯隆数字天空勘测计划进行分布式
5.3. Identifying emergent behavior in TCP/IP traffic 识别TCP/IP通信中突然出现的行为
5.4. Hadoop vs Sphere Hadoop vs Sphere
6. Summary and conclusion 概要和总结
Acknowledgements 成果
References 参考文献

1. Introduction

By a cloud, we mean an infrastructure that provides resources and/or services over the Internet. A storage cloud provides storage services (block or file based services); a data cloud provides data management services (record-based, column-based or object-based services); and a compute cloud provides computational services. Often these are layered (compute services over data services over storage service) to create a stack of cloud services that serves as a computing platform for developing cloud-based applications.


Examples include Google’s Google File System (GFS), BigTable and MapReduce infrastructure [5] and [8]; Amazon’s S3 storage cloud, SimpleDB data cloud, and EC2 compute cloud [2]; and the open source Hadoop system [4] and [14].

Data clouds provide some important advantages for managing and analyzing data compared to competing technologies (Fig. 1).

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Fig. 1. A data stack for a cloud consists of three layered services as indicated.

First, for the majority of applications, databases are the preferred infrastructure for managing and archiving data sets, but as the size of the data set begins to grow larger than a few hundred terabytes, current databases become less competitive with more specialized solutions, such as the storage services (e.g., [8] and [11]) that are parts of data clouds. For example, Google’s GFS manages Petabytes of data [6].


Second, data in a data cloud can easily be replicated. Temporary replicas can be used to improve performance by exploiting locality and caches, permanent replicas can be used for backing up data, and long-term replicas can be used for archiving data. Replicas are typically placed within a rack, across racks, and across data centers to handle various types of failures. Automatic services ensure that after a failure drops a replica, an additional replica is created. In addition, once replicated, the replicated data provides a natural way to parallelize embarrassingly parallel computations in the cloud.


Third, once data is stored in a cloud, the data can wait for computing tasks. In contrast, in a standard grid computing environment, the data is scattered to nodes in clusters when a sufficiently large pool of nodes are available; and, in this sense, the nodes wait for the data. For large data sets, transporting the data to the nodes can be a significant percentage of the total processing time.


In this paper, we describe a cloud based infrastructure that is optimized for high performance, wide area networks and designed to support the ingestion, data management, analysis, and distribution of large terabyte size data sets. We assume an “OptIPuter” style design in the sense that we assume that geographically distributed nodes running storage services are connected by a 10+ Gbps network that functions more or less as a wide area “back-plane or bus”.

This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 describes related work. Section 3 describes a storage cloud called Sector. Section 4 describes a compute cloud that we have developed called Sphere. Section 5 describes two Sector and Sphere applications. Section 6 is the summary and conclusion.

2. Related work

The most common platform for data mining is a single workstation. There are also several data mining systems that have been developed for local clusters of workstations, distributed clusters of workstations and grids [10]. More recently, data mining systems have been developed that use web services and, more generally, a service oriented architecture. For a recent survey of data mining systems, see [15].

By and large, data mining systems that have been developed to date for clusters, distributed clusters and grids have assumed that the processors are the scarce resource, and hence shared. When processors become available, the data is moved to the processors, the computation is started, and results are computed and returned [7]. To simplify, this is the supercomputing model, and, in the distributed version, the Teragrid model [16]. In practice with this approach, for many computations, a good portion of the time is spent transporting the data.

An alternative approach has become more common during the last few years. In this approach, the data is persistently stored and computations take place over the data when required. In this model, the data waits for the task or query. To simplify, this is the data center model (and in the distributed data version, the distributed data center model). The storage clouds provided by Amazon’s S3 [1], the Google File System [8], and the open source Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) [4] support this model.

To date, work on data clouds [8], [4] and [1] has assumed relatively small bandwidth between the distributed clusters containing the data. In contrast, the Sector storage cloud described in Section 3 is designed for wide area, high performance 10 Gbps networks and employs specialized protocols such as UDT [13] to utilize the available bandwidth on these networks.

