Schedules and Events
Class and Sequence Diagrams specifications
Plan for Work and Milestones for the Class and Sequence Diagrams specifications:
Modeling Areas
The Modelling TC participants have initially identified twelve modelling areas that should be explored for a FIPA AUML: multi- vs. single agent, agent “class/component” and implementation structure, goal and soft goals, use cases, social aspects, environment, workflow/planning, levels of abstraction, temporal constraints, policies, deployment and mobility. The follow are the deliverable due dates
Modeling Notation Sources
The Modelling TC participants have initially identified thirteen sources of notations that should be considered for a FIPA AUML: UML 2.0, AOR, PASSI, MESSAGE, Tropos (includes i* and GRL), Adelphi, Gaia, Brixs, Styx, Prometheus, Madkit, OPEN, OPM. A one-to-two page summary of each will be produced for public view by