细心的朋友可能会觉得似乎少了那么几个接口,没错,因为 Precessor(求前驱) / Successor(求后继) / getMaximum (求树中最大值)/ getMinimum(求树中最小值)/ Inorder Traversal(中序遍历)/ Postorder Traversal(后序遍历) 这些操作都可以直接用笔者二叉搜索树(BST)模板中的函数,把nullptr修改为NIL即可! 如有需要请猛戳这里☞http://my.oschina.net/bgbfbsdchenzheng/blog/493629
/**RBTree.h * The Binary Search Tree Data Structure in C++ * Time Cost : Inorder / Preorder / Postorder Traversal : O(n) * Search / Find / Insert / Delete / Minimum / Maximum : O(h) * Transplant / Rotation : O(1) * Thanks to Introduction to Algorithms (CLRS) Chapter 13 * Thanks to Stanford MOOC of "Algorithms : Part I" * Author: Zheng Chen / Arclabs001 * Email : [email protected] * Copyright 2015 Xi'an University of Posts & Telecommunications. All rights reserved. */ #include <iostream> #include <stack> #include <cstdlib> #define INF 0x7FFFFFFF using namespace std; enum COLOR {RED, BLACK}; struct TreeNode { int key; TreeNode *parent; TreeNode *left, *right; COLOR color; TreeNode& operator = (TreeNode& node) //Reload the "=" for assignment { this->key = node.key; this->parent = node.parent; this->left = node.left; this->right = node.right; this->color = node.color; return *this; } }; TreeNode NULL_NODE = {INF,nullptr,nullptr,nullptr,BLACK}; class Red_Black_Tree { private: TreeNode * root; int _size; TreeNode * NIL; void Left_Rotate(TreeNode *x); void Right_Rotate(TreeNode *x); //Insertion or deletion may cause red-black tree's quality destroyed //So we just try to fix it by this two options. void RB_Insert_FixUp(TreeNode *z); void RB_Delete_FixUp(TreeNode *z); void Transplant(TreeNode * u, TreeNode * v); TreeNode * Tree_Minimum(TreeNode * root); TreeNode * Tree_Maximum(TreeNode * root); public: Red_Black_Tree() { _size = 0; NIL = &NULL_NODE; root = &NULL_NODE;} void RBTree_Insert(int _key); bool RBTree_Delete(int _key); void Preorder_Traversal(); TreeNode * Find(int _key); }; /** * Left rotate the subtree * @param x : The root of the subtree to be rotated */ void Red_Black_Tree::Left_Rotate(TreeNode *x) { if(x->right == NIL) return; TreeNode * y = x->right; //Set y x->right = y->left; //Turn y's left subtree into x's subtree if(y->left!=NIL) { y->left->parent = x; } y->parent = x->parent; //Link x's parent to y if(x->parent == NIL) { root = y; } else if(x == x->parent->left) { x->parent->left = y; } else { x->parent->right = y; } y->left = x; //Put x on y's left x->parent = y; } /** * Right rotate the subtree * Symmetry with the function "Left Rotate" above. * @param x : The root of the subtree to be rotated */ void Red_Black_Tree::Right_Rotate(TreeNode *y) { if(y->left == NIL) return; TreeNode *x = y->left; y->left = x->right; if(x->right != nullptr) { x->right->parent = y; } x->parent = y->parent; if(y->parent == NIL) { root = x; } else if(y == y->parent->left) { y->parent->left = x; } else { y->parent->right = x; } x->right = y; y->parent = x; } /** * Transplant the subtree u with the subtree v */ void Red_Black_Tree::Transplant(TreeNode * u, TreeNode * v) { if(u->parent == NIL) { root = v; } else if(u == u->parent->left) { u->parent->left = v; } else { u->parent->right = v; } v->parent = u->parent; } /** * Find a node whose key value equals to "_key" * @param _key : The key value * @return : If the node exists, return the node. Else, return the NULL_NODE. */ TreeNode * Red_Black_Tree::Find(/*TreeNode * root,*/ int _key) //The circulation version of Search { TreeNode * p = root; while(p != NIL && p->key!=_key) { if(p->key > _key) p = p->left; else p = p->right; } return p; } //Get the minimum key in x's posterity and return the pointer to that node TreeNode * Red_Black_Tree::Tree_Minimum(TreeNode * root) { TreeNode * p = root; while(p->left != NIL) { p = p->left; } return p; } //Get the maximum key in x's posterity and return the pointer to that node TreeNode * Red_Black_Tree::Tree_Maximum(TreeNode * root) { TreeNode * p = root; while(p->right != NIL) { p = p->right; } return p; } void Red_Black_Tree::Preorder_Traversal(/*TreeNode * root */) //The circulation version of Preorder Traversal { cout<<"Preorder Traversal : "; stack<TreeNode *> TreeNode_Stack; TreeNode * p = root; while(p!=NIL || !TreeNode_Stack.empty()) { while(p!=NIL) { TreeNode_Stack.push(p); cout<<p->key<<" "; if(p->color==BLACK) cout<<"BLACK "; else cout<<"RED "; p = p->left; } if(!TreeNode_Stack.empty()) { p = TreeNode_Stack.top(); TreeNode_Stack.pop(); p = p->right; } } cout<<endl; }
