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Game Networking


What is the best le we explore this fundamental choice and decide on the best option for fast-paced action games.way to send data between machines? Do you use TCP sockets, UDP sockets or a mixture of both? In this artic


在机器之间发送数据的最佳方式是什么?你使用过 TCP 套接字、UDP 套接字或者两者的混合体?本文中,我们针对快节奏动作类游戏,来探索这一根本选择和最优决定。

Sending and Receiving Packets

This article shows how to send and receive UDP packets using BSD sockets, giving you source code that works across MacOS X, Windows and Unix.


本文演示如何使用 BSD 套接字来发送和接收 UDP 数据包,同时提供 MacOS X、Windows 和 Unix 上通用的案例源码。

Virtual Connection over UDP

Learn how to create your own virtual connection between two machines on top of UDP. How to detect connection, filter out packets from other machines and detect disconnection via timeout.

基于 UDP 的虚拟连接

学习如何在两台机器之间创建属于你的基于 UDP 的虚拟连接。如何去探测连接、过滤来自其他机器的数据包并通过超时来探测连接。

Reliability, Ordering and Congestion Avoidance over UDP

Learn how to implement your own reliability system on top of UDP using sequence numbers and acks. Also presented is a simple congestion avoidance algorithm.

基于 UDP 的可靠性、有序性和拥塞避免

学习如何使用序列号和确认封包来实现属于你的基于 UDP 的可靠性系统,还展示了一个简单的拥塞避免算法。

Debugging Multiplayer Games

Explains the techniques used by professional game developers to debug multiplayer games.



What Every Programmer Needs To Know About Game Networking

A brief overview of the history of PC multiplayer games. Discover how RTS games were able to synchronize thousands of units over a 28k modem, and how first person shooters hide lag with client side prediction and latency compensation.


简要回顾 PC 上多人游戏的历史。探究 RTS 游戏是如何在 28k modem 上同步成千上万个游戏单元的,探究 FPS 游戏如何通过客户端预测和延迟补偿来隐藏时延的。

Floating Point Determinism

Is it possible to get exactly the same floating point result (down to the bit-level) each time a program is run? How about across debug and release builds? Across different compilers? Different CPU architectures?


在某程序运行时,是否在任一时刻都有可能确切地得到相同的浮点数值呢(下溯到位级别的)?那么,跨越了调试版和发布版的程序有可能吗?跨越了不同编译器的程序呢?不同的 CPU 架构呢?
