

Installation for Apktool 2.x

  • Windows:

    1. Download Windows wrapper script (Right click, Save Link As apktool.bat)

    2. Download apktool-2 (find newest here)

    3. Rename downloaded jar to apktool.jar

    4. Move both files (apktool.jar & apktool.bat) to your Windows directory (Usually C://Windows)

    5. If you do not have access to C://Windows, you may place the two files anywhere then add that directory to your Environment Variables System PATH variable.

    6. Try running apktool via command prompt

  • Linux:

    1. Download Linux wrapper script (Right click, Save Link As apktool)

    2. Download apktool-2 (find newest here)

    3. Make sure you have the 32bit libraries (ia32-libs) downloaded and installed by your linux package manager, if you are on a 64bit unix system.

    4. (This helps provide support for the 32bit native binary aapt, which is required by apktool)

    5. Rename downloaded jar to apktool.jar

    6. Move both files (apktool.jar & apktool) to /usr/local/bin (root needed)

    7. Make sure both files are executable (chmod +x)

    8. Try running apktool via cli

  • Mac OS X:

    1. Download Mac wrapper script (Right click, Save Link As apktool)   //右键右侧链接命名为apktool

    2. Download apktool-2 (find newest here) //下载apktool-2的其中一个版本

    3. Rename downloaded jar to apktool.jar//重命名为apktool.jar

    4. Move both files (apktool.jar & apktool) to /usr/local/bin (root needed) //移动上面两个文件到bin下面

    5. Make sure both files are executable (chmod +x)  //sudo chmod +x apktool, 授于执行权限

    6. Try running apktool via cli  //运行apktool可看到apktool,环境搭好了,apktool d test.apk反编译
