Cheat Engine Tutorial v3--翻译Cheat Engine 6.1 tutorial(5)



Step 5: Code finder (PW=888899)
Sometimes the location something is stored at changes when you restart the game, or even while you're playing.. In 
that case you can use 2 things to still make a table that works.
In this step I'll try to describe how to use the Code Finder function.

The value down here will be at a different location each time you start the tutorial, so a normal entry in the address 
list wouldn't work.
First try to find the address. (you've got to this point so I assume you know how to)
When you've found the address, right-click the address in Cheat Engine and choose "Find out what writes to this 
address". A window will pop up with an empty list.
Then click on the Change value button in this tutorial, and go back to Cheat Engine. If everything went right there 
should be an address with assembler code there now.
Click it and choose the replace option to replace it with code that does nothing. That will also add the code address 
to the code list in the advanced options window. (Which gets saved if you save your table)

Click on stop, so the game will start running normal again, and close to close the window.
Now, click on Change value, and if everything went right the Next button should become enabled.

Note: When you're freezing the address with a high enough speed it may happen that next becomes visible anyhow







当你已找到这个地址,右键点击这个地址在CE中并且选择“Find out what writes to this address”,一个没有信息列表的窗口会出现。

再在手册中点击“Change value”按钮,回到CE。如果一切正常,新窗口处会显示汇编代码部分。



现在,点击“Change value”,如果一切正常,“next”按钮变为可用。

