Substring Search

1.  Brute-force substring search

    --  Check for pattern starting at each text position.

    --  Java Implementation


public static int search(String pat, String txt)
    int M = pat.length();
    int N = txt.length();
    for (int i = 0; i <= N - M; i++)
        int j;
        for (j = 0; j < M; j++)
            if (txt.charAt(i+j) != pat.charAt(j))
        if (j == M) return i;
    return N;

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    --  Brute-force algorithm can be slow if text and pattern are repetitive: ~ M N char compares.


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    --  Same sequence of char compares as previous implementation.

        -  i points to end of sequence of already-matched chars in text.

        -  j stores # of already-matched chars (end of sequence in pattern).

        -  Java Implementation


public static int search(String pat, String txt)
    int i, N = txt.length();
    int j, M = pat.length();
    for (i = 0, j = 0; i < N && j < M; i++)
        if (txt.charAt(i) == pat.charAt(j)) j++;
        else { i -= j; j = 0; } // explicit backup, we can add if(i >= N-M) break;
    if (j == M) return i - M;
    else return N;

    --  In many applications, we want to avoid backup in text stream. Brute-force algorithm needs backup for every mismatch.



2.  Knuth-Morris-Pratt substring search

    --  DFA is abstract string-searching machine.

        -  Finite number of states (including start and halt).

        -  Exactly one transition for each char in alphabet.

        -  Accept if sequence of transitions leads to halt state.

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    --  State = number of characters in pattern that have been matched = length of longest prefix of pat[] that is a suffix of txt[0..i]

    --  Java Implementation:


public int search(String txt)
    int i, j, N = txt.length();
    for (i = 0, j = 0; i < N && j < M; i++)
        j = dfa[txt.charAt(i)][j];
    if (j == M) return i - M;
    else return N;

    --  Key differences from brute-force implementation.


        -  Need to precompute dfa[][] from pattern.

        -  Text pointer i never decrements. 

    --  Build DFA from pattern:

        -  Match transition: If in state j and next char c == pat.charAt(j), go to j+1.

        -  Mismatch transition: If in state j and next char c != pat.charAt(j), then the last j-1 characters of input are pat[1..j-1], followed by c. To compute dfa[c][j]: Simulate pat[1..j-1] on DFA and take transition c.

        -  Takes only constant time if we maintain state X which is the state resulting from simulating pat[1...j-1] on DFA.

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        -  Algorithm:

            For each state j:

                a)  Copy dfa[][X] to dfa[][j] for mismatch case.

                b)  Set dfa[pat.charAt(j)][j] to j+1 for match case.

                c)  Update X.

        -  Java Implementation:


public KMP(String pat)
    this.pat = pat;
    M = pat.length();
    dfa = new int[R][M];
    dfa[pat.charAt(0)][0] = 1;
    for (int X = 0, j = 1; j < M; j++)
        for (int c = 0; c < R; c++)
            dfa[c][j] = dfa[c][X];
        dfa[pat.charAt(j)][j] = j+1;
        X = dfa[pat.charAt(j)][X];

         -  Running time: M character accesses (but space and time proportional to R M).



3.  Boyer-Moore Substring Search

    --  Scan characters in pattern from right to left.

    --  Can skip as many as M text chars when finding one not in the pattern.

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    --  How much to skip:

        -  Mismatch character not in pattern : increment i one character beyond the mismatched character

        -  Mismatch character in pattern: align rightmost character in the pattern with the mismatched character without backup

        -  Mismatch character in pattern: increment i by 1. ( if alignment need backup)

    --  Precompute index of rightmost occurrence of character c in pattern (-1 if character not in pattern).


right = new int[R];
for (int c = 0; c < R; c++)
    right[c] = -1;
for (int j = 0; j < M; j++)
    right[pat.charAt(j)] = j;

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     --  Java Implementation:



public int search(String txt)
    int N = txt.length();
    int M = pat.length();
    int skip;
    for (int i = 0; i <= N-M; i += skip)
        skip = 0;
        for (int j = M-1; j >= 0; j--)
            if (pat.charAt(j) != txt.charAt(i+j))
                skip = Math.max(1, j - right[txt.charAt(i+j)]);
        if (skip == 0) return i;
    return N;

    --  Substring search with the Boyer-Moore mismatched character heuristic takes about ~ N / M character compares to search for a pattern of length M in a text of length N.


    --  Can be as bad as ~ M N.

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4.  Rabin-Karp fingerprint search

    --  Algorithm

        --  Compute a hash of pattern characters 0 to M - 1.

        --  For each i, compute a hash of text characters i to M + i - 1.

        --  If pattern hash = text substring hash, check for a match.

    --  Modular hash function. Using the notation ti for txt.charAt(i), compute :

        xi = ti R^M-1 + ti+1 R^M-2 + … + ti+M-1 R^0 (mod Q)

    --  Horner's method. Linear-time method to evaluate degree-M polynomial:

// Compute hash for M-digit key
private long hash(String key, int M)
    long h = 0;
    for (int j = 0; j < M; j++)
        h = (R * h + key.charAt(j)) % Q;
    return h;

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    --  How to efficiently compute xi+1 given that we know xi:

        xi+1 = ( xi – t i R^M–1 ) R + t i +M

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    --  Java Implementation

public class RabinKarp
    private long patHash; // pattern hash value
    private int M; // pattern length
    private long Q; // modulus
    private int R; // radix
    private long RM; // R^(M-1) % Q

    public RabinKarp(String pat) {
        M = pat.length();
        R = 256;
        Q = longRandomPrime(); //a large prime (but avoid overflow)
        RM = 1; //precompute R^(M – 1) (mod Q)
        for (int i = 1; i <= M-1; i++)
            RM = (R * RM) % Q;
        patHash = hash(pat, M);

    private long hash(String key, int M)
    { /* as before */ }
    public int search(String txt)
        int N = txt.length();
        int txtHash = hash(txt, M);
        if (patHash == txtHash) return 0;
        for (int i = M; i < N; i++)
            txtHash = (txtHash + Q - RM*txt.charAt(i-M) % Q) % Q;
            txtHash = (txtHash*R + txt.charAt(i)) % Q;
            if (patHash == txtHash) return i - M + 1;
        return N; 

    --  Two versions of Implementation:

        -  Monte Carlo version: Return match if hash match.

        -  Las Vegas version: Check for substring match if hash match; continue search if false collision.

    --  Advantages:

        -  Extends to 2d patterns.

        -  Extends to finding multiple patterns.

    --  Disadvantages.

        -  Arithmetic ops slower than char compares.

        -  Las Vegas version requires backup.

        -  Poor worst-case guarantee.


5.  Substring search cost summary

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