使用BIRT API创建交叉报表1


 * Copyright (c) 2004 Actuate Corporation.
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
 * Contributors:
 *  Actuate Corporation  - initial API and implementation

package org.eclipse.birt.report.item.crosstab.core;

import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.net.URL;

import junit.framework.TestCase;

import org.eclipse.birt.report.item.crosstab.core.de.CrosstabReportItemHandle;
import org.eclipse.birt.report.item.crosstab.core.de.DimensionViewHandle;
import org.eclipse.birt.report.item.crosstab.core.util.CrosstabExtendedItemFactory;
import org.eclipse.birt.report.item.crosstab.core.util.CrosstabUtil;
import org.eclipse.birt.report.model.api.DesignConfig;
import org.eclipse.birt.report.model.api.DesignEngine;
import org.eclipse.birt.report.model.api.ElementFactory;
import org.eclipse.birt.report.model.api.IDesignEngine;
import org.eclipse.birt.report.model.api.ModuleHandle;
import org.eclipse.birt.report.model.api.PropertyHandle;
import org.eclipse.birt.report.model.api.ReportDesignHandle;
import org.eclipse.birt.report.model.api.SessionHandle;
import org.eclipse.birt.report.model.api.activity.SemanticException;
import org.eclipse.birt.report.model.api.olap.CubeHandle;
import org.eclipse.birt.report.model.api.olap.DimensionHandle;
import org.eclipse.birt.report.model.api.olap.HierarchyHandle;
import org.eclipse.birt.report.model.api.olap.LevelHandle;
import org.eclipse.birt.report.model.api.olap.MeasureGroupHandle;
import org.eclipse.birt.report.model.api.olap.MeasureHandle;
import org.eclipse.birt.report.model.elements.interfaces.IDimensionModel;
import org.eclipse.birt.report.model.i18n.ThreadResources;

import com.ibm.icu.util.ULocale;

 * Base test case.

public class BaseTestCase extends TestCase

	 * design handle
	protected ReportDesignHandle designHandle = null;

	private static final String INPUT_FOLDER = "input/";//$NON-NLS-1$
	private static final String GOLDEN_FOLDER = "golden/";//$NON-NLS-1$

	 * Byte array output stream.

	protected ByteArrayOutputStream os = null;

	protected void setUp( ) throws Exception
		super.setUp( );

	protected void tearDown( ) throws Exception
		super.tearDown( );
		if ( designHandle != null )
			designHandle.close( );
			designHandle = null;

	 * Opens report design.
	 * @param fileName
	 * @throws Exception

	protected void openDesign( String fileName ) throws Exception
		ThreadResources.setLocale( ULocale.ENGLISH );
		IDesignEngine designEngine = new DesignEngine( new DesignConfig( ) );
		// MetaDataDictionary.reset( );
		// initialize the metadata.

		designEngine.getMetaData( );

		SessionHandle sh = designEngine.newSessionHandle( ULocale.getDefault( ) );
		designHandle = sh.openDesign( getResource( INPUT_FOLDER + fileName ) );

	private ReportDesignHandle loadGolden( String fileName ) throws Exception
		ThreadResources.setLocale( ULocale.ENGLISH );
		IDesignEngine designEngine = new DesignEngine( new DesignConfig( ) );
		// MetaDataDictionary.reset( );
		// initialize the metadata.

		designEngine.getMetaData( );

		SessionHandle sh = designEngine.newSessionHandle( ULocale.getDefault( ) );
		return sh.openDesign( getResource( GOLDEN_FOLDER + fileName ) );

	 * Create report design.
	 * @throws Exception

	protected void createDesign( ) throws Exception
		ThreadResources.setLocale( ULocale.ENGLISH );
		IDesignEngine designEngine = new DesignEngine( new DesignConfig( ) );
		// MetaDataDictionary.reset( );
		// initialize the metadata.

		designEngine.getMetaData( );

		SessionHandle sh = designEngine.newSessionHandle( ULocale.getDefault( ) );
		designHandle = sh.createDesign( );

	 * Gets resource file path.
	 * @param fileName
	 * @return
	 * @throws Exception

	private String getResource( String fileName ) throws Exception
		if ( fileName == null )
			return null;
		URL url = getClass( ).getResource( fileName );
		if ( url == null )
			return null;
		return url.toString( );

	 * Gets the input stream of the given name resources.

	protected InputStream getResourceAStream( String name )
		return this.getClass( ).getResourceAsStream( name );