//RB_insert_delete.h //代码实在太长了,所有分成了两个头文件 /** * Insert a new node into the RB-Tree * @param _key : the key value of the new node */ void Red_Black_Tree::RBTree_Insert(int _key) { TreeNode * z = new TreeNode; z->key = _key; z->color = RED; z->left = z->right = NIL; TreeNode *y = NIL; TreeNode *x = root; while(x != NIL) { y = x; if(_key < x->key) x = x->left; else x = x->right; } z->parent = y; if(y == NIL) { root = z; } else if(z->key < y->key) { y->left = z; } else { y->right = z; } RB_Insert_FixUp(z); } /** * Fix the double-red bug in this tree * @param z : a node which was just inserted */ void Red_Black_Tree::RB_Insert_FixUp(TreeNode *z) { while(z->parent->color == RED) { if(z->parent == z->parent->parent->left) { TreeNode * y = z->parent->parent->right; if(y->color == RED) { z->parent->color = BLACK; y->color = BLACK; z->parent->parent->color = RED; z = z->parent->parent; } else { if(z == z->parent->right) { z = z->parent; Left_Rotate(z); } z->parent->color = BLACK; z->parent->parent->color = RED; Right_Rotate(z->parent->parent); } } else { TreeNode * y = z->parent->parent->left; if(y->color == RED) { z->parent->color = BLACK; y->color = BLACK; z->parent->parent->color = RED; z = z->parent->parent; } else { if(z == z->parent->left) { z = z->parent; Right_Rotate(z); } z->parent->color = BLACK; z->parent->parent->color = RED; Left_Rotate(z->parent->parent); } } } root->color = BLACK; } /** * Delete a node from the RB-Tree * @param _key : The key value of the node which is to deleted * @return : True for succeed, and false for no such node existed. */ bool Red_Black_Tree::RBTree_Delete(int _key) { TreeNode *z = Find(_key); if(z == NIL) { cout<<"Error : No node valued "<<_key<<" !"<<endl; return false; } TreeNode *y = z; COLOR y_original_color = y->color; TreeNode *x; if(z->left == NIL) { x = z->right; Transplant(z,z->right); } else if(z->right == NIL) { x = z->left; Transplant(z,z->left); } else { y = Tree_Minimum(z->right); y_original_color = y->color; x = y->right; if(y->parent == z) { x->parent = y; } else { Transplant(y,y->right); y->right = z->right; y->right->parent = y; } Transplant(z,y); y->left = z->left; y->left->parent = y; y->color = z->color; } if(y_original_color == BLACK) RB_Delete_FixUp(x); delete z; return true; } /** * Delete a node may cause Black-Height changed, and this function is to fix this bug. * @param x : The place where the substitude node used to be */ void Red_Black_Tree::RB_Delete_FixUp(TreeNode *x) { while(x!=root && x->color == BLACK) { if(x == x->parent->left) { TreeNode *w = x->parent->right; if(w->color == RED) { w->color = BLACK; w->parent->color = RED; Right_Rotate(w); w = x->parent->right; } if(w->left->color == BLACK && w->right->color == BLACK) { w->color = RED; x = x->parent; } else { if(w->right->color == BLACK) { w->left->color = BLACK; w->color = RED; Right_Rotate(w); w = x->parent->right; } w->color = x->parent->color; x->parent->color = BLACK; w->right->color = BLACK; Left_Rotate(x->parent); x = root; } } else { TreeNode *w = x->parent->left; if(w->color == RED) { w->color = BLACK; w->parent->color = RED; Left_Rotate(w); w = x->parent->left; } if(w->left->color == BLACK && w->right->color == BLACK) { w->color = RED; x = x->parent; } else { if(w->left->color == BLACK) { w->right->color = BLACK; w->color = RED; Left_Rotate(w); w = x->parent->left; } w->color = x->parent->color; x->parent->color = BLACK; w->left->color = BLACK; Right_Rotate(x->parent); x = root; } } } x->color = BLACK; }
//main.cpp //主要用来测试接口 #include "RBTree.h" #include "RBTree_insert_delete.h" int main() { Red_Black_Tree RBTree; int _arr[] = {5,18,2,12,9,15,19,17}; for(int i=0; i<8; i++) { RBTree.RBTree_Insert(_arr[i]); //Test the insertion interface } RBTree.Preorder_Traversal(); //Test the preorder traversal interface RBTree.RBTree_Delete(18); //Test the deletion interface RBTree.Preorder_Traversal(); RBTree.RBTree_Insert(3); RBTree.Preorder_Traversal(); RBTree.RBTree_Delete(12); RBTree.Preorder_Traversal(); TreeNode * s = RBTree.Find(17); //Test the search interface cout<<endl<<"RBTree Node valued 17 has right child valued "<<s->right->key<<endl; return 0; }