javascript Classical Inheritance

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	// A simple helper that allows you to bind new functions to the 
// prototype of an object 
Function.prototype.method = function(name, func) { 
     this.prototype[name] = func; 
     return this; 

// A (rather complex) function that allows you to gracefully inherit 
// functions from other objects and be able to still call the           'parent' 
// object's function 
Function.method('inherits', function(parent) { 
     // Keep track of how many parent-levels deep we are 
     var depth = 0; 

     // Inherit the parent's methods 
     var proto = this.prototype = new parent(); 

     // Create a new 'priveledged' function called 'uber', that when called 
     // executes any function that has been written over in the inheritance 
     this.method('uber', function uber(name) { 

         var func; // The function to be execute 
         var ret; // The return value of the function 
         var v = parent.prototype; // The parent's prototype 

         // If we're already within another 'uber' function 
         if (depth) { 
              // Go the necessary depth to find the orignal prototype 
              for ( var i = d; i > 0; i += 1 ) { 
                  v = v.constructor.prototype; 

              // and get the function from that prototype 
              func = v[name]; 
			        // Otherwise, this is the first 'uber' call 
                  } else { 
                       // Get the function to execute from the prototype 
                       func = proto[name]; 

                       // If the function was a part of this prototype 
                       if ( func == this[name] ) { 
                            // Go to the parent's prototype instead 
                            func = v[name]; 

                  // Keep track of how 'deep' we are in the inheritance stack 
                  depth += 1; 

                  // Call the function to execute with all the arguments but the first 
                  // (which holds the name of the function that we're executing) 
                  ret = func.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments, [1])); 

                  // Reset the stack depth 
                  depth -= 1; 

                  // Return the return value of the execute function 
                  return ret; 

              return this; 

 // A function for inheriting only a couple functions from a parent object, 
 // not every function using new parent() 
 Function.method('swiss', function(parent) { 
	  // Go through all of the methods to inherit 
	  for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i += 1) { 
		  // The name of the method to import 
		  var name = arguments[i]; 

		  // Import the method into this object's prototype 
		  this.prototype[name] = parent.prototype[name]; 

	  return this; 
// Create a new Person object constructor 
function Person( name ) { = name; 

// Add a new method to the Person object 
Person.method( 'getName', function(){ 
     return name; 

// Create a new User object constructor 
function User( name, password ) { = name; 
     this.password = password; 

// Inherit all the methods from the Person object 
User.inherits( Person ); 

// Add a new method to the User object 
User.method( 'getPassword', function(){ 
     return this.password; 
// Overwrite the method created by the Person object, 
// but call it again using the uber function 
User.method( 'getName', function(){ 
	return "My name is: " + this.uber('getName'); 

 虽然自己初学 JavaScript  对这个util 工具脚本还不是很理解  同时也发现JavaScript真的很强大,很灵活,相对于java它真的太灵活了,但我相信随着我学习的深入及实践的增多,我会慢慢的理解它的!