	 * Compares the two text files.
	 * @param goldenReader
	 *            the reader for golden file
	 * @param outputReader
	 *            the reader for output file
	 * @return true if two text files are same.
	 * @throws Exception
	 *             if any exception
	private boolean compareFile( Reader goldenReader, Reader outputReader )
			throws Exception
		StringBuffer errorText = new StringBuffer( );

		BufferedReader lineReaderA = null;
		BufferedReader lineReaderB = null;
		boolean same = true;
		int lineNo = 1;
			lineReaderA = new BufferedReader( goldenReader );
			lineReaderB = new BufferedReader( outputReader );

			String strA = lineReaderA.readLine( ).trim( );
			String strB = lineReaderB.readLine( ).trim( );
			while ( strA != null )
				// ignore id part
				strA = strA.replaceAll( "id=\"\\d+\"", "" ); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
				strB = strB.replaceAll( "id=\"\\d+\"", "" ); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$

				same = strA.trim( ).equals( strB.trim( ) );

				if ( !same )
					StringBuffer message = new StringBuffer( );

					message.append( "line=" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
					message.append( lineNo );
					message.append( " is different:\n" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
					message.append( " The line from golden file: " );//$NON-NLS-1$
					message.append( strA );
					message.append( "\n" );//$NON-NLS-1$
					message.append( " The line from output file: " );//$NON-NLS-1$
					message.append( strB );
					message.append( "\n" );//$NON-NLS-1$
					throw new Exception( message.toString( ) );

				strA = lineReaderA.readLine( );
				strB = lineReaderB.readLine( );
			same = strB == null;
				if ( lineReaderA != null )
					lineReaderA.close( );
				if ( lineReaderB != null )
					lineReaderB.close( );
			catch ( Exception e )
				lineReaderA = null;
				lineReaderB = null;

				errorText.append( e.toString( ) );

				throw new Exception( errorText.toString( ) );

		return same;

	 * Compares two text file. The comparison will ignore the line containing
	 * "modificationDate".
	 * @param goldenFileName
	 *            the 1st file name to be compared.
	 * @param os
	 *            the 2nd output stream to be compared.
	 * @return true if two text files are same char by char
	 * @throws Exception
	 *             if any exception.
	protected boolean compareFile( String goldenFileName ) throws Exception
		if ( os == null )
			return false;

		// String tmpGoldenFileName = GOLDEN_FOLDER + goldenFileName;

		ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream( );

		ReportDesignHandle golden = loadGolden( goldenFileName );
		golden.serialize( baos );
		baos.flush( );

		// InputStream streamA = getResourceAStream( tmpGoldenFileName );
		InputStream streamA = new ByteArrayInputStream( baos.toByteArray( ) );

		InputStream streamB = new ByteArrayInputStream( os.toByteArray( ) );
		InputStreamReader readerA = new InputStreamReader( streamA );
		InputStreamReader readerB = new InputStreamReader( streamB );

		boolean ok = true;
			ok = compareFile( readerA, readerB );
		catch ( Exception e )
			throw e;

		return ok;

	 * Eventually, this method will call
	 * {@link ReportDesignHandle#serialize(java.io.OutputStream)}to save the
	 * output file of some unit test.
	 * @param moduleHandle
	 *            the module to save, either a report design or a library
	 * @throws IOException
	 *             if error occurs while saving the file.

	protected void save( ModuleHandle moduleHandle ) throws IOException
		os = new ByteArrayOutputStream( );
		if ( moduleHandle != null )
			moduleHandle.serialize( os );
		os.close( );

	protected void save( ModuleHandle moduleHandle, String path )
			throws IOException
		moduleHandle.saveAs( path );

	 * Create simple cube handle.
	 * @param module
	 * @return

	protected CubeHandle prepareCube( ) throws SemanticException
		ElementFactory factory = designHandle.getElementFactory( );

		// create cube
		CubeHandle cubeHandle = factory.newTabularCube( "Cube_Test_1" );//$NON-NLS-1$
		designHandle.getCubes( ).add( cubeHandle );

		DimensionHandle dimensionHandle = factory.newTabularDimension( "Customer" );//$NON-NLS-1$
		cubeHandle.add( CubeHandle.DIMENSIONS_PROP, dimensionHandle );

		HierarchyHandle hierarchyHandle = factory.newTabularHierarchy( "Hierarchy" );//$NON-NLS-1$
		dimensionHandle.add( DimensionHandle.HIERARCHIES_PROP, hierarchyHandle );

		LevelHandle levelHandle = factory.newTabularLevel( dimensionHandle,
				"CUSTOMER_SEX" );//$NON-NLS-1$
		hierarchyHandle.add( HierarchyHandle.LEVELS_PROP, levelHandle );

		levelHandle = factory.newTabularLevel( dimensionHandle,
		hierarchyHandle.add( HierarchyHandle.LEVELS_PROP, levelHandle );

