Martin Fowler对于nosql的看法

The rise of NoSQL databases marks the end of the era of relational database dominance


But NoSQL databases will not become the new dominators. Relational will still be popular, and used in the majority of situations. They, however, will no longer be the automatic choice.


The era of Polyglot Persistence has begun


Big Data is the driver for NoSQL’s rise, but not the only reason to use NoSQL

大数据是NoSQL型数据库崛起的始作俑者, 但是这不仅仅是使用NoSQL的唯一原因。

Many NoSQL databases are designed to run well on large clusters, which makes them more attractive for large data volumes.


But often people select NoSQL due to easier database interaction in their applications.


To take advantage of this change, you need to be familiar with concepts underlying NoSQL


In the future, organizations will use many data technologies. Data professionals will need to be familiar with these different approaches and know how to match them to different problems. This introduces new ways to think about data modeling, data consistency, and evolution.

在未来, 组织机构将会使用很多的数据技术。数据专家将会需要熟悉这些不同的方式,并且知道怎么去用他们匹配不同的问题。这里介绍了许多新的方式关于数据模型,数据关联,已经演变。

Learning the concepts is an important first step, but to really understand you’ll need to get the experience of building representative systems using these technologies.


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