The most common way to compute over GFS and HDFS storage clouds is to use MapReduce [5]. With MapReduce: (i) relevant data is extracted in parallel over multiple nodes using a common “map” operation; (ii) the data is then transported to other nodes as required (this is referred to as a shuffle); and, (iii) the data is then processed over multiple nodes using a common “reduce” operation to produce a result set. In contrast, the Sphere compute cloud described in Section 4 allows arbitrary user defined operations to replace both the map and reduce operations. In addition, Sphere uses specialized network transport protocols [13] so that data can be transferred efficiently over wide area high performance networks during the shuffle operation.

3. Sector storage cloud

Sector has a layered architecture: there is a routing layer and a storage layer. Sector services, such as the Sphere compute cloud described below, are implemented over the storage layer. See Fig. 2.

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Fig. 2. A Sector Server provides file locating and file access services to any Sector Client. Sector maintains multiple copies of files, locates them using a P2P-based routing protocol, and transfers them using specialized network protocols such as UDT. Sector is layered so that other routing protocols may be used.

The routing layer provide services that locate the node that stores the metadata for a specific data file or computing service. That is, given a name, the routing layer returns the location of the node that has the metadata, such as the physical location in the system, of the named entity. Any routing protocols that can provide this function can be deployed in Sector. Currently, Sector uses the Chord P2P routing protocol [17]. The next version of Sector will support specialized routing protocols designed for uniform wide area clouds, as well as non-uniform clouds in which bandwidth may vary between portions of the cloud.

Data transport itself is done using specialized high performance network transport protocols, such as UDT [13]. UDT is a rate-based application layer network transport protocol that supports large data flows over wide area high performance networks. UDT is fair to several large data flows in the sense that it shares bandwidth equally between them. UDT is also friendly to TCP flows in the sense that it backs off, enabling any TCP flows sharing the network to use the bandwidth they require.

The storage layer manages the data files and their metadata. It maintains an index of the metadata of files and creates replicas. A typical Sector data access session involves the following steps:

1. The Sector client connects to any known Sector server S, and requests the locations of a named entity.


2. S runs a look-up inside the server network using the services from the routing layer and returns one or more locations to the client.

3. The client requests a data connection to one or more servers on the returned locations using a specialized Sector library designed to provide efficient message passing between geographically distributed nodes.

4. All further requests and responses are performed using UDT over the data connection established by the message passing library.

Fig. 3 depicts a simple Sector system. Sector is meant to serve a community of users. The Sector server network consists of nodes managed by administrators within the community. Anyone within the community who has an account can write data to the system. In general, anyone in the public can read data from Sector. In contrast, systems such as GFS [8] and Hadoop [4] are targeted towards organizations (only users with accounts can read and write data), while systems such as Globus [7] are targeted towards virtual organizations (anyone with access to a node running GSI [7] and having an account can read and write data). Also, unlike some peer-to-peer systems, while reading data is open, writing data in Sector is controlled through access control lists.

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Fig. 3. With Sector, only users in a community who have been added to the Sector access control list can write data into Sector. On the other hand, any member of the community or of the public can read data, unless additional restrictions are imposed.

Below are the typical Sector operations:

• The Sector storage cloud is automatically updated when nodes join or leave the cloud — it is not required that this be done through a centralized control system.


• Data providers within the community who have been added to the access control lists can upload data files to Sector Servers.

• The Sector Storage Cloud automatically creates data replicas for long term archival storage, to provide more efficient content distribution, and to support parallel computation.

• Sector Storage Cloud clients can connect to any known server node to access data stored in Sector. Sector data is open to the public (unless further restrictions are imposed).

Using P2P for distributing large scientific data has become popular recently. Some related work can be found in [20], [21] and [22].

4. Sphere

Sphere is middleware that provides distributed computing services for persistent distributed data managed by Sector. Sphere is designed to perform computations over data without moving it whenever possible. If an application uses the Sphere client API, then Sphere provides the following services: locating data, moving data (if required), locating and managing computing resources, load balancing, and fault tolerance. The distributed parallelization is done implicitly by Sphere: Sphere automatically locates computing nodes to run the processing function in parallel, while Sector provides a uniform data access interface.