		DimensionHandle dimensionHandle2 = factory.newTabularDimension( "Product" );//$NON-NLS-1$
		cubeHandle.add( CubeHandle.DIMENSIONS_PROP, dimensionHandle2 );

		HierarchyHandle hierarchyHandle2 = factory.newTabularHierarchy( "Hierarchy2" );//$NON-NLS-1$
		dimensionHandle2.add( DimensionHandle.HIERARCHIES_PROP,
				hierarchyHandle2 );

		LevelHandle levelHandle2 = factory.newTabularLevel( dimensionHandle2,
				"PRODUCT_TYPE" );//$NON-NLS-1$
		hierarchyHandle2.add( HierarchyHandle.LEVELS_PROP, levelHandle2 );

		levelHandle2 = factory.newTabularLevel( dimensionHandle2,
				"PRODUCT_NAME" );//$NON-NLS-1$
		hierarchyHandle2.add( HierarchyHandle.LEVELS_PROP, levelHandle2 );

		MeasureGroupHandle groupHandle = factory.newTabularMeasureGroup( "measure group" );//$NON-NLS-1$
		cubeHandle.add( CubeHandle.MEASURE_GROUPS_PROP, groupHandle );

		MeasureHandle measureHandle = factory.newTabularMeasure( "QUANTITY_PRICE" );//$NON-NLS-1$
		groupHandle.add( MeasureGroupHandle.MEASURES_PROP, measureHandle );

		measureHandle = factory.newTabularMeasure( "QUANTITY" );//$NON-NLS-1$
		groupHandle.add( MeasureGroupHandle.MEASURES_PROP, measureHandle );

		measureHandle = factory.newTabularMeasure( "QUANTITY_NUMBER" );//$NON-NLS-1$
		groupHandle.add( MeasureGroupHandle.MEASURES_PROP, measureHandle );

		measureHandle = factory.newTabularMeasure( "QUANTITY_SIZE" );//$NON-NLS-1$
		groupHandle.add( MeasureGroupHandle.MEASURES_PROP, measureHandle );
		return cubeHandle;

	protected CrosstabReportItemHandle createSimpleCrosstab( ModuleHandle module )
		assert designHandle != null;

			// create cube
			CubeHandle cubeHandle = prepareCube( );

			DimensionHandle dimensionHandle = cubeHandle.getDimension( "Customer" );//$NON-NLS-1$

			DimensionHandle dimensionHandle2 = cubeHandle.getDimension( "Product" );//$NON-NLS-1$

			PropertyHandle propHandle = dimensionHandle.getPropertyHandle( IDimensionModel.HIERARCHIES_PROP );
			HierarchyHandle hierarchyHandle = (HierarchyHandle) propHandle.get( 0 );

			propHandle = dimensionHandle2.getPropertyHandle( IDimensionModel.HIERARCHIES_PROP );
			HierarchyHandle hierarchyHandle2 = (HierarchyHandle) propHandle.get( 0 );

			// create cross tab
			CrosstabReportItemHandle crosstabItem = (CrosstabReportItemHandle) CrosstabUtil.getReportItem( CrosstabExtendedItemFactory.createCrosstabReportItem( module,
					null ) );

			DimensionViewHandle dimensionViewHandle = crosstabItem.insertDimension( dimensionHandle,
					-1 );

			dimensionViewHandle.insertLevel( hierarchyHandle.getLevel( 0 ), -1 );
			dimensionViewHandle.insertLevel( hierarchyHandle.getLevel( 1 ), -1 );

			DimensionViewHandle dimensionViewHandle2 = crosstabItem.insertDimension( dimensionHandle2,
					-1 );

			dimensionViewHandle2.insertLevel( hierarchyHandle2.getLevel( 0 ),
					-1 );
			dimensionViewHandle2.insertLevel( hierarchyHandle2.getLevel( 1 ),
					-1 );

			crosstabItem.insertMeasure( cubeHandle.getMeasure( "QUANTITY_PRICE" ), -1 );//$NON-NLS-1$
			crosstabItem.insertMeasure( cubeHandle.getMeasure( "QUANTITY" ), -1 );//$NON-NLS-1$
			crosstabItem.insertMeasure( cubeHandle.getMeasure( "QUANTITY_NUMBER" ), -1 );//$NON-NLS-1$
			crosstabItem.insertMeasure( cubeHandle.getMeasure( "QUANTITY_SIZE" ), -1 );//$NON-NLS-1$
			return crosstabItem;
		catch ( SemanticException e )
			e.printStackTrace( );
		return null;
