
1. Give me a ring. 给我打电话
2. You don't say! 真的吗?
3. I hope you break a leg. 祝你好运。(正话反说的意思)
4. You're telling me. 我早就知道了/不用你说
5. Your skin looks so white. 你的皮肤看上去很苍白。(不是用来形容人的皮肤白起来好看,而是苍白之意)
6. It will be all right on the night. 祝你一切顺利。(从对晚上表演的祝贺延伸而来)
7. I want all done with mirrors. 我想毫不费力地完成这件事。(从魔术师用镜子做表演,十分神奇引申出万能之意)
8. You look out of it today. 你看上去精神不佳/气色不太好/。
9. I have butterflies in my stomach. 我很紧张。(这个其实蛮形象的)
10. Would you like a drink? 想喝点儿什么酒。(drink一般不指饮料,而特指酒)