Sphere is broadly based upon the stream approach to data processing in the sense that all processing assumes that each record in the stream is processed independently by the same processing function. More specifically, the data is viewed as a stream that is divided into chunks. The chunks are already naturally distributed over the nodes managed by the Sector Storage Cloud. A Sphere application provides one or more processing functions that are applied to each record in the data stream independently. Sphere automatically invokes the processing function over multiple nodes in parallel. After a processing stage, data can be transfered from node to node as required. The cycle then repeats by applying another data processing function, followed by another data transfer.

As an example, consider the following loop in a serial program.

In the stream process paradigm used by Sphere, this loop will be replaced by:

The majority of the processing time for many data intensive applications is spent in loops like these; developers often spend a lot of time parallelizing these types of loops using MPI or PVM. Parallelizing these loops in distributed environments presents additional challenges. Sphere provides a simple way for application developers to express these loops and then automatically parallelizes and distributes the required computations.


The approach taken by Sphere is to provide a very simple distributed application development interface by limiting the type of operations supported. The stream processing paradigm used in Sphere is fundamentally a simplified data parallel and master/worker pattern.

Although the stream processing paradigm is a special-purpose parallel computing model, it has been used successfully in general purpose GPU programming (GPGPU). Google’s MapReduce system [5] also uses the stream processing paradigm to process very large data sets managed by the Google File System (GFS) [8].

5. Sector/Sphere applications

5.1. Experimental setup

The applications described in this section run on a wide area, high performance testbed called the Teraflow Testbed [19]. The various sites on the testbed are connected using 10 Gbps networks. Each site contains a small cluster of 2–16 dual dual-core (i.e., total 4-core) Opteron servers. There are sites in Chicago, Pasadena (CA, USA), McLean (VA, USA), Greenbelt (MD, USA), Tokyo (Japan), Daejeon (Korea). Each Opteron server has a 2.4 GHz CPU and 4 GB memory. The furthest two nodes in the testbed have a RTT of 200 ms between them.

5.2. Distributing the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS)

One of the the first applications we developed over Sector was a content distribution network for large e-science data sets. In particular, we have used the Sector Cloud to distribute the Sloan Digital Sky Survey data [9] to astronomers around the world.

The SDSS data consists of the 13TB DR5 data release (60 catalog files, 64 catalog files in EFG format, 257 raw image data collection files) and the 14TB DR6 data release (60 catalog files, 60 Segue files, 268 raw image collection files). The sizes of these files range between 5 GB and 100 GB each (Table 1).

Table 1.

This table shows that the Sector Storage Cloud provides access to large terabyte size e-science data sets at 0.60%–0.98% of the performance that would be available to scientists sitting next to the data

Source Destination Throughput (Mb/s) LLPR
Greenbelt, MD Daejeon, Korea 360 0.78
Chicago, IL Pasadena, CA 550 0.83
Chicago, IL Greenbelt, MD 615 0.98
Chicago, IL Tokyo, Japan 490 0.61
Tokyo, Japan Pasadena, CA 550 0.83
Tokyo, Japan Chicago, IL 460 0.67

The Sector Cloud has been used to distribute the SDSS since July 2006. During the last 18 months, we have had about 5000 system accesses and a total of 200TB of data was transferred to end users.

In order to evaluate Sector’s wide area data transfer performance we defined a measure called LLPR, or long distance to local performance ratio, which is the ratio of the performance measured over the wide area network divided by the performance over a local area network containing machines with the same configuration.

The higher the LLPR, the better the performance. The maximum possible performance is when the LLPR is equal to 1.0. That is, a long distance data transfer cannot be faster than a local transfer with the same hardware configuration.

