1. Life Cycle
Given an instance of an object that is mapped to Hibernate, it can be in any one of three different states: transient, persistent, or detached.
Transient objects exist in memory, Hibernate does not manage transient objects or persist changes to transient objects.
Persistent objects exist in the database, and Hibernate manages the persistence for persistent objects. If fields or propertieschange on a persistent object, Hibernate will keep the database representation up-to-date.
Detached objects have a representation in the database, but changes to the object will not be reflected in the database, and vice versa(反之亦然). A detached object can be created by closing the session that it was associated with, or by evicting it from the session with a call to the session’ s evict() method.
In order to persist changes made to a detached object, the application must reattach it to a valid Hibernate session. A detachedinstance can be associated with a new Hibernate session when your application calls one of the load(), refresh(), merge(), update(), or save()methods on the new session with a reference to the detached object. After the call, the detached object would be a persistent object managed by the new Hibernate session.重新获得连接后,分离的对象就会转变成持久的对象。
2. Associations 关系
3.Saving Entities 保存实体对象
public Serializable save(Object object) throws HibernateException
public void save(Object object, Serializable id) throws HibernateException
public Serializable save(String entityName,Object object) throws HibernateException
public void saveOrUpdate(Object object) throws HibernateException Hibernate自动判断是更新还是插入新记录。
4.Object Equality and Identity 对象的相等性和同一性
数据库中的一个表中的一行记录相当于 对应的实体类的一个对象实例。
5.Updating Entities ,Deleting Entities ,Refreshing Entities ,Loading Entities
6. Cascading Operations
7.Lazy Loading,Proxies,and Collection Wrappers(需要深入学习)