衍生说去,今年的modern warfare2(这个modern很神奇,初中起我就一直记不住是morden还是modern,幸好有自动拼写检查)是面向60fps的游戏,在console上17ms一帧,这简直太惊人了,但是仍旧展示出在30fps游戏中outstanding的画面,不得不佩服他们的优化能力和artist的画面驾驭能力。3D程序员逐渐也有几个方向可以走,高杆数学流(bungie为代表,发的论文也最有深度),高杆底层流(naughty dog为代表,底层巨牛,ps3 spu用满,不是盖得),美术hack流(UE3,就是把normal map用到极致,没有高杆feature,shadow还有很多hack,但是工具好美工牛,最后做出东西就是好看)。
parallax depth要对不同layer做一个不同的parallax depth计算,照成内层对比外层比较靠内的情况,其实position是一样的。
parallax基本做法就是根据tangent space的camera view dir来偏移texcoord,这样如果2层都应用parallax的话,偏移量设成不一样就好。
// Compute inner layer’s texture coordinate and transmission depth // vTexCoord: Outer layer’s texture coordinate // vViewTS: View vector in tangent space // vNormalTS: Normal in tangent space (sampled normal map) // fLayerThickness: Distance from outer layer to inner layer float3 ParallaxOffsetAndDepth ( float2 vTexCoord, float3 vViewTS, float3 vNormalTS, float fLayerThickness ) { // Tangent space reflection vector float3 vReflectionTS = reflect( -vViewTS, vNormalTS ); // Tangent space transmission vector (reflect about surface plane) float3 vTransTS = float3( vReflectionTS.xy, -vReflectionTS.z ); // Distance along transmission vector to intersect inner layer float fTransDist = fLayerThickness / abs(vTransTS.z); // Texel size: Hard coded for 1024x1024 texture size float2 vTexelSize = float2( 1.0/1024.0, 1.0/1024.0 ); // Inner layer’s texture coordinate due to parallax float2 vOffset = vTexelSize * fTransDist * vTransTS.xy; float2 vOffsetTexCoord = vTexCoord + vOffset; // Return offset texture coordinate in xy and transmission dist in z return float3( vOffsetTexCoord, fTransDist ); }
lighting scattering:
真正比较真实的lighting scattering可能还是要PRT算最好。
文章里用的是dynamic lighting map来做,就是先将光照算好,然后blur,然后作为lightmap贴到要应用light scattering的部分。
这里比较有意思的就是如何将model光照信息render到model的lightmap上,文中做法是vertexshader输出地时候position是texuv,然后其他的tangent space lighting,camera dir什么的照常输出,然后pixel shader输出的时候就是写到对应的texel上去了。
然后是blur 的pass,这里可以blur了之后sample,也可以用一个poison kernel来sample。
poison kernel好处是可以根据需要随意scale,这个比较赞。
贴代码,看poison kernel的数据:
// Growable Poisson disc (13 samples) // tSource: Source texture sampler // vTexCoord: Texture space location of disc’s center // fRadius: Radius if kernel (in texel units) float3 PoissonFilter ( sampler tSource, float2 vTexCoord, float fRadius ) { // Hard coded texel size: Assumes 1024x1024 source texture float2 vTexelSize = float2( 1.0/1024.0, 1.0/1024.0 ); // Tap locations for unit disc float2 vTaps[12] = {float2(-0.326212,-0.40581),float2(-0.840144,-0.07358), float2(-0.695914,0.457137),float2(-0.203345,0.620716), float2(0.96234,-0.194983),float2(0.473434,-0.480026), float2(0.519456,0.767022),float2(0.185461,-0.893124), float2(0.507431,0.064425),float2(0.89642,0.412458), float2(-0.32194,-0.932615),float2(-0.791559,-0.59771)}; // Take a sample at the disc’s center float3 cSampleAccum = tex2D( tSource, vTexCoord ); // Take 12 samples in disc for ( int nTapIndex = 0; nTapIndex < 12; nTapIndex++ ) { // Compute new texture coord inside disc float2 vTapCoord = vTexCoord + vTexelSize * vTaps[nTapIndex] * fRadius; // Accumulate samples cSampleAccum += tex2D( tSource, vTapCoord ); } return cSampleAccum
最后结论部分,作者一再强调,不要死磕physically correct,基本feature hack出来就ok,玩家看着high就ok。