5.3. Identifying emergent behavior in TCP/IP traffic

Angle is a Sphere application that identifies anomalous or suspicious behavior in TCP packet data that is collected from multiple, geographically distributed sites [12]. Angle contains Sensor Nodes that are attached to the commodity Internet and collect IP data. Connected to each Sensor Node on the commodity network is a Sector node on a wide area high performance network. The Sensor Nodes zero out the content, hash the source and destination IP to preserve privacy, package moving windows of anonymized packets in pcap files [3] for further processing, and transfer these files to the associated Sector node. Sector services are used to manage the data collected by Angle and Sphere services are used to identify anomalous or suspicious behavior.

Angle Sensors are currently installed at four locations: the University of Illinois at Chicago, the University of Chicago, Argonne National Laboratory and the ISI/University of Southern California. Each day, Angle processes approximately 575 pcap files totaling approximately 7.6 GB and 97 million packets. To date, we have collected approximately 140,000 pcap files.

For each pcap file, we aggregate all the packet data by source IP (or other specified entity), compute features, and then cluster the resulting points in feature space. With this process a model summarizing a cluster model is produced for each pcap file.

Through a temporal analysis of these cluster models, we identify anomalous or suspicious behavior and send appropriate alerts. See [12] for more details.

Table 2 shows the performance of Sector and Sphere when computing cluster models using the k-means algorithms [18] from distributed pcap files ranging in size from 500 points to 100,000,000.

Table 2.

The time spent clustering using Sphere scales as the number of records increases, as is illustrated in the table below from 500 records to 100,000,000 records

Number records Number of sector files Time
500 1 1.9 s
1,000 3 4.2 s
1,000,000 2,850 85 min
100,000,000 300,000 178 h

5.4. Hadoop vs Sphere

In this section we describe some comparisons between Sphere and Hadoop [4] on a 6-node Linux cluster in a single location. We ran the TeraSort benchmark [4] using both Hadoop and Sphere. The benchmark creates a 10 GB file on each node and then performs a distributed sort. Each file contains 100-byte records with 10-byte random keys.

The file generation required 212 s per file per node for Hadoop, which is a throughput of 440 Mbps per node. For Sphere, the file generation required 68 s per node, which is a throughput of 1.1 Gbps per node.

Table 3 shows the performance of the sort phase (time in seconds). In this benchmark, Sphere is significantly faster (approximately 2–3 times) than Hadoop. It is also important to note that in this experiment, Hadoop uses all four cores on each node, while Sphere only uses one core.

Table 3.

This table compares the performance of Sphere and Hadoop sorting a 10 GB file on each of six nodes

Node 1 2 3 4 5 6
Hadoop 1708 1801 1850 1881 1892 1953
Sphere 510 820 832 850 866 871

The time is in seconds.

6. Summary and conclusion

Until recently, most high performance computing relied on a model in which cycles were scarce resources that were managed and data was moved to them when required. As data sets grow large, the time required to move data begins to dominate the computation. In contrast, with a cloud-based architecture, a storage cloud provides long-term archival storage for large data sets. A compute cloud is layered over the storage to provide computing cycles when required and the distribution and replication used by the storage cloud provide a natural framework for parallelism.

In this paper, we have described a high performance storage cloud called Sector and a compute cloud called Sphere that are designed to store large distributed data sets and to support the parallel analysis of these data sets. Sector and Sphere rely on specialized high performance data transport protocols such as UDT that use bandwidth efficiently over wide area high bandwidth networks.

We have also described two applications that use this infrastructure and shown that with wide area high performance networks and a cloud-based architecture, computing with distributed data can be done with approximately the same efficiency as computing with local data.


This work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation through grants SCI-0430781, CNS-0420847, and ACI-0325013.



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[3] Jay Beale, Andrew R. Baker, Joel Esler, Snort IDS and IPS toolkit, Syngress, 2007.


[4] Dhruba Borthaku, The hadoop distributed file system: Architecture and design. Retrieved from, 2007.


[5] Jeffrey Dean, Sanjay Ghemawat, MapReduce: Simplified data processing on large clusters, in: OSDI’04: Sixth Symposium on Operating System Design and Implementation, 2004.


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[7] Ian Foster and Carl Kesselman, The Grid 2: Blueprint for a New Computing Infrastructure, Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco, California (2004).


