NT FileSystem

1.This interface should clearly document the various interactions between the components
involved in satisfying a user request to access file data; the description must also
provide for suitable abstractions so that the many varied types of file systems can
be successfully integrated into the rest of the operating system

2. However, the file system, in turn, depends upon the Virtual Memory Manager for allocation of memory required to process file system requests.
3.The filter driver can instead focus on providing whatever
specialized functionality it needs to implement, while still
allowing the existing code to perform what it does best, provide the
original functionality.
4. So if you insert your filter driver so that it intercepts I/O requests dispatched to a
file system driver, you can encrypt the data before it is passed into the file system
for transfer to secondary storage, and you can decrypt it after the file system has
retrieved the encrypted data from secondary storage, before it sends the data back
to the user.

5. If, however, you decide to intercept requests below the file system, then you
would follow the same methodology, except that now you would get a chance to
modify the buffer only after it had passed through the file system and either
before it is written out to disk (or across the network), or immediately after it has
been retrieved from disk (or from across the network), but before it is returned to
the file system.

