Pentaho Architecture, Projects, Tool Set

Pentaho is the open source Business Intelligence leader that founded in 2004. It provides enterprise-class Reporting, Analysis, Dashboards, Data Integration, Data Mining, and Workflow capabilities.

The Pentaho BI Suite is different from traditional BI offerings. It is a process-centric, solution-oriented platform with BI components that enable companies to develop complete solutions to BI problems. The core architecture and foundation of the Pentaho BI Suite is the Pentaho BI Platform, which is process-centric because the central controller is a workflow engine.

The Pentaho BI Suite consists of a BI platform, end-user BI capabilities, and the Pentaho Design Studio:
1. The BI platform provides and execution framework and services that include logging, auditing, security, scheduling, ETL, web services, attribute repository and rules engines.
2. The end-user BI capabilities include reporting, analysis, workflow, dashboards, and data mining.
3. The Pentaho Design Studio is a set  of design and administration tools that are integrated into the popular Eclipse environment. These tools allow business analysts or developers to create reports, dashboards, analysis models, business rules, and BI processes.
4. The BI platform and end-user BI capabilities form the Pentaho Server. BI solutions are as designed using the Pentaho Design Studio and deployed to the Pentaho Server. The Pentaho Server is the runtime engine, driven by the workflow engine, which coordinates the execution and communication between all the BI components.

Pentaho BI Suite
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Pentaho BI Platform Components
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Pentaho Design Studio
Pentaho Architecture, Projects, Tool Set_第3张图片

Kettle - Pentaho Data Integration(ETL)
Reporting - Pentaho Reporting and embedded reporting engine(JFreeReport)
BI Platform - Pentaho BI Server and Platform
Mondrian - Pentaho Analysis
Weka - Pentaho Data Mining
CDF - Community Dashboard Framework

Tool Set
Pentaho Design Studio(PDS) - create workflows and actions
Pentaho Metadata Editor(PME) - build metadata layers
Pentaho Schema Workbench(PSW) - build multi-dimensional schemas to be used by the Mondrian Engine
Pentaho Agregate Designer(PAD) - design aggregate tables to be used by Mondrian
Pentaho Report Designer(PRD) - build reports
Pentaho Data Integration(PDI) - Spoon is the tool for building ETL jobs and transformations. PDI contains Spoon and most visible part of ETL solution

Desktop Tool Server/BI Components
Design Studio(PDS) BI Platform
Metadata Editor(PME) Metadata layer, Ad Hoc Reporting component
Schema Workbench(PSW) OLAP Engine
Aggregate Designer(PAD) OLAP Engine
Report Designer(PRD) Reporting Engine
Spoon(PDI) ETL Engine
Weka Data Mining Engine