[8] Sanjay Ghemawat, Howard Gobioff and Shun-Tak Leung, The Google file system, SOSP (2003).


[9] Jim Gray and Alexander S. Szalay, The world-wide telescope, Science 293 (2001), pp. 2037–2040.


[10] Robert L. Grossman, Standards, services and platforms for data mining: A quick overview, in: Proceedings of the 2003 KDD Workshop on Data Mining Standards, Services and Platforms, DM-SSP 03, 2003.


[11] Robert L. Grossman, A review of some analytic architectures for high volume transaction systems, The 5th International Workshop on Data Mining Standards, Services and Platforms, DM-SSP’07, ACM (2007), pp. 23–28.


[12] Robert L. Grossman, Michael Sabala, Yunhong Gu, Anushka Anand, Matt Handley, Rajmonda Sulo, Lee Wilkinson, Distributed discovery in e-science: Lessons from the angle project, in: Next Generation Data Mining, NGDM’07, 2008 (in press).


[13] Yunhong Gu and Robert L. Grossman, UDT: UDP-based data transfer for high-speed wide area networks, Computer Networks 51 (7) (2007), pp. 1777–1799. Article | PDF (480 K) | View Record in Scopus | Cited By in Scopus (9)



[15] Hillol Kargupta (Ed.) Proceedings of Next Generation Data Mining 2007, Taylor and Francis (in press).


[16] D.A. Reed, Grids, the teragrid and beyond, Computer 36 (1) (2003), pp. 62–68. Full Text via CrossRef


[17] I. Stoica, R. Morris, D. Karger, M.F. Kaashoek, H. Balakrishnana, Chord: A scalable peer to peer lookup service for Internet applications, in: Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM ’01, 2001, pp. 149–160.


[18] Pang-Ning Tan, Michael Steinbach and Vipin Kumar, Data Mining, Addison-Wesley (2006).


[19] The Teraflow Testbed. The teraflow testbed architecture.


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[21] Mustafa Mat Deris, Jemal H. Abawajy and Ali Mamat, An efficient replicated data access approach for large-scale distributed systems, Future Generation Computer Systems 24 (1) (2008), pp. 1–9.


[22] P. Trunfio, D. Talia, H. Papadakis, P. Fragopoulou, M. Mordacchini, M. Pennanen, K. Popov, V. Vlassov and S. Haridi, Peer-to-Peer resource discovery in Grids: Models and systems, Future Generation Computer Systems 23 (7) (2007), pp. 864–878. Article | PDF (975 K) | View Record in Scopus | Cited By in Scopus (21)


Corresponding Author Contact InformationCorresponding address: National Center for Data Mining, University of Illinois at Chicago, 851 S. Morgan Street, 60607 Chicago, IL, United States. Tel.: +1 312 413 2176; fax: +1 312 355 0373.


Robert L. Grossman is a Professor of Mathematics, Statistics, & Computer Science at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), Professor of Computer Science at UIC, and Director of the National Center for Data Mining at UIC. He is also the Managing Partner of Open Data Group. He has published over 150 papers in data mining, high performance computing, high performance networking, and related areas.

Yunhong Gu is a research scientist at the National Center for Data Mining of the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC). He received a Ph.D. in Computer Science from UIC in 2005. His current research interests include computer networks and distributed systems. He is the developer of UDT, an application-level data transport protocol. UDT is deployed on distributed data intensive applications over high-speed wide-area networks (e.g., 1 Gb/s or above; both private and shared networks). UDT uses UDP to transfer bulk data and it has its own reliability control and congestion control mechanism.

Michael Sabala received his Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana. He is a senior research programmer and systems administrator at the National Center for Data Mining at UIC.

Wanzhi Zhang is a Ph.D. student in Computer Science at the University of Illinois at Chicago and a research assistant at the National Center for Data Mining. He received his M.S. in Computer Science from Chinese Academy of Sciences, and B.E. in Automation from Tsinghua University. His current research interest includes algorithm design and application development in distributed data mining and parallel computing.
