Flaws in Microsoft Access
Provided by Allen Browne, December 2006. Updated August 2010.
Errors using multiple versions of Access under Vista or Windows 7
如果你在Windows Vista或以后的Windows版本上安装了多个Microsoft Access版本。那么当你在Microsoft Access 2000、Microsoft Access 2002和Microsoft Access 2003上运行代码时会报错。
If you install multiple versions of Access under Windows Vista or later, you receive errors when you run any code in Access 2000, 2002 and 2003.
For example, if a form has code in its Current event procedure, it fails to open with this message:
The expression On Current you entered as the event property setting produced the following error:
Object or class does not support the set of events.
更早版本的Microsoft Access情况有所不同。例如,Microsoft Access 97会出现以下错误:
Earlier versions do not run at all. If you switch to Access 97, you are told:
Microsoft Access 不能启动。
Microsoft Access can’t be started.
Microsoft Access 不能在注册表中被初始化。
Microsoft Access was unable to initialize the Windows Registry
重装Microsoft Access。
Rerun Microsoft Access or Microsoft Office Setup to reinstall Microsoft Access.
切换到最新的Microsoft Access版本则一切正常(重装过后)。
Switching to the lastest version of Access works (after the pause for reinstallation.)
The Access and Office library references are adapted to the version of Access you open. Under Vista, programs do not have the privilege to alter the registry.
Access therefore runs with the last registered library. The code cannot compile using the library of the wrong version, so no code works.
下面的屏幕截图是从Microsoft 2000中获得的。Microsoft 2000应该对应9.0 对像库(以后的版本不会使用这个对象库,但是能兼容它),但是这里却错误的试图使用12.0对像库(Access 2007以后的版从使用这个对像库。)
The screenshot is from Access 2000. It correctly identifies the Office 9.0 library (since no database had been opened using the Office library), but incorrectly attempts to use the Access 12.0 library (since Access 2007 was used previously.)
如果相知道各个版本的Microsoft Access所对应的对象库版本,请参阅:
To read more about what References are and which ones apply to each version of Access, see Solving Problems with Library References.
Here are some alternatives.
Option 1: Modify the Registry
根据Access微软最有价值的砖家->格雷厄姆 Mandeno(NND 在线找了N多字典也没找到这个姓氏怎么译,太奇葩了!你妹的……)建议我们要修改注册表,所以我们需要管理员权限。以下是操作步骤:
This suggestion from Graham Mandeno (Access MVP) modifies the Windows Registry so that Access always runs with full permissions:
Even though the key refers to 9.0, the solution applies to all versions from Access 2000 onwards.
(As always, exercise care when editing the registry.)
Option 2: Use Run As Administrator
Create a shortcut to run each msaccess.exe as an administrator. This allows each version to register itself on start-up.
To set up this workaround:
Each time you start Access, you will need to click the Continue button in the User Account Control warning dialog.
Access 2007是个例外,你不需要这样做。
For Access 2007, you can use a normal shortcut, i.e. Run As Administrator is not needed for this version.
Note: after you make this change, you may need to switch to another version and switch back before Access will register the correct library.
Option 3: Remove the Safety
The simplest (and least safe) workaround is to disable UAC, and use an administrative account.
警告:这样做对Windows的安全是非常危险的。恶意软件在Window XP和更早的Window版本上会自动安装。
Warning: This degrades the security of Windows. Malware can install itself as in Windows XP and earlier.
Assuming you are logged in as a computer administrator, the steps are:
You can now switch Access versions as you could under previous versions of Windows. (This does not avoid the reinstallation delay.)
Option 4: Use separate machines
In a corporate environment, you may not be permitted to use any of the options above, so you will need a separate machine for each version of Access. These “machines” may be virtual PCs, a computer that multi-boots, or physical computers.
Virtual PC 可能是最快速的用来在不同版本间切换的方法。当然如果你使用这个方法就必须明白它的缺点:
The Virtual PC might be the quickest way to constantly swap between versions – once you get it started. Disadvantages:
Option 5: Reinstall Office every time
你可以在需要使用另外一个版本的Access前运行setup.exe重装Office(蛋疼!)。但是,这不能算是个解决方案(人话!)。 这会耗费大量的时间且需管理员权限。
You could run setup.exe from each version of Office every time you wanted to switch versions, but this is no solution. It would require administrative control, be an exercise in frustration with the UAC dialogs, and consume more time than it was worth.
Why multiple versions?
If you are asking this question, the entire problem does not apply to you. Chances are, no one else uses the databases you create.
If you develop databases or support clients who use different versions of Access, you must be able to run multiple versions to: