有文件 config.ini 如下:
[config1] attribute1 = abc attribute2 = def attribute3 = abcde [config2] attributex=cat attributey =dog attributez= mouse [config3] #attribute_alpha = alpha attribute_beta = beta attribute_gamma = gamma
其中,config1、config2、config3 为分类,每个分类下有若干属性,要求
输入:分类名、属性名 (如: config1 attribute1)
输出:属性值 (如果是上面的输入,则返回 abc)
在文件 reader.cpp 中有如下代码
#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <cstdlib> #include <string> using namespace std; string trim(string s) { if(s.empty()) { return s; } s.erase(0, s.find_first_not_of(" ")); s.erase(s.find_last_not_of(" ") + 1); return s; } int main() { //enter group and attribute cout << "Please Enter Group and Attribute Name: " << endl; string sgroup = "", sattr = ""; cin >> sgroup >> sattr; //sign if group or attribute be found bool isGroupFound = false; bool isAttributeFound = false; //check for gourps and attributes while(sgroup != "#") { //open file config.ini ifstream infile("config.ini", ios::in); if(!infile) { cout << "something error!" << endl; exit(1); } cout << "file opened successfully!" << endl; //Initialize the Parameters isGroupFound = false; isAttributeFound = false; cout << "Check for Gourps: " << sgroup << endl; string temp; while(getline(infile, temp)) { if(trim(temp) == ("[" + sgroup + "]")) { cout << "Group Matched!" << endl; isGroupFound = true; break; } } if(!isGroupFound) { cout << "Group Not Found!" << endl; } else { cout << "Check for Attributes: " << sattr << endl; while(getline(infile, temp)) { temp = trim(temp); //commit - continue; the end of group - break; if(temp[0] == '#') { continue; } else if(temp[0] == '[') { break; } //if attrname is equal to sattr then print attrvalue (word after '=') string attrname = ""; string attrvalue = ""; for(int i = 0; i < temp.length(); i++) { if(temp[i] != '=') { attrname += temp[i]; continue; } if(trim(attrname) == sattr) { cout << "Attribute Matched!" << endl; //read attrvalue i++; while(i < temp.length()) { attrvalue += temp[i++]; } cout << "\nValue is " << trim(attrvalue) << "\n\n"; isAttributeFound = true; break; } else { break; } } if(isAttributeFound) { break; } } if(!isAttributeFound) { cout << "Attribute Not Found!" << endl; } } infile.close(); cout << "File Closed." << endl; //Input next group and attribute cin >> sgroup >> sattr; } cout << "file closed" << endl; return 0; }
conf_reader: reader.o g++ -o conf_reader reader.o reader.o: reader.cpp g++ -c reader.cpp clean: rm -rf *.o conf_reader
输入 make 命令,生成文件 conf_reader,输入下面的命令启动程序