<span style="font-size:18px;">#include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<malloc.h> #include<conio.h> #define LEN sizeof(struct ab) #define ZIP 7 #define PHONE 7 #define MAX 100 struct ab { char name[10]; char addr[10]; char zip[ZIP]; char phone[PHONE]; struct ab *next; }; struct ab *head; void search(struct ab *head); struct ab *add(struct ab *head); struct ab *del(struct ab *head); void alter(struct ab *head); void print(struct ab *head); void thefirst(); int n;</span>
<span style="font-size:18px;">#include"head.h" void main() { n=0; head=(struct ab *)malloc(LEN); thefirst(); } void thefirst() { char c; system("CLS"); puts("**************************************"); puts(" 通讯录 "); puts(" 1、查询 "); puts(" 2、加入 "); puts(" 3、删除 "); puts(" 4、改动 "); puts(" 5、显示 "); puts(" 6、返回 "); puts("**************************************"); c=getch(); system("CLS"); switch(c) { case '1':search(head);break; case '2':head=add(head);thefirst();break; case '3':head=del(head);thefirst();break; case '4':alter(head);break; case '5':print(head);break; case '6':printf("BYE BYE!\n"); } }</span>
<span style="font-size:18px;">#include"head.h" void search(struct ab *head) { char str[10]; struct ab *p; p=head; printf("please input the name you want to search!\n"); scanf("%s",str); if(p==NULL) { printf("please input the information first!press any key to thefirst \n"); getch(); thefirst(); } system("CLS"); for(;p&&strcmp(str,p->name);p=p->next); if(p) printf("%10s\n%10s\n%10s\n%10s\n",p->name,p->addr,p->zip,p->phone); else printf("there is no information about the people you want!\n"); getch(); thefirst(); }</span>
<span style="font-size:18px;">#include"head.h" struct ab *add(struct ab *head) { struct ab *p1,*p2,*p3; char c[10]; printf("please input the name!\n"); scanf("%s",c); p1=head; if(n==0) { strcpy(p1->name,c); printf("please input the address!\n"); scanf("%s",p1->addr); printf("please input the zip!\n"); scanf("%s",p1->zip); printf("please input the phone!\n"); scanf("%s",p1->phone); printf("%s\n",p1->phone); p1->next=NULL; n++; } else { p3=(struct ab *)malloc(LEN); strcpy(p3->name,c); printf("please input the address!\n"); scanf("%s",p3->addr); printf("please input the zip!\n"); scanf("%s",p3->zip); printf("please input the phone!\n"); scanf("%s",p3->phone); if(strcmp(c,p1->name)<0) { head=p3; p3->next=p1; } else { for(;p1&&strcmp(c,p1->name)>0;p2=p1,p1=p1->next); if(p1==NULL) { p2->next=p3; p3->next=NULL; } else { p2->next=p3; p3->next=p1; } n++; } } return head; }</span>
<span style="font-size:18px;">#include"head.h" struct ab *del(struct ab *head) { struct ab *p1,*p2; char c[10]; p1=head; printf("please input the name you want to delete\n"); scanf("%s",c); for(;p1&&strcmp(c,p1->name);p2=p1,p1=p1->next); if(p1==NULL) { printf("not find!press any key to thefirst \n"); getch(); } else if(p1==head) head=p1->next; else p2->next=p1->next; return head; }</span>
<span style="font-size:18px;">#include"head.h" void alter(struct ab *head) { char str[10]; struct ab *p; p=head; printf("please input the name you want to search!\n"); scanf("%s",str); for(;p&&strcmp(str,p->name);p=p->next); if(p) { printf("please input the address!\n"); scanf("%s",p->addr); printf("please input the zip!\n"); scanf("%s",p->zip); printf("please input the phone!\n"); scanf("%s",p->phone); } else { printf("not find!press any key to thefirst \n"); getch(); } thefirst(); } </span>
<span style="font-size:18px;">#include"head.h" void print(struct ab *head) { struct ab *p; for(p=head;p;p=p->next) { printf("%10s%10s%10s%10s\n",p->name,p->addr,p->zip,p->phone); } getch(); thefirst(); }</span>