




好多人说trie的根节点不包含任何字符信息,我所习惯的trie根节点却是包含信息的,而且认为这样也方便,下面说一下它的性质 (基于本文所讨论的简单trie树)

1.    字符的种数决定每个节点的出度,即branch数组(空间换时间思想)

2.    branch数组的下标代表字符相对于a的相对位置

3.    采用标记的方法确定是否为字符串。

4.    插入、查找的复杂度均为O(len),len为字符串长度







1.    最容易想到的:即从字符串集中从头往后搜,看每个字符串是否为字符串集中某个字符串的前缀,复杂度为O(n^2)。

2.    使用hash:我们用hash存下所有字符串的所有的前缀子串。建立存有子串hash的复杂度为O(n*len)。查询的复杂度为O(n)* O(1)= O(n)。

3.    使用trie:因为当查询如字符串abc是否为某个字符串的前缀时,显然以b,c,d....等不是以a开头的字符串就不用查找了。所以建立trie的复杂度为O(n*len),而建立+查询在trie中是可以同时执行的,建立的过程也就可以成为查询的过程,hash就不能实现这个功能。所以总的复杂度为O(n*len),实际查询的复杂度只是O(len)。


package trie;

import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.Iterator;

import java.util.List;

public class Trie {

 private Vertex root;

 protected class Vertex {

  protected int words;

  protected int prefixes;

  protected Vertex[] edges;

  Vertex() {

   words = 0;

   prefixes = 0;

   edges = new Vertex[26];

   for (int i = 0; i < edges.length; i++) {

    edges[i] = null;




 public Trie() {

  root = new Vertex();


 /** */
  * List all words in the Trie.
  * @return

 public List<String> listAllWords() {

  List<String> words = new ArrayList<String>();

  Vertex[] edges = root.edges;

  for (int i = 0; i < edges.length; i++) {

   if (edges[i] != null) {

    // System.out.println("test");

    String word = "" + (char) ('a' + i);

    depthFirstSearchWords(words, edges[i], word);



  return words;


 public int countPrefixes(String prefix) {

  return countPrefixes(root, prefix);


 private int countPrefixes(Vertex vertex, String prefixSegment) {

  if (prefixSegment.length() == 0) { // reach the last character of the
   // word

   return vertex.prefixes;


  char c = prefixSegment.charAt(0);

  int index = c - 'a';

  if (vertex.edges[index] == null) { // the word does NOT exist

   return 0;

  } else {

   return countPrefixes(vertex.edges[index], prefixSegment



 public int countWords(String word) {

  return countWords(root, word);


 private int countWords(Vertex vertex, String wordSegment) {

  if (wordSegment.length() == 0) { // reach the last character of the
   // word

   return vertex.words;


  char c = wordSegment.charAt(0);

  int index = c - 'a';

  if (vertex.edges[index] == null) { // the word does NOT exist

   return 0;

  } else {

   return countWords(vertex.edges[index], wordSegment.substring(1));



 /** */
  * Depth First Search words in the Trie and add them to the List.
  * @param words
  * @param vertex
  * @param wordSegment

 private void depthFirstSearchWords(List<String> words, Vertex vertex,
   String wordSegment) {

  Vertex[] edges = vertex.edges;

  boolean hasChildren = false;

  for (int i = 0; i < edges.length; i++) {

   if (edges[i] != null) {

    hasChildren = true;

    String newWord = wordSegment + (char) ('a' + i);

    depthFirstSearchWords(words, edges[i], newWord);



  if (!hasChildren) {




 /** */
  * Add a word to the Trie.
  * @param word
  *            The word to be added.

 public void addWord(String word) {

  addWord(root, word);


 /** */
  * Add the word from the specified vertex.
  * @param vertex
  *            The specified vertex.
  * @param word
  *            The word to be added.

 private void addWord(Vertex vertex, String word) {

  if (word.length() == 0) { // if all characters of the word has been
   // added


  } else {


   char c = word.charAt(0);

   c = Character.toLowerCase(c);

   int index = c - 'a';

   if (vertex.edges[index] == null) { // if the edge does NOT exist

    vertex.edges[index] = new Vertex();


   addWord(vertex.edges[index], word.substring(1)); // go the the
   // next
   // character



 public static void main(String args[]) // Just used for test


  Trie trie = new Trie();








  List<String> list = trie.listAllWords();

  Iterator listiterator = list.listIterator();

  while (listiterator.hasNext())


   String s = (String);



  int count = trie.countPrefixes("c");

  System.out.println("the count of c prefixes:" + count);


