CVPR 2008 best papers

l   Best Student Poster Runner-up (最佳学生Poster亚军)
Manifold-manifold distance with application to face recognition based on image set, Ruiping Wang, Shiguang Shan, Xilin Chen, Wen Gao

l   Best Student Poster(最佳学生Poster)
Robust dual motion deblurring, Jia Chen, Lu Yuan, Chi-Keung Tang, Long Quan

l   Best Poster Runner-up(最佳Poster亚军)
Viewpoint-independent object class detection using 3d feature maps, Joerg Liebelt, Cordelia Schmid, Klaus Schertler

l   Best Poster (最佳Poster)
The Patch Transform and its Applications to Image Editing, Taeg Sang Cho, Moshe Butman, Shai Avidan, William Freeman

l   Best Student Paper Runner-up (最佳学生论文亚军)
Epitomic Location Recognition, Kai Ni, Anitha Kannan, Antonio Criminisi, John Winn

l   Best Student Paper (最佳学生论文)
Fast Image Search for Learned Metrics, Prateek Jain, Brian Kulis, Kristen Grauman

l   Best Paper Runner-up (最佳论文亚军)
Beyond Sliding Windows: Object Localization by Efficient Subwindow Search, Christoph H. Lampert, Matthew B.Blaschko,Thomas Hofmann

l   Best Paper(最佳论文)
Global STereo Reconstruction under Second Order Smoothness Priors, Oliver Woodford, Ian Reid, Philip Torr, Andrew Fitzgibbon

本次CVPR还特别增设了一个新的奖项Longuet-Higgins Prize,奖励在CVPR领域经典的文章,有两篇视觉领域的经典文章获得该奖项。 

第一篇是卡内基梅隆大学的H Schneiderman 与T. Kanade合作的论文:Probabilistic modeling of local appearance and spatial relationships for object recognition。颁奖辞如下:”A significant advance in object recognition through probabilistic modeling and multiple-view training, yielding a state-of-the-art face detection technique”,译为:通过概率建模与多姿态训练,极大推动了物体识别领域的研究,研制出了最为卓越的人脸检测技术。

第二篇是UC Berkeley的C Bregler 与 J Malik合作的论文:Tracking people with twists and exponential maps。颁奖辞如下:”An inspired application of kinematic modeling techniques from robotics to the challenge of tracking people in motion from a single camera view, including a memorable model-based analysis of the Muybridge motion study videos”,译为:将机器人研究领域的动力学模型技术应用到具有挑战性的单视角运动人体跟踪,对于运动学习视频的基于模型的分析也是值得铭记的。






