Cyber Physics System

今天下午在会议室举行了一个讲座,主题是Cyber Physical  System,即信息物理系统。


A cyber-physical system (CPS) is a system of collaborating computational elements controlling physical entities.


主讲人是香港城市大学的王启新教授(His main research interests include the following: Cyber-Physical Systems, particularly on verifiable system architectures and protocols for CPS systems integration.Real-Time and Embedded Systems, particularly on real-time wireless and wired networks.),描述了手术室当中的一个自动化系统,即激光刀切割患者的气管的进行手术的这么一个情形,呼吸机和激光是不可以同时接在患者的气管处的,这样做很显然会导致燃烧的现象出现,也许听起来很匪夷所思,但是,这是会出现的一种医疗事故,为了避免这种情况的出现,就得研发出一套综合性的系统,协同处理这种场景,那么,这个过程必然会要求电子工程师和医生、以及机械工程师的协同合作,才能做出这么一个综合性的系统。但是,这些在各自领域都称得上是专家的人,在面对自己不太熟悉的领域时,也会抓狂,设想一下,让一个医生写一段程序,这现实吗?让一个工程师利用编程驱动机械臂来进行手术,安全吗、专业吗?这是人命关天的事情,而且,这帮专家之间由于缺乏相应的学科背景知识,合作起来也很费劲,那么在传统的解决方案中,只有请一个在医学和电子学、计算机科学上都有所造诣,并且同时具备相当的实际经验的老手,请他当总工程师,才有可能管理好这么一帮人,让他们协同工作,发挥彼此的特长,做出这样一个安全稳定且使用的手术系统出来。但是,恐怕这个人已经很大的年纪了,即使工作也工作不了太久。

飞机是一个庞杂的大型系统,机身甚至已经无法使用局域网来实现模块间的通信,有的模块之间需要使用广域网来实现信息的传输,减少丢包的出现。比如,美国波音公司不断更新它的飞机系统,旧有的飞机控制系统已经经历了数次坠机的debug,可以说这么一套软件系统基本上是没有bug了,但是随着能源问题的日益突出,新的飞机型号往往需要在旧的系统的基础之上,增加许多新的模块,比如省油的子控制系统(sub system),然而,新的系统无可避免会带来新的bug,只有折中一下,让这两套系统同时运行在新款的波音型飞机上,利用Lyapunov稳定性理论,使得新的省油的系统在即将出现bug时,让旧系统替换新的系统,这样就可以兼顾稳定安全和性能更优的平衡。



备注:Lyapunov stability

Various types of stability may be discussed for the solutions of differential equations describing dynamical systems. The most important type is that concerning the stability of solutions near to a point of equilibrium. This may be discussed by the theory of Lyapunov. In simple terms, if the solutions that start out near an equilibrium point x_e stay near x_e forever, then x_e is Lyapunov stable. More strongly, if x_e is Lyapunov stable and all solutions that start out near x_e converge to x_e, then x_e is asymptotically stable. The notion of exponential stability guarantees a minimal rate of decay, i.e., an estimate of how quickly the solutions converge. The idea of Lyapunov stability can be extended to infinite-dimensional manifolds, where it is known as structural stability, which concerns the behavior of different but "nearby" solutions to differential equations. Input-to-state stability (ISS) applies Lyapunov notions to systems with inputs.
