Practical Vim Notes 1

  1. use . to repeat last change made. 
  2. f{char} find the next {char} in this line
  3. ; repeat last find command. f, t , etc.
  4. perform substitution  repeat by & and reverse by u  (very useful, tip 4)
  5. cw cut the word
  6. the ideal: one keystroke to move, another one to execute
  7. use -u to load vim with the vim script. -u None for none
  8. Pressing db deletes from the cursor’s starting position to the beginning of the
  9. word
  10. daw, delete the whole word.
  11. {num}<C-a> add first int num. <C-x> reduce first int num
  12. gugU upper case or normal
  13. ap stand for all paragraph
  14. <C-o> repeat last jump
  15. : normal {normal actions:  like A ;}
  16. @: repeat last EX command than we can use @@
  17. While <C-r><C-w> gets the word under the cursor, we can instead use <C-r><C-a>
    if we want to get the WORD at command mode.
  18. In addition to the <Up> and <Down> keys, we can also use the <C-p> and <C-n> chords to go backward and forward through our command history. 
  19.  Press q: and meet the command-line
  20. use ! to run cmd and filter. 
