

  • Highly scalable, fast connection pool
  • Callback (hook interceptor) mechanisms on a change of connection state.
  • Partitioning capability to increase performance
  • Allows direct access to a connection/statements
  • Automatic resizing of pool
  • Statement caching support
  • Support for obtaining a connection asynchronously (by returning a Future<Connection>)
  • Release helper threads to release a connection/statement in an asynchronous fashion for higher performance.
  • Easy mechanism to execute a custom statement on each newly obtained connection (initSQL).
  • Support to switch to a new database at runtime without shutting down an application
  • Ability to replay any failed transaction automatically (for the case where database/network goes down etc)
  • JMX support
  • Lazy initialization capable
  • Support for XML/property configuration
  • Idle connection timeouts / max connection age support
  • Automatic validation of connections (keep-alives etc)
  • Allow obtaining of new connections via a datasource rather than via a Driver
  • Datasource/Hibernate support capable
  • Debugging hooks to highlight the exact place where a connection was obtained but not closed
  • Debugging support to show stack locations of connections that were closed twice.
  • Custom pool name support.
  • Clean organised code. 100% unit test branch code coverage (over 180 JUnit tests).
  • Free, open source and written in 100% pure Java with complete Javadocs.


Single Thread

  • 1,000,000 get connection / release connection requests
  • No delay between getting/releasing connection.
  • Pool size range: 20-50.
  • Acquire increment: 5
  • Helper threads: 1
  • Partition count: 1



  • 500 threads each attempting 100 get/release connection
  • No delay between getting/releasing connection.
  • Pool size range: 50-200.
  • Acquire increment: 5
  • Helper threads: 5




com.jolbox.bonecp                  连接池核心包
com.jolbox.bonecp.hooks       支持connection状态改变时的事件通知
com.jolbox.bonecp.proxy        代理java.sql.*下的接口,仅供内部使用

guava(google lib